Tim Lang
Professor of Food Policy (seit 2002) - London's City University.
von ihm stammen die "Food Miles".
Er ist Unterzeichner der New Nutrition Sciences (link).
Ecological public health (Essay) - Brit Med J 2012 (link)
(Informationssammlung OLT; Mai 2010)
Wichtige Bücher:
Geof Rayner, Tim Lang (2012). Ecological Public Health: reshaping the conditions for good health. Abingdon: Earthscan/Routledge
Tim Lang, David Barling, Martin Caraher (2009). Food Policy: Integrating Health, Environment & Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lang, Tim, Michael Heasman (2004). Food Wars: the battle for mouths, minds and markets. London: Earthscan, October ISBN 1-85383--701-4 &6
Millstone, Erik and Tim Lang, eds. (2003). The Atlas of Food. London: Earthscan (& New York: Penguin & Paris: Autrement) (2nd edition 2008 Earthscan & University of California Press) (link)[winner André Simon Food Book of the Year 2003]
Gabriel, Yiannis, Tim Lang (1995). The Unmanageable Consumer: Contemporary Consumption and its Fragmentation. London: Sage (2nd edition 2006)
Website: City University London - Center of Food Policy
Professor Tim Lang - Professor of Food Policy -
Centre for Food Policy
City University London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB UK
T: +44-(0)20-7040-8798
E: t.lang@city.ac.uk
(17.2.2013)Tim Lang has been Professor of Food Policy at City University London's Centre for Food Policy since 2002. After a PhD in social psychology at Leeds University, he became a hill farmer in the 1970s which shifted his attention to food policy, where it has been ever since. For over 35 years, he's engaged in academic and public research and debate about its direction, locally to globally. His abiding interest is how policy addresses the environment, health, social justice, and citizens.
He has been a consultant to the World Health Organisation (eg auditing the Global Top 25 Food Companies on food and health). He has been a special advisor to four House of Commons Select Committee inquiries (food standards x 2, globalisation and obesity), and a consultant on food security to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House). He was a Commissioner on the UK Government's Sustainable Development Commission (2006-11), reviewing progress on food sustainability. He was on the Council of Food Policy Advisors to the Dept for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2008-10), and was appointed to the Mayor of London's Food Board in 2010.
The Centre for Food Policy works closely with civil society organisations, through Sustain the UK NGO alliance (which he chaired in the past). He has been a Vice-President of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (since 1999) and President of Garden Organic (since 2008).
He has written and co-written many articles, reports, chapters and books. His most recent books are Food Policy (with D Barling and M Caraher, Oxford University Press, 2009), Food Wars (with M Heasman, Earthscan 2004), Atlas of Food (with E Millstone, Earthscan 2003/2008), Unmanageable Consumer (with Y Gabriel, Sage 1996/2007). Ecological Public Health (with G Rayner, Earthscan/Routledge) is published in May 2012. He writes frequently in the media and has written a monthly column in The Grocer since 2000.
He was elected Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health in 2001; is an Hon Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Cooks (City of London). He rides a bicycle to work, doesn't own a car and grows vegetables and fruit in his London garden.
His current research interests include:
- The definition, articulation and governance of sustainable diets
- Food security
- How institutional structures help and hinder moves towards integrated food policies
- Food democracy and the growth of democratic experimentalism
- The shape and status of EU and UK food policies
Tim Lang Publications (books, chapters, reports, articles, journalism)
Geof Rayner, Tim Lang (2012). Ecological Public Health: reshaping the conditions for good health. Abingdon: Earthscan/Routledge (forthcoming)
Tim Lang, David Barling, Martin Caraher (2009). Food Policy: Integrating Health, Environment & Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/?ci=9780198567882 #authors
Lang, Tim, Michael Heasman (2004). Food Wars: the battle for mouths, minds and markets. London: Earthscan, October ISBN 1-85383--701-4 &6
Millstone, Erik and Tim Lang, eds. (2003). The Atlas of Food. London: Earthscan (& New York: Penguin & Paris: Autrement) (2nd edition 2008 Earthscan & University of California Press) [winner André Simon Food Book of the Year 2003]
Gabriel, Yiannis, Tim Lang (1995). The Unmanageable Consumer: Contemporary Consumption and its Fragmentation. London: Sage (2nd edition 2006)
Chapters in books (2007-present)
Lang T, Caraher M, Wu M (2010). 'Meat and Policy: Charting a Course through the Complexity' In: J d'Silva, J Webster eds The Meat Crisis: Developing More Sustainable Production and Consumption. London: Earthscan, chapt 16
Lang T (2010) 'Conclusion: Big Choices about the Food System' in Geoffrey Lawrence, Kristen Lyons & Tabatha Wallington, eds, Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainability. London: Earthscan. pp 271-288
Barling D, L Sharpe, T Lang (2010) 'The Re-emergence of National Food Security on the United Kingdom's Strategic Policy Agenda Sustainability Challenges and the Politics of Food Supply' in Geoffrey Lawrence, Kristen Lyons & Tabatha Wallington, eds. Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainability. London: Earthscan. pp 61-78
Rayner G, Lang T. Obesity: using the ecologic public health approach to overcome policy cacophony. In: Kopelman PG, Caterson ID, Dietz WH, editors. Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children. 3rd ed. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, 2009:452-470.
Lang T (2008) 'Sustainable Development' in Yiannis Gabriel (2008) Organizing Words: a critical thesaurus for social and organizational studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp292-294
Sharpe R P, Barling D, Lang T (2008) 'Ethical traceability in the UK wheat-flour-bread chain', in: Christian Coff, David Barling, Michiel Korthals, Thorkild Nielsen, eds. Ethical Traceability and Communicating Food. New York: Springer pp 125-165
Lang T & Barling D (2007) "The Environmental Impact of Supermarkets: mapping the terrain and the policy positions in the UK", in D. Burch and G. Lawrence, eds., Supermarkets and Agri-Food Supply Chains: Transformations in the Production and Consumption of Foods. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 192-215
Reports & Papers (2007-present)
Lang T, Dibb S, Reddy S (2011). Looking Back Looking Forward: Sustainability and UK Food Policy 2000-2011. London: Sustainable Development Commission Reddy S, T Lang, S Dibb (2009) Settting the Table:Advice to Government on priority elements of sustainable diets. London: Sustainable Development Commission http://www.sd-commission.org.uk/publications.php
Lang T (2009) Reshaping the Food System for Ecological Public Health. Background Paper for Conference: 'Food Systems and Public Health: Linkages to Achieve Healthier Diets and Healthier Communities', held at the Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, USA, April 1-3, 2009
Lang T (2009) How new is the world food crisis? Thoughts on the long dynamic of Food Democracy, Food Control & Food Policy in the 21st century. Background paper to Conference: Visible Warnings: the World Food Crisis in Perspective. April 3-4, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA
Dibb S, Eppel S, Lang T, Rimmer H (2008). Green, Healthy and Fair: a review of government's role in supporting sustainable supermarket food. London: Sustainable Development Commission. February http://www.sd-commission.org.uk/pages/supermarkets.html
Barling D, Sharpe L, Lang T (2008). Rethinking Britain's Food Security. Report for Soil Association. London: Centre for Food Policy. http://www.soilassociation.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=wCYoHYSHsy8 %3D&tabid=387
Barling D, Lang T, Rayner G (2008). Current trends in food retailing and consumption and key choices facing society in Rudy Rabbinge and Anita Linnemann, eds, Forward Look on European Food Systems in a Changing World. Final Report to European Science Federation (ESF/COST). April 2008 pp117-136
Barling D, Sharpe L, Lang T (2008). Towards a National Sustainable Food Security Policy. Report on a project to map the policy interface between Food Security and Sustainable Food Supply for Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. London: Centre for Food Policy.
Laura Davis, Elizabeth Dowler, David Hunter, Tim Lang, Kevin Morgan, Veronica Barry (2007). Food and Well Being: A Review of the Nutrition Strategy for Wales 2003-2006. Final Report, May 2007. Report to Food Standards Agency Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government. Coventry: University of Warwick. September http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/fwbreview.pdf #page=24
Articles in Journals (2000-present)
Rayner G, Lang T (2011). A healthy choice?, Primary Health Care. 21, 1, Feb, 10
Pretty J, Sutherland WJ Ashby J, Auburn J, Baulcombe D, Bell M, Bentley J, Bickersteth S, Brown K, Burke J, Campbell H, Chen K, Crowley E, Crute I, Dobbelaere D, Edwards-Jones G, Funes-Monzote F, Godfray HCJ, Griffon M, Gypmantisiri P, Haddad L, Halavatau S, Herren H, Holderness M, Izac A-M, Jones M, Koohafkan P, Lal R, Lang T, McNeely J, Mueller A, Nisbett N, Noble A, Pingali P, Pinto Y, Rabbinge R,Ravindranath NH, Rola A, Roling N, Sage C, Settle W, Sha JM, Shiming L, Simons T, Smith P, Strzepeck K, Swaine H, Terry E, Tomich TP, Toulmin C, Trigo E, Twomlow S, Vis JK, Wilson J, Pilgrim S. (2010) 'The top 100 questions of importance to the future of global agriculture'. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 8, 4, 219-236
Lang T, Rayner G (2010). 'Corporate responsibility in public health', British Medical Journal, 341, 110-111 doi: 10.1136/bmj.c3758 http://www.bmj.com/content/341/bmj.c3758
Barling D, Lang T (2010) . 'Food Policy in the UK: Reflections on Food 2030, its past and future' Food Ethics, 5, 2, 4-7 http://www.foodethicscouncil.org/system/files/FoodEthics5 %282%29web.pdf
Lang T (2010). 'From 'value-for-money' to 'values-for-money'? Ethical food and policy in Europe', Environment and Planning A, 42, 8, 1814-1832 doi:10.1068/a4258 http://www.envplan.com/abstract.cgi?id=a4258
Lang T (2010). Crisis? What Crisis? The Normality of the Current Food Crisis' Journal of Agrarian Change, 10, 1, January, 92-102. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0366.2009.00250.x http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1471-0366.2009.00250.x/abstract
Lang T (2009). Reshaping the Food System for Ecological Public Health, Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition [special issue on Food Systems and Public Health: Linkages to Achieve Healthier Diets and Healthier Communities], Vol 4, 3/4, 315-335. DOI: 10.1080/19320240903321227 http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title ~content=t792306860
Lang T (2009). What President Obama can do in the world, Public Health Nutrition, 12, 4, 581-583 doi: 10.1017/S1368980009005436 http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=4818780
Gabriel Y, Lang T (2008). New Faces and New Masks of Today's Consumer, Journal of Consumer Culture , 8, 3, 321-340 DOI: 10.1177/1469540508095266 http://joc.sagepub.com/content/8/3/321.full.pdf
Rayner G, Barling D, Lang T (2008) 'Sustainable Food Systems in Europe: Policies, Realities and Futures', J Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 3, 2/3, 145-168 DOI: 10.1080/19320240802243209 http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content ~db=all?content=10.1080/19320240802243209
Millstone, E, Lang T (2008). 'Public Health Protection or Regulatory Capture?', The Lancet, Vol 372, July 12, 2008, 94-95
Barling D, Lang T, Sharpe R. Food Capacity: the root of the problem. Royal Society of Arts Journal 2008; vol 154, no 5533, pp.22-27.
Lang T (2007). Functional Foods. British Medical Journal, 334, 1015-6. May 19. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39212.592477.BE
Keller, I. & T. Lang (2007) Food-based dietary guidelines and implementation: lessons from four countries - Chile, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa, Public Health Nutrition, 11(8), 867-874 doi:10.1017/S1368980007001115
Lang T, Rayner G (2007) Overcoming policy cacophony on obesity: an ecological public health framework for policymakers. Obesity Reviews, 8 (s1), 165-181. doi:10.1111/j.1467-789X.2007.00338.x http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1467-789X.2007.00338.x
Wrieden WL, Anderson AS, Longbottom PJ, Valentine K, Stead M, Caraher M, Lang T, Gray B, Dowler E (2007). 'The impact of a community-based food skills intervention on cooking confidence, food preparation methods and dietary choices - an exploratory trial', Public Health Nutrition, 10, 2, February 2007, 203-211 doi: 10.1017/S1368980007246658 http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php?file= %2FPHN%2FPHN10_02%2FS1368980007246658a.pdf&code=0fd7499ee9545f1383c2e95bce65491eRayner G, Hawkes C, Lang T, Bello W (2006). Trade liberalization and the diet transition: a public health response. Health Promotion International, 21(Supplement 1):67-74; doi:10.1093/heapro/dal053 http://www.heapro.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/21/suppl_1/67 or http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/hpr_special %20issue.pdf Lang T (2006). 'Food, the law and public health: Three models of the relationship', Public Health, 120, October, 30-41 doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2006.07.013 http://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/uploadedFiles/Grants/Lang_30-40.pdf
Heasman M, Lang T, (2006). 'Plotting the Future of Food: putting ecologically driven, community-based food policy at the heart of Canada's food economy'. Making Waves, 17, 2, summer, 2-17
Lang T, Heasman M (2005). 'Food Wars', Food International Executive Outlook, 5, 1, 26-41
Hewson C, Lang T (2005). 'Human and animal health: strengthening the links: Animal and human case for reforming current food policies', British Medical Journal, 331, 1268 (26 November)
Lang T, Rayner G (2005). 'Obesity: a growing issue for European policy?', Journal of European Social Policy, 15, 4, 301-327 doi: 10.1177/0958928705057263 Lang T (2005). 'Food Control or Food Democracy?: re-engaging nutrition to civil society, the state and the food supply chain', Public Health Nutrition, 8, 6A, 730-737
Pretty JN, Ball AS, Lang T, Morison JIL, (2005) 'Farm Costs and Food Miles: An Assessment of the Full Cost of the UK Weekly Food Basket', Food Policy, 30, 1, 1-20
Lang T, Rayner G, Rayner M, Barling D, Millstone E (2005). 'Policy Councils on Food, Nutrition & Physical Activity: the UK as a case study', Public Health Nutrition, 8, 1, 11-19 doi: 10.1079/PHN2005654
Lang T, Heasman M (2004). 'Diet and Nutrition Policy: A clash of ideas or an investment?', Development, 47, 2, June 2004, pp 64-74 http://www.sidint.org/development/
Lang T (2004). 'European Agricultural Policy: is health the missing link?', Eurohealth, 10, 1, 4-8
Lang T (2003). 'Editorial: FAO-WHO Launch expert Report', Public Health Nutrition, 6 (4), 323-325
Lang T. (2003). 'Food Industrialisation and Food Power: Implications for Food Governance', Development Policy Review, 21, 5-6, 555-568 (reprinted in: Taking Food Public: Redefining Foodways in a Changing World eds. Psyche Williams-Forson and Carole Counihan. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Lang T, Rayner G (2003) 'Ecological Public Health', Holistic Health, 76, Spring, 13-17
Lang T, Rayner G (2003). 'Food and Health Strategy in the UK: A Policy Impact Analysis', Political Quarterly, 74, 1, 66-75 doi:10.1111/1467-923X.00513 Barling D, Lang T (2003). 'The Politics of UK Food: an overview', Political Quarterly, 74, 1, 4-7 doi:10.1111/1467-923X.00506
Barling D, Lang T (2003). 'A Reluctant Food Policy?: The First Five Years of Food Policy under Labour', Political Quarterly, 74, 1, 8-18 doi:10.1111/1467-923X.00507
Barling D, Lang T, Caraher M (2002). 'Joined-up Food Policy? The trials of Governance, Public Policy and the Food System, Social Policy & Administration, 36, 6, 556-575
Rayner G, Lang T (2002). 'Public Health after globalisation: injecting health into the post-Washington consensus', Eurohealth, 8, 3, 21-25
Lang T, Caraher M (2001). Is there a culinary skills transition?: data and debate from the UK about changes in cooking culture. Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia, 8, 2, 2-14
Lang T, Barling D, Caraher M (2001). 'Food, Social Policy and the Environment: Towards a New Model', Social Policy and Administration, 35, 5, 538-558
Lang T (2001). 'Public Health and colonialism: a new or old problem?', Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 55, 162-163
Hare C, Kirk D, Lang T (2001). 'The food shopping of older consumers in Scotland: critical incidents', International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 29, 1, 25-40
Lang T (2001). 'Putting Policy into Practice: a commentary on the report of Eurodiet working party 4', Public Health Nutrition, 4, 1(A), February, 112-113. Millstone E, Lang T, Nasha A, Eames M, Barling D, van Zwanenberg P, Trichopoulou A (2000). 'European Policy on Food Safety': comments and suggestions on the White Paper on Food Safety, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 11 (2000), 458-466
Waltner Troews D, Lang T (2000). 'A new conceptual base for food and agriculture: the emerging model of links between agriculture, food, health, environment and society', Global Change and Human Health, 1, 2: 116-130 Robinson N, Caraher M, Lang T (2000). 'Access to shops: the views of low income shoppers', Health Education Journal, 59, 2, 121-136
Caraher M, Lang T, Dixon P (2000). 'The influence of TV and celebrity chefs on public attitudes and behaviour among the English public', Journal of the Association for the Study of Food and Society, 4, 1, 27-46
Lang T (2000). 'The state of UK food policy', Radical Statistics, 73, 42-51
Journalism related to academic work
A monthly column for The Grocer, since January 2000, currently by-lined as Second Column: http://www.thegrocer.co.uk/Endeca.aspx?page=search&Ntk=All&Ns=P_PublicationDate_Millis %7C1&Ntt=Tim%20Lang