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Sammlung von Modellen der (Ernährungs)Forschung

In jeder wissenschaftlichen Forsschung ist es notwendig die "Realität" so zu Modellen zu reduzieren, dass die Forschungsarbeit durchgeführt werden kann (s. Zyklus der Forschungspanung) (OLT134 - Kap.2.2.2. - Abb.15)

Die empirische Ernährungsforschung (Ernährungsepidemiologie) kann dabei sehr globale - biopsychosoziokulturelle - Modelle nutzen.

Hier ist es das Modell - der Ernährungsmodell-Studie in Giessen (EMSIG) - Abb, (Variationen MARS A / MARS B)
und seit den damaligen Vorarbeiten gibt es eine kontinuierliche ergänzte Sammlung solcher Modelle; die hier dokumentiert werden wird.

Modell zur Bayerischen Verzehrsstudie /

Vitamin A Mangel-Modell (Underwood)

komplexe Modelle - Vermeidung von Übergewicht
- Obesity 2015 - Lancet-Sonderheft, 18.02.2015 - Modell - "How can governments can support healthy food preferences?" 

Komplexe  Modelle 
Hummel, E. et al. (I Hoffmann): Das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Einflussfaktoren auf und Auswirkungen von Übergewicht/Adipositas. ErnUmshau 60(1) 2-7 (2013)  (Poster - link) (Vollversion - download)

„DONE“-Modell („Determinants of Nutrition and Eating“) - Website (Uni-Konstanz) - Stok, F.M. et al. (Britta Renner): The DONE framework: Creation, evaluation, and updating of an interdisciplinary, dynamic framework 2.0 of determinants of nutrition and eating. PLOSOne (02.02.2017)

Komplexes Modell zum Kaufverhalten in - Ingrid Hoffmann und Achim Spiller (Hrsg.), Auswertung der Daten der Nationalen Verzehrsstudie II (NVS II): eine integrierte verhaltens- und lebensstilbasierte Analyse des Bio-Konsums, 2010 - (Download bei orgprints) (S.92-Abb)
Weitere Modelle der Arbeitsgruppe Ernährungsökologie:
Metz, M., Hoffmann, I.: Vegetarische Ernährung: das Zusammenspiel vielfältiger Auswirkungen. S.96-102; Schneider, K., Hummel, E., Hoffmann, I.: Die Modellierungstechnik NutriMod: Komplexizität erfassen und darstellen; S.134-39; Strasser,C.: Konstellationsanalyse: ein Methodenbeispiel für disziplinenübergreifende Forschung, S.140-145  und Schneider,K., Hoffmann, I.: Probleme bearbeiten: Potenziale qualitativer Modellierung, ; S.177-186 in Hoffmann, I., Schneider, K., Leitzmann, C (Hrsg). Ernährungsökologie -komplexen Herausforderungen integrativ begegnen. oekom-verlag, München

Senior, A.M. et al.: Multidimensional associations between nutrient intake and healthy ageing in humans. BMC Biology,  20 (1) DOI: 10.1186/s12915-022-01395-z  (01.09.2022)⇔ How does what we eat affect our healthspan and longevity? It's a complex dynamic system. Study findings emphasize importance of taking a holistic approach to thinking about nutrients. ScienceDaily  21.09.2022

Modell mit Mikrobiom (Om-Area), Blutparameter, Anthropometrie, Fragebögen, Ernährungsprotokolle - multivariate Analyysen (Bigdata) ⇔ Zeevi, D. et al.: Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses. Cell, 2015; 163 (5): 1079 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.11.001  (ref. Science Daily 05.11.2015)

Volkert, D. et al.: Development of a Model on Determinants of Malnutrition in  Aged Persons: A MaNuEL Project. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine  5: 1 –8 DOI: 10.1177/2333721419858438 (29.05.2019) ⇔ idw-Pressemitteilung 17.07.2019 + BZfE News 31.07.2019

Schneider,K., Hoffmann, I.: Potentials of qualitative modelling of complex health issues. Amer. J Health Behav. 35(5): 557-567 (2011)
(Poster-Text) Information über diese Studie bei der Biofach 2011 ( )

RKI: Evaluation komplexer Interventionsprogramme in der Prävention; Beiträge zur GBE; 2012 (152S)

Food Choice Models - Cornell University (link) - List:
Food Choice Process Model (pdf) -
Food Behavior Model (pdf)
Multiple Dimensions of Eating Episodes (pdf)
Food Choice Scripts (pdf)
Food Choice Routines (pdf)
Food Choice Value Negotiation (pdf
Food Choice Value Negotiations of Hockey Players - seasonal changes (pdf)  Food Choice Classification (pdf)
Food Choice Identity (pdf)
Food Choice Capacity (pdf)
Food Choice Trajectory (pdf) -  transitions in food choice over a person's life course.
Eating Maps (pdf)  describing places, times, and people in food choices.
Culture of Eating (Abb) - Edema (aus EURO-NUT-Publikation 1983)

Conceptual Models & Frameworks of Food Choices "Cliff Notes" Washington Univ (download)

(USA Publikation - complex model on obesity)  (Complex Model of Preventing Obesity Chart A / Chart B)  

Ecological Model on Childhood Obesity: Davison, K K, & Birch, L L. (2001). Childhood overweight: a contextual model and recommendations for future research. Obesity reviews, 2, 159-171. (download)
Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner) (Wikipedia) (Bio-ecological model wikipedia)

Motivation zur Verhaltensänderung (u.a. ökologischer Ansatz; "Rad der Verhaltensveränderung") - EUFIC Review 07_2014

komplexes Modell - AIDS and Food Production (Africa; 1989) (Teufelskreis der Armut)

Chen, LC,  A. K. M. Alauddin Chowdhury & Sandra L. Huffman:  Seasonal dimensions of energy protein malnutrition in rural bangladesh: The role of agriculture, dietary practices, and infection  Ecol Food Nutr. 8(3) 175-187 (1979) (Scan im Archiv) (Model/Framework for EPM)
The influence of seasonal variations in agriculutral practices, dietary intakes and illness on the nutritional status of preschool children

Benn, Jette: Developmental Work as Part of Home Economics Research - Preliminary Results of Classroom Studies. HuW 2/2002, S.58-65 (scan im Archiv) - Model for Home Economics

Patton, G.C. et al.: Adolescence and the next generation. Nature 554(7693): 458 DOI: 10.1038/nature25759 (21.02.2018) ⇔ "Securing a child's future needs to start during parents' teen years." ScienceDaily 21.02.2018 - Analyse von weltweiten longitudinale Kohort-Studien - Model (Chart) - The analysis of risks included the 195 countries represented in the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) Global Health Data Exchange database.

Globale Modelle -  Übersicht 14 - (EPIDEM) - Literaxturliste

Club of Rome - Abb


IIASA - Model

Protein-Advisory-Group - Modell


- Capra, F.: Interdependenz der Weltprobleme. (Natur Nr.1/1990, S.36f - scan im Archiv)
- Eisenstein, Ch.: Climate: A New Story. North Atlantic Books 2018, ISBN 978-1623172480 -  deutsch: Klima - Eine neue Perspektive. Europa Verlag Berlin/München 2019, ISBN 978-3-95890-260-2  (ref. link bei www.buecher.deTAZ 15.11.2019) - Kritik an zu enger Betrachtung Klimawandel + CO2-Reduktion, notwendig globale ökologische Betrachtung - Mensch ist Teil des Ganzen (GAIA) und der Verursacher

Agrarkreisläufe - Chart

Landwirtschaftsmodell (IAASTD)

Modell Duckham

Modell Vester

Modell - Ressourcenfluss - DDR

Vom britischen Foresight-Büro - eine Reihe von Publikationen zu Modellen -  Dimensions of Uncertainity - / Models im Food Farming Future Project / Workshop 7 - Modelling Long-term global agriculture  /

Parrack, DW: Famine Symposium - Ecosystems and Famine. Ecol Food Nutr. 7(1) 17-21 (1978) (scan im Archiv) (flow of energy - agriculture - human)

Ernährungszustands-Planungs-Modell der UNU - Modell

Food System - Flow of food from producer to consumer - (CHART)

Modell Ferro-Luzzi - Work Capacity and productivity

Ernährungspsychologische Modelle (Literatur Paul Rozin)
Klotter, Chr.: Das Transtheoretische Modell der Verhaltensänderung. Ernährung im Fokus 16(11-12) 356f (2016) (im Archiv)  (transtheoretisches Modell - wikipedia)

Soziologie der Ernährung - J Sobal

Stillen - ökologischer Rahmen (CHART)

Multifaktorielles Risikofaktor-Modell - Genußmittelkonsum (von Troschke - 1988)

Ernährungsverhalten von Kindern (Studie TV-Werbung; multifaktorielle Einflüsse (chart) (   -- download)

Vaccari, D.A. et al.: Demand-Driven Model for Global Phosphate Rock Suggests Paths for Phosphorus Sustainability. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53(17) 10417-10425 (08.08.2019) ⇔ link bei  06.09.2019


(Basis - Habil-Dokus- Übersicht 20)

z.B.  Kate Raworth: Die Donut-Ökonomie. Endlich ein Wirtschaftsmodell, das den Planeten nicht zerstört. Hanser, München, 2018. ISBN 978-3-446-25845-7 ("Donut"-Modell (Abb) in link des Environmental Change Institut (ECI) (Uni Oxford) (04.10.2017)

Special topic Modeling for policy: Challenges for technology assessment from new prognostic methods. TA TuP 32/1 (2023)  

Modell - Einfluss politischer Entscheidungen auf die Geburtenzahl (Fruchtbarkeit)

Laura S. Sims, Beatrice Paolucci & Portia M. Morris - A theoretical model for the study of nutritional status: An ecosystem approach Ecology of Food and Nutrition 1(3) 197-205 (1972) (Scan – Archiv) DOI:10.1080/03670244.1972.9990290
Nutrient intake is recognized as but one of many environmental factors which act upon the genetic potential of the young child to influence his physical development. The syndrome of malnutrition occurs not in isolation, but within the context of an entire constellation of environmental factors which together contribute to the final manifestation of the problem. Because nutrient intake may be associated with various environmental characteristics, the approach taken in the present model is ecological. It is believed that the nutritional status of preschool children must be examined in relation to factors which characterize his near environment, particularly his family. In the theoretical model which has been developed to study nutritional status, the family functions as the near environment for the developing child and thus plays a key role in providing conditions for interchange between him and the components of the more distal environment. Nutrient intake is viewed as an output of the family system resulting from the interaction of matter‐energy and information flows within that system. The child, as an independent ecosystem, processes the maiming nutrient supply in such a way as to produce as outputs of the system, his physical development and nutritional status.
Hanlon, JJ: An ecologic view of public health. Amer. J Pub Health 59: 4-11 (1969)
Hook, NC, Paolucci, B: The family as an ecosystem. J Home Econ. 62: 315.318 (1970) (link)

Calavan,MM: A model of Food Selection in Nothern Thailand. Ecol Food Nutr. 5(2) 63-74 (1976) (scan im Archiv)
A large number of clinical, biochemical, and food intake surveys have demonstrated that inadequate dietary practices are found in Southeast Asia. But the pattern of behavior that leads to inadequate food selection and malnutrition is poorly understood. This is due, in part, to the lack of explicit models of food selection appropriate for testing under field conditions. In this paper data on food use in a Northern Thai village are briefly examined, and then used in construction of a model of food selection. The model is a variation of the linear programming technique. It is argued that models of this type will provide a useful guide and stimulus for future social science research related to the epidemiology of malnutrition.

Caliendo, MA et al:  Use of Path Analysis as a statistical technique for the analysis of qualitative nutrtional data. Ecol Food Nutr 5(2) 75-81 (1976) (scan im Archiv)
The present study sampled 113 preschool children from Tompkins County (Ithaca, New York) Well Baby Clinics and their families to investigate factors affecting the dietary and the nutritional status of the children. 
Twenty‐two percent of this population were determined to be anemic; 31 percent of the childrens’ weights and 27 percent of the heights fell below the twenty‐fifth percentile of the Boston Growth Standards. 
Path analysis indicated that the variables exerting predictive influence of the dietary quality were those of sex, ordinal position, mother's employment status, education, and her nutrition education. The model developed accounted for greater than 50 percent of the variance in the dependent variable of dietary quality.

NIH math model predicts effects of diet, physical activity on childhood weight - Findings suggest major differences between obese adults and children (link)

Manetsch, T.J.: A model for studying national‐level nutrition planning issues in poor countries. Ecol Food Nutr 15(2) 115-127 (1984) (scan im Archiv)

Manetsch, TJ.: Toward a comprehensive approach to nutrition/health planning for poor countries. Ecol. Food Nutr. 11(4) 225-233 (1982) (scan im Archiv)
The paper addresses the problem of design for poor countries health/nutrition programs which are compatible both with national development goals and the constraints imposed by the village milieu in which human needs must be met. National level nutrition, health, family planning, food production and other programs are considered along with their sometimes conflicting impacts on variables such as nutritional status, infant/child mortality, personal productivity, population growth rate, employment, food production, GNP growth rate, government budget balance, foreign exchange balance and distribution of wealth. The paper describes an illustrative village level nutrition/health program designed to meet key human needs within realistic budget constraints and concludes with a discussion of useful roles computer models can play in comprehensive nutrition/health planning.

Modell: Complex influences of water onto the health of population (Chart - aus OLT 114)