TYPO3 Musterprojekt - Saturday, 27. April 2024
Druckversion der Seite: Afrika Informationen
URL: ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de/ernaehrungsforschungsraum/umwelt/kontinentale-globale-raeume/ernaehrung-umfeld-umwelt/afrika/afrika-informationen.html

Informationen zu Afrika -  
Informationen zur politischen Bildung (Nr. 303) - http://www.bpb.de/publikationen/Q3NAKW
--- (DOWNLOAD)- Juli 2009

Landkarten (Informationen zur politischen Bildung - www.bpb.de - Heft 303 + Heft 302 - 2009) u.a. - Rassen - Sprachen - Religionen - staatliche Ordnung/Konflikte / Klimazonen / Umweltschäden / Migranten

Die vielen Facetten von Afrika; die kolonialen Grenzen und ihre Folgen; Kleinkindersterblichkeit (S.9); Formen der Regerungen in Afrika (Diktaur bis Demokratie); Ressourcnreichtum und Kriege; Korruptionsindex; Folgen des Klimawandels; Mirationen; kulturelle Vielfalt - viele Sprachen; Landflucht - Urbaniserung; traditionelle Relgionen; der Islam; Regionale Organisationsformen; Neo.Kolonialismus; AKP-Staaten; deutsche Entwicklungspolitik in Afrika; Literaturliste

Informationen zur politischen Bildung (Heft 302) (Mai 2009) - Afrika - Länder und Regionen
Der afrikanische Kontinent lässt sich in fünf Großräume untergliedern: Nord-, West- und Zentralafrika, das Horn von Afrika plus Ostafrika sowie das südliche Afrika. Ein Überblick über ihre jeweiligen Entwicklungen und Besonderheiten verbindet sich mit Analysen von Ländern, die für ihre Region charakteristisch oder besonders bedeutsam sind.
http://www.bpb.de/publikationen/1GQ2SZ        (Download)
Nordafrika: Scharnier zwischen Afrika und Europa
Westafrika: Ressourcenreichtum und Verteilungskonflikte
Zentralafrika: schwache Staatlichkeit und grenzüberschreitende Kriege
Horn von Afrika und Ostafrika
Südliches Afrika: Wirtschaftspotenziale und soziale Herausforderungen
Literaturhinweise, Internetadressen, Autorinnen und Autoren

Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database

LeMonde diplomatique (Archiv) - z.B. Leridon, H.: Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Afrika, Nr.12/2015, S.1 (download im Archiv)

Olivier Blamagin: Die Castel-Saga. Le Monde diplomatique Okt 2018 (Internationler Bier-Getränke-Markt - Softdrinks - Zucker - Frankreich / Afrika )

Wikipedia Kategorie - Brauerreigruppe

Ritchie, H.: Increasing agricultural productivity across Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most important problems this century. Our Wolrd in Data 04.04.2022

Agriculture food and nutrition for Africa - A resource book for teachers of agriculture FAO,Rome, 1997 

Anthony, Kenneth R.M. and Uchendu, Victor C. "Agricultural Change in Mazabuka District, Zambia." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 9 #3 1970. pp. 215-267.

Brown, Leslie H. "Agricultural Change in Kenya: 1945-1960." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 8 #1 1968. pp. 33-90.

Doyle, C.J. "Productivity, Technical Change, and the Peasant Producer: A Profile of an African Cultivator." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 13 #1 1974. pp. 61-76.

Etherington, Dan M. "An International Tea Trade Policy For East Africa: An Exercise in Oligopolistic Reasoning." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 11 #1 1972.

Heyer, Judith A. "A Linear Programming Analysis of Constraints on Peasant Farms in Kenya." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 10 #1 1971. pp. 55-67.

Jones, William O. "The Structure of Staple Food Marketing in Nigeria as Revealed By Price Analysis." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 8 #2 1968. pp. 95-123.
Jones, William O. "Measuring the Effectiveness of Agricultural Marketing in Contributing to Economic Development: Some African Examples." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 9 #3 1970. pp. 175-196.

Jones, William O. "Regional Analysis and Agricultural Marketing Research in Tropical Africa: Concepts and Experience." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 13 #1 1974. pp. 3-28.

Levi, John F.S. "African Agriculture Misunderstood: Policy in Sierra Leone." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 13 #3 1974. pp. 239-262.

Mackenzie, William. "The Use of Aggregate Data in the Study of Agricultural Change: A Case Study of Uganda, 1955-1967." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 10 #1 1971. pp. 21-54.

Massell, Benton F. and Johnson, R.W.M. "Economics of Smallholder Farming in Rhodesia." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 8 #3 Supplement, 1968.

Pearson, Scott R. "The Economic Imperialism of the Royal Niger Company." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 10 #1 1971. pp. 69-88.

Rourke, Blair E. "Short-Range Forecasting of Coffee Production." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 9 #3 1970. pp. 197-214.

Uchendu, Victor C. "Socioeconomic and Cultural Determinants of Rural Change in East and West Africa." Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development. Volume 8 #3 1968. pp. 225-242.

Ernährungsprobleme von Senioren in Africa - Food security and the aged. Mark L. Wahlqvist, Antigone Kouris-Blazos and Gayle Savige. Monash University. Melboume, Australia Chapter 15. Adelani F. Ogunrinade, Ruth Oniang'o & Julian May (Eds). Not by Bread Alone: Food Security and Governance in Africa, Johannesburg: University of Witwatersrand Press, 1999. ISBN 0-620-25061-5 (pb). conference on Human Security and Governance in Africa hosted by the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research Durban, South Africa from 19 to 21 June, 1998.  (download)

African Food Habits - Website (Verena Raschke)

www.aluka.org - a digital library of scholarly resources from and about Africa

Monica Rüthers/Marianna Zhevakina: Wir füttern halb Afrika«. Sowjetische Lebensmittelhilfe: Geschichte – Propaganda – Kritik. Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, Online-Ausgabe, 18 (2021), H. 2,  https://zeithistorische-forschungen.de/2-2021/5949 - Druckausgabe: S. 252-280.