SCN = Standing Committee on Nutrition (UN-System)
(Begann als ACC-SCN - Acting Coordinating Committe - Subcommittee on Nutrition) (s Abb17t - OLT)
(davor: Protein-Calorie-Advisory Group of the UN System; The PAG Compendium - 1956-1973 ; J Wiley, 1975 - 7000 pages!!)(ref)
SCN Secretariat c/o World Health Organization
20, Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Telephone: +41 (0) 22 7910456 - Facsimile: +41 (0) 22 7988891 - Email:
The SCN is mandated to promote cooperation among UN agencies and partner organizations in support of community, national, regional, and international efforts to end hunger and malnutrition in all forms in this generation. The SCN structures and functions exist to support the overall effort, to do what no single agency, acting alone, can do.
The SCN is governed by a Chair and a Steering Committee. Alexander Müller (Assistant Director-General, FAO) is the tenth Chair since the SCN was established in 1977. He chairs the Steering Committee which includes key nutrition actors in the UN agencies and representatives of the Bilateral and NGO/Civil Society constituencies. (Alexander Müller - war Staatssekretär im BMELV, Bonn - Künast-Zeit)
Viele Informationen - praktisches alles elektronisch zugänglich - Referenzdaten zu allen Welternährungsproblemen -
CD-ROM Food and Nutrition Library 4.0(am 10.1.11) – auf Festplatte (DATEI-UNSCN Library-Ordner) kopiert – und dort zu nutzen /
SCN News Nr.38 (early 2010) Climate Change - food and nutrition security implications.
6th Report on the World Nutrition Situation (link)
SCN News Nr.37_2009 (Dowload)
(Archiv der SCN News)
Sixth report on the world nutrition situation by the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN)