Messung des Sozio-ökonomischen Status (bei sozial-empirischen Studien)
(OLT 134 - Übersicht 69 - Literatur - Ernährung und soziale Merkmale)
(OLT 134 - Übersicht 68 - Literatur - Gesundheit und soziales Netz)
Krieger N, Williams DR, Moss NE. Measuring social class in US public health research: concepts, methodologies and guidelines. Ann. Rev. Public Health. 1997; 18:341–78
Liberatos P, Link BG, Kelsey JL. The measurement of social class in epidemiology. Epidemiol Rev. 1988;10:87–121.
Kinge, J.M. et al.: Association of Household Income With Life Expectancy and Cause-Specific Mortality in Norway, 2005-2015. JAMA doi:10.1001/jama.2019.4329 (13.05.2019)
Studien in den USA - Health Characteristics of Adults Aged 55 Years and Over - (U.S.2004-2007) (Download)
Health Status / Morbidity / Hypertension / Heart Disease / Diabetes / Hearing Problems / Vision Impairment / Psychological Distress / loss of natural teeth / Difficulties in physical functioning - mobility / difficultires in social functioning / health care use / doctor visit / health behaviour - physical activities / healthy body weight / smoking / sleep / Methods - definitions - marital status / poverty status / race / health status / hearing impairment /physical functioning / social functioning / vision impairments / psychological distress / BMI - healthy body weight / Cigarette-smoking / physical activity / sleep
Ungerechtes Übergewicht - Ulmer Studie belegt Zusammenhang von Elternhaus und kindlicher Adipositas. idw-Pressemitteilung am 08.02.2024 von ⇒ Hermeling, L. et al: Beyond correlates: the social gradient in childhood overweight. Archives of Public Health 82(3) (09.01.2024)
Beispiel - Kategorien von Ernährungs-historischen Sammlungen (Spiekermann1993) dort z.B. "alte" soziale Klassen / Stände