FSA = Food Standards Agency
vom britischen Parlament (2000) eingerichtet regierungs-unabhängige Organisation zum Schutz der öffentlichen Gesundheit und der Vertretung von Verbraucherinteressen
(analog Deutschland - BFR; Europa - EFSA: USA - FDA )
UK Headquarters - Food Standards Agency
Aviation House
125 Kingsway
London WC2B 6NH
Switchboard: 020 7276 8000
Lebensmittelkontrollen - Errichtung einer "Food Crime Unit" (link - UK Goverment) (FSA - Link)
Publikationen wie
Annual Report 2011/12 of Chief Scientist - download
Food allergic consumers more confident about eating out- link - 18.07.2017 (Report download)
Strategic Plan for Food we can Trust - FSA Publication, 03.06.2015 - download
Consumer Attitudes towards GM Food Labeling; Press release 9.1.2013 / download - report / appendix download
Mycotoxins in Food - Report Nov 2011 (Pressemeldung 22.11.11) (Download)
The impact of the healthyliving award on the achievement of Nutrient and Food Standards (Prison Menu) Final Report 5.11.2011
Longitudinale Erhebung zur Einstellung von Verbrauchern (Biannual public attitudes tracker survey) (seit 2001) - Themenbereiche
Kenntnisse (awareness) der Verbraucher zu Aktivitäten der FSA
Verbrauchervertrauen in FSA Information; Risiken und Ängste der Vebraucher (food-related concerns); Bewusstsein-Kenntnisse der Lebensmittelhygiene-Qualitätsstandards)
(Pressemeldung 20.07.2011/24.1.2012) (Download) (Nov 2011 - download) (im Archiv- FSA) (links vom Jan 2012 sind die gleichen wie vom Juli 2011)
Jährlicher Bericht des "General Advisory Committee on Science (GACS)" (2010)
VIEWS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY: a report of consumers' views on the use of nanotechnology in food and food packaging. - Meldung / Report
Safer Food for the Nation - FSA Strategy to 2015 (Meldung) (Report) (Science Evidence)
FSAeNews - 35 - Juli 2013 - Horse meat
FSAeNews - 34 - Juni 2013 - Horse meat
FSAeNews - 33 - Mai 2013 - (kitchen check; salt)
FSAeNews - 32 - April 2013 (horse meat cont.)
FSAeNews - 31 - März 2013 (horse meat continued)
FSAeNews - 30 - Feb 2013 (u.a. horse meat)
FSAeNews - 29 - Dec12/Jan13 - Food Safety Hygiene; Food Label
FSAeNews - 28 - Nov 2012 - Food Safety tips for Christmas
FSAeNews - 27 - Oct 2012
FSAeNews - 25 - July 2012 (Hygiene - Olympia 2012 London)
FSAeNews - 24 - June 2012
FSAeNews - 23 - May 2012
FSAeNews - 22 - April 2012
FSAeNews - 21 - March 2012 - Global Food Risk, Olympic Games London 2012
FSAeNews - 20 - Feb.2012 - Food Hygiene
FSAeNews - Nr.19 - Dec 2011 - Food Hygiene- Christmas - Poultry Farms - China
FSAeNews Nr.18 - Nov 2011 - Food Hygiene - Gemüse, Geflügel, Mykotoxin
- FSAeNews Nr.17 - Oct 2011 - Food Hygenie&Safety (E.coli; Meat); Food Labelling
FSAeNews Nr.16 - Sep 2011 -Food Hygiene at Home
FSAeNews Nr.15 - July 2011 - Food Safety; Meat; Olympic Games 2012 London
FSAeNews Nr.14 _ June 2011 - Food Safety; E.Coli; Food Allergy Labelling
FSAeNews Nr.13 - May 2011 - / Food Hygiene Weels / SchoolKids and Food Hygiene / Annual Report of Incidences 2010 (download)
FSAeNews Nr.12 -April 2011 - / FSA Strategy for "Safer Food for the Nation" u.a.
FSAeNews Nr.03_2011 --- FSA News No.10 - Feb 2011 - Food Safety u.a. --FSA News (Oct 2009) - Themen - Kochsalz / Fisch / Farbstoffe in Lebensmittel - Hyperaktivität
FSA Bite Magazin - Nr.9a - 2012 - New and improved science - food safety
FSA Bite Magazin - Nr.9 - 2012
FSA Bite Magazin - Nr.8 - 2012 - Food Safety -Olympic Games London
FSA Bite_Magazin - Nr.7_2011 - Animal Feed
FSA Bite_Magazin - Nr.6_2011 - Novel Food - GM - Gene modified Food
FSA Bite Magazin - Nr.5 - 2011 -
FSA Bite_Magazin - Nr.4_2010/11 - Food Chain Safety - Trade, Import
Nr.3_2010 - Safe meat...
Internet-Informationen - zur richitigen Ernährung (Nährstoffe; Lebensmittel, usw.
- Studie Jan 2010 - COOL - Country of Origin Label
Acrylamide and Furan Survey (Press-Notice) (Download)
FSA Report on Radioactivity in Food and Environment (RIFE 2010) - (link) (download RIFE 2010 / Appendix)
FSA fordert Ernährungsindustrie auf April 2010-(Infos) (Presse Healthy Pub-Meldung) kleinere Portionen; (kleinere Limonaden-Dosen; Snack-Packungen usw. Salzreduktion (Studie Verständnis Salz-Kennzeichnung in der Bevölkerung) (Presse-Info) Fettgehalt-Reduktion weniger Zuckerzusätze