Smollich, M.: Fitmacher fürs Herz? Mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln können wir unsere Herz-Kreislauf-Gesundheit fördern – behauptet zumindest die Werbung. Aber was sagen wissenschaftliche Studien? link bei  Aug 2021

Stindt, A.: Bestimmtes Obst und Gemüse reduziert kognitiven Abbau und schützt das Herz. link bei 06.02.2024 ⇒  Ross, F.C. et al.: Potential of dietary polyphenols for protection from age-related decline and neurodegeneration: a role for gut microbiota? Nutritional Neuroscience  DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2023.2298098 (29,01,2024) - Munawar Abbas et al.: Natural polyphenols: An overview. International Journal of Food Properties 20:8, 1689-1699, DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2016.1220393 (18.12.2016)

Mente, A. et al.: Diet, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 80 countries. Europ Heart J ehad269, (2023) ⇔ Not eating enough of these six healthy foods is associated with higher cardiovascular disease and deaths globally - Diet score derived from ongoing, large-scale global Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study. link bei 06.07.2023 (fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish and whole-fat dairy products)

Domke, A.: Herzgesundheit mit diesen beliebten Diäten fördern. link bei 14.05.2023 ⇒ Here's how 10 popular diets scored for heart health. American Heart Association - Gardner, Chr.D. et al.: Popular Dietary Patterns: Alignment With American Heart Association 2021 Dietary Guidance: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation (27.04.2023)  -  Welche Ernährungstrends wirklich gesund sind. Südd Ztg 28.04.2023 - #1  DASH-Diät ("Diätetischer Ansatz zum Stopp von Hochdruck"). 
Stindt, A.: Diese beiden Speiseöle sind besonders gesund für das Herz.  link bei  20.05.2023 - Stindt, A.: So beeinflussen verschiedene Speiseöle unsere Herzgesundheit. link bei   19.05.2023  ⇒ Sundeep Mishra, S. C. Manchanda: Cooking oils for heart health. J. Preventive Cardiology 1 (3) (Feb 2012) 
(Raps- und Senföl)
Domke, A.: Herzgesundheit verbessern: So die Lebenserwartung um Jahre erhöhen.  link bei 17.04.2023 ⇔ American Heart Association: People who follow these 8 heart health metrics may live years longer. (10.04.2023) - Hao Ma et al.: Cardiovascular Health and Life Expectancy Among Adults in the United States.  Circulation  147:1137–1146 (10.04.2023)
Stindt, A.: Diese Lebensmittel schützen vor Herzerkrankungen.  link bei 06.03.2023 mit folgenden Literaturquellen: Isabella Parilli-Moser, I. et al.: Total urinary polyphenols and ideal cardiovascular health metrics in Spanish adolescents enrolled in the SI Program: a cross-sectional study. Scientific Reports 12, 15468 (14.09.2022)  - Basu, A. , Penugonda, K.: Pomegranate juice: a heart-healthy fruit juice. Nutrition Reviews 67(1) 49-56 (Jan 2009) - Bouchenak, Lamri-Senhadji, M.: Nutritional Quality of Legumes, and Their Role in Cardiometabolic Risk Prevention: A Review. Journal of Medicinal Food (11.03.2013)

Not all micronutrients created equal: Study identifies some supplements that benefit cardiovascular health - A meta-analysis of more than 884 studies finds omega-3, folic acid and CoQ10 among the micronutrients that reduce risk. link bei 05.12.2022  ⇔  Peng An et al.: Micronutrient Supplementation to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk. 
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Hofmann, J. et al.: Funktionelle Lebensmittel mit kardioprotektiver Wirkung. Ern Umschau 65(3) 54-63 (2018)

Choi, Y. et al.: Plant‐Centered Diet and Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Disease During Young to Middle Adulthood. J Amer Heart Ass. (04.08.2021) + Glenn, A.J.  et al.: Relationship Between a Plant‐Based Dietary Portfolio and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Findings From the Women's Health Initiative Prospective Cohort Study. J Amer Heart Ass. (04.08.2021) ⇔Eating more plant foods may lower heart disease risk in young adults, older women. link bei 04.08.2021 + Ernährung gegen Herzkrankheiten: Auf pflanzliche Lebensmittel setzen. link bei 05.08.2021

Gardner, Ch.D. et al.:Popular Dietary Patterns: Alignment With American Heart Association 2021 Dietary Guidance: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation  (27.04.2023) ⇔ 10 popular diets scored for heart-healthy elements; some need improvement - A new American Heart Association scientific statement rates how closely several popular eating patterns align with the Association’s guidance for heart-healthy eating.  link bei 27.04.2023
DASH-style — Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension 
Mediterranean-style — 
Vegetarian-style/Pescatarian — 
Vegetarian-style/Ovo/Lacto — ovo-vegetarian - lacto-vegetarian - ovo-lacto vegetarian -
Vegetarian-style/Vegan —
Low-fat — 
Very low-fat — 
Low-carbohydrate — 
Very low-carbohydrate/ketogenic —