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Paul Rozin  - Professor für Psychologie -  (wikipedia)
University of Pennsylania -
Office: 112 Eisenlohr, 3810 Walnut St. Department of Psychology
Philadelphia, PA. 19104-6196 215-898-7632
rozin (at) 

Forschungsschwerpunkte - interkulturelle Psychologie (Frankreich, USA, Japan, Indien); Erwerb von Präferenzen und Abneigungen (Aversionen) - allgemein und besonders auch Nahrungspräferenzen/-aversionen; Ecology of Eating; Portionsgrößen; Beurteilung der Menschen von Risiken, Einstellungen zu Fleisch, Schokolade, Wasser; kulturelle Evolution; Reinheit (purity); Abscheu/Ekel (disgust); Psychologie der Musik.

Allegorie "Yellow Ball Phenomenon"– für Pragmatismus in Sozial-empiischen Forschung (Zusammenarbeit, Kommunikation vs Spezialistentum, High.Tech etc 

Viele interessante und wichtige Arbeiten im Bereich Ernährungspsychologie
Beispiele (im Archiv)
Forschungen in USA, Frankreich, Japan and Indien

Rozin besucht(e) regelmäßig die Food Choice Conferences:

P.Rozin, T.A.Vollmecke: Food Likes and Dislikes. Ann Rev. Nutr. 6: 433-456 (1986) (im Archiv)
P. Rozin Et al.: Preference for natural: instrumental and ideational/moral motivations and contrast between foods and medicines. Appetite 43: 147-154 (2004) (im Archiv)
P.Rozin et al.: Attitude to food and the role of food in life in the U.S.A., Plan Flemish Belgium and France: possible implications for the diet-health debate. Appetite 33: 163-180 (1999) (im Archiv)
P.Rozin: Human Food Intake and Choice: biological, psychological and cultural perspectives - Danone Symposium Publikation
P. Rozin: Food is fundamental, fun, frightening and far-reaching. Social Research 66: 9-30 (1999) (download) Rozin, P.: Evolution and adaptation in understandig of behaviour, culture and mind. American Behavioural Science 43(6) 970-986 (2000)  (Abstract)

Rozin, P., Fallon, A.F.: A perspective on disgust. Psychol Rev 94:23-41 (1987)

Von Rozin ausgewählte Arbeiten auf seiner Website
Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C.R. (1993). Disgust. In M. Lewis and J. Haviland (Eds.), Handbook of Emotions, pp. 575-594. New York: Guilford. Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C.J. (1990). The laws of sympathetic magic: A psychological analysis of similarity and contagion. In J. Stigler, G. Herdt & R.A. Shweder (Eds.), Cultural Psychology: Essays on comparative human development (pp. 205-232). Cambridge, England: Cambridge.
Rozin, P., Fischler, C., Imada, S., Sarubin, A., & Wrzesniewski, A. (1999). Attitudes to food and the role of food in life: Comparisons of Flemish Belgium, France, Japan and the United States. Appetite, 33, 163-180.
Rozin, P. (1999). Food is fundamental, fun, frightening, and far-reaching. Social Research, 66, 9-30.
Rozin, P., Lowery, L., Imada, S., & Haidt, J. (1999). The CAD triad hypothesis: A mapping between three moral emotions (contempt, anger, disgust) and three moral codes (community, autonomy, divinity). Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 76, 574-586.
Rozin, P., & Royzman, E. (2001). Negativity bias, negativity dominance, and contagion. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 296-320.
Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. (2002). Sympathetic magical thinking: the contagion and similarity "heuristics". In: Gilovich, T., Griffin, D., & Kahneman, D. Heuristics and biases. The psychology of intuitive judgment. (Pp. 201-216). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rozin, P., Kabnick, K., Pete, E., Fischler, C., & Shields, C. (2003). The ecology of eating: Part of the French paradox results from lower food intake in French than Americans, because of smaller portion sizes. Psychological Science, 14, 450-454.
Rozin, P. (2005). The meaning of "natural": Process more important than content. Psychological Science, 16, 652-658.
Geier, A. B., Rozin, P., & Doros, G. (2006). Unit bias: A new heuristic that helps explain the effect of portion size on food intake. Psychological Science, 17, 521-525.
Cherfas, L., Rozin, P., Cohen, A. B., Davidson, A., & McCauley, C. R. (2006). The framing of atrocities: Documenting the wide variation in aversion to Germans and German related activities among Holocaust survivors. Peace and Conflict. Journal of Peace Psychology, 12(1), 65-80.
Rozin, P. (2007). Food and eating. Chapter in: S. Kitayama & D.Cohen (eds.). Handbook of Cultural Psychology, pp. 391-416. New York: Guilford.
Rozin, P. (2007). Exploring the landscape of modern academic psychology: Finding and filling the holes. American Psychologist, 62, 754-766.
Rozin, P., & Wolf, S. (2008). Attachment to National and Sacred Land and its relation to personal land attachment and contagion. Judgment and Decision Making, 3, 325-334.
Rozin, P., & Stellar, J. (2009). Posthumous events affect rated quality and happiness of lives. Judgment and Decision Making, 4, 273-279.


Ernährungspsychologie - Artikel in GEO-Wissen Nr.9 (2001) (im Archiv - Paul Rozin)