TYPO3 Musterprojekt - Saturday, 27. April 2024
Druckversion der Seite: Forschungsinstitute
URL: ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de/ernaehrungsverhalten/forschungsinstitute.html

Hinweise auf Forschungsinstitute die experimentelle Ernährungsverhaltensforschung durchführen; ernährungspsychologische Studien bis hin zur "Nachbildung" (Simulation) (Forschungslabors) von realen Settings (Experimente/Beobachtungn am POS - Marketing-Studien; z.B. GfK in Hassloch; und beim Essen - POEM - z.B. Forschungs-Restaurants) (allg. Methoden der Ernährungsverhaltensforschung

Cornell Food & Brand Lab (http://foodpsychology.cornell.edu/ )
Wansink, Brian  & Lab-Members
Portionsgrößen (Löffel, Teller); Bequemlichkeit - Buffet Angebote (Selbstbedienung) (all you can eat, flat rate); Selbst-Kochen
Lebensmittelkennzeichnung-Lebensmittelverpackung; gedankenloses Essen (mindless-eating); Marketing Nutrition (Social Marketing)
ausführliche Publikationsliste; Vorträge usw.  / Economics of Obesity (link)
(Brian Wansink´s Arbeiten werden kritisch hinterfragt -
- Food Lab: New Controversies Emerge Surrounding Cornell Professor’s Fundraiser and Studies. Cornell Daily Sun 05.03.2018 -
Rückzug von Publikationen - z.B. Preventive Medicine 55(4) 330-332 (2012)
Bauchner, H.: Expression of Concern: Wansink B, Cheney MM. Super Bowls: Serving Bowl Size and Food Consumption. JAMA. 2005;293(14):1727-1728. JAMA 319(18):1869. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.4908 (08.05.2018)

Restaurant of the Future – Wageningen University (Niederlande)  - http://www.restaurantvandetoekomst.wur.nl/uk 

Newsletter - July 2011 -

ähnliches Forschungsrestaurant "Spice Box" an der   University of Illinois – Hospitality Management Program – http://fshn.illinois.edu/undergraduate/hospitality
Untersuchung von Variablen wie Ambiente - Speisekarte; Beleuchtung, Musik, Personal, Tischgemeinschaft usw. -
Jim Painter - Forscher - Website

Penn State Department of Nutritional Science.
Leann Birch - Ernährungsverhalten on Kindern
Barbara Rolls - Kaloriendichte - Volumetrics Weight-Control -

US Army Natick Lab (Verpflegungssysteme für Soldaten) - Soldaten, denen das Essen schmeckt, sind bessere Soldaten (Napoleon: ) (Film - Toast)
Herbert Meiselman - http://lib.bioinfo.pl/pmid:11358349
Meiselman HL, Schutz HG.History of food acceptance research in the US Army.Appetite. 2003 Jun;40(3):199-216.

< Abstract "The history of food acceptance research by the US Army in Chicago and Natick is reviewed. The review covers the staff of the two research centers, the research programs, and the significant accomplishments of the Army laboratories from the 1940s to the present. Accomplishments begin with the development of the nine-point hedonic scale, and the development of the first Food Acceptance Laboratory. Further accomplishments include studies of sensory psychophysics, food preferences, food choice and food intake. The laboratories designed methods and conducted research on the role of consumer variables in the acceptance of food products and food service systems. Recent work has focused on new scaling approaches, the role of contextual factors and the importance of product expectations. Throughout the period of the review, the Army research has examined the relationship of laboratory acceptance to field acceptance, and the relationship of acceptance to intake." (umfangreiche Literaturliste -im Archiv)

– Herbert L Meiseman (ed) Dimension of the Meal. The Science, culture, business and art of eating. Aspen Publishers; 2000; BFE-Bibl. U 108 (rev. Annie Anderson – Appetite – 36(1) 107 (2000)

Brownell, Kelly - Yale - Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity

Pliner Patricia - University of Toronto - SPA Psychology (social, personality & abnormal) (Website)

Rozin, Paul - University of Pennsylvania

Schutz, Howard G - (retired)   Center for Consumer Research, University of California Davis (website) - Leiterin - Christine M Bruhn

Hall, K.D.: Challenges of human nutrition research. Science  367 (#6484) 1298-1300 DOI: 10.1126/science.aba3807 (20.03.2020) (Ausgangspunkt: Minnesota Stdudien)  ⇔ "'Domiciled' feeding studies will lead to new discoveries in human nutrition science."  link bei www.eurekalert.org 19.03.2020