IUNS-AGEV-BFE-WORKSHOPS: "Impact of Changing Food Choice and Habits on Nutritional Status in European Countries"
- Weihenstephan-Freising (bei München) - 21.-22.10.1995
(EU-Grant: FAIR-CT95-4801) (Organisator: U.Oltersdorf - für IUNS - AGEV - BFE)
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Dokumente des Workshops
(1) Alberti-Fidanza A - Food choic and habits and nutritional status in groups of children, adults, elderly, pregnant and lactating women in the Perugia area (Cedntral Italy)
(2) Anderson A - Changing food habits in Scotland
(3) Bodenstedt A - Class and Nutrition
(4) Booth D - Effective dietary change (project proposed)
(5) Brombach Chr. - Priority areas for food habit research
(6) Cavadini, C - Adolescent food habits in Europe
(7) Falk, P et al - Cultural differences in oral consumption - a comparative research project.
(8) Feunekes, G., Graaf de C et al.: Influences of the social environment on nutritional intake
(9) Friebe, D., Ulbricht, G.: Changes in nutritional behavior 1990/1991 (Potsdam Study)
(10) Garine de, I.: Food consumption and the anthropologist
(11) Grimm, E.: Meals in Germany - Sept. 1995 (Appendix)
(12) Holm, J.: Food habits, food choice and eating patterns - social science research
(13) Jansson, S.: Nutritional status and cultural analysis
(14) Kanellou, A.: The DAFNE Initiative
(15) Kutsch, T.: Sociological statements
(16) Marshall, D.W.: Meals and food choice: meals in the research agenda
(17) Murcott, A.: The social science of food choice in Britain
(18) Oltersdorf, U.: Review of meal pattern changes in Germany
(19) Oltersdorf, U. et al.: Food patterns of policemen on patrol duty. A case study of Stuttgart, Germany
(20) Pfau, C., Pierkarski, J.: Nutritional behaviour of the aged in private households
(21) Prättälä, R.: Socio-cultural research of food and nutrition in Finland
(22) Reijman, C., Kowrygo, B.: Consumer behviour - case study Poland (outline of a project)
(23) Schlettwein-Gsell, D.: Impact of meal patterns
(24) Shephard, R.: Psychological model of food choic
(25) Teuteberg, H.J.: Notes on food habit research in Germany - an interdisciplinary perspective
(26) Verbeke, W et al.: Consumption of light products in Belgium
(27) Westenhöfer, J.: Food choices to promote healthy body weight and to prevent obesity and eating disorders.
In der Folge dieses Workshops entstanden zwei Anträge an die EU, wovon einer zu dem EU-Project "Eating Pattern" führte (siehe Projekte)