TYPO3 Musterprojekt - Tuesday, 16. April 2024
Druckversion der Seite: Literatur Hungersnot
URL: ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de/ernaehrungsforschungsraum/umwelt/kontinentale-globale-raeume/ernaehrung-umfeld-umwelt/welternaehrung/hungersnot/literatur-hungersnot.html

Preiser-Kapeller, J.: Die erste Ernte und der große Hunger - Klima, Pandemien und der Wandel der Alten Welt bis 500 n. Chr. - Mandelbaum-Verlag Wien 2021

Roberton, T. et al: Early estimates of the indirect effectsof the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and child mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study. Lancet Global Health 8: e901–08 doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30229-1  (12.05.2020) + Heady, D. et al.: Impacts of COVID-19 on childhood malnutrition and nutrition-related mortality (Editorial) Lancet  doi.org/10.1016/ S0140-6736(20)31647-0 (27.07.2020) (ref.Wegen Coronakrise Wissenschaftler rechnen mit bis zu 178.510 verhungerten Kindern zusätzlich. Spiegel 28.07.2020)
Headey D, Ruel M. The impact of economic recessions on child acute malnutrition: implications for the COVID-19 crisis. IFPRI discussion paper 01941, June, 2020. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research, 2020. - Swinnen, Johan, ed.; and McDermott, John, ed. 2020. COVID-19 and global food security. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). https://doi.org/10.2499/p15738coll2.133762
UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group. Joint malnutrition estimates. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/jme-2020-edition  (31.03.2020) (download)
Laborde D, Martin W, Vos R. Poverty and food insecurity could grow dramatically as COVID-19 spreads. IFPRI Blog. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2020.
UNICEF. Situation tracking for COVID-19 socio-economic impacts. link Juni 2020

- Wallace-Wells, D.: Globaler Hunger: Der Preis des Krieges. Blätter f. deutsche + internat Politik Juli 2022, S.49-48

World Food Habits Library  - http://lilt.ilstu.edu/rtdirks (by Dirks. Robert   Prof. emer.(Anthropologists) Illinois State University )

Famine, Hunger, Starvation 

Bearak B. 2003. Why People Still Starve. New York Times Magazine:32-52. [famine; seasonal hunger; economic causes; Africa; Malawi] 
Becker J. 1999. Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret Famine. Henry Holt. [disaster; East Asia; China] 
Berry L, Downing TE. 1994. Drought and Famine in Africa. In The Challenge of Famine: Recent Experience, Lessons Learned. J Field, ed. pp. 35-58. Kumarian Press. [disaster; Africa] 
Binyan L. 1993. An Unnatural Disaster. New York Review of Books XI(7):3-6. [cannibalism; famine; East Asia; China; cultural revolution] 
Brown EP. 1991. Sex and Starvation: Famine and Three Chadian Societies. In The Political Economy of African Famine. R Downs, D Kerner, S Reyna, eds. pp. 293-321. [disaster; social class; gender; Africa; Chad] 
Campbell D. 1999. Response to Drought among Farmers and Herders in Southern Kajiado District, Kenya: A Comparison of 1972-1976 and 1994-1995. Human Ecology 27(3):377-475. [food shortage;insecurity) 
Caplan P. 1992. Feasts, Fasts, Famine: Food for Thought. Berg Occasional Papers in Anthropology (inaugural lecture, Goldsmith's College, 1992). [feasting; fasting; mass starvation] 
Carlin M, Rosenthal JT. 1998. Food and Eating in Medieval Europe. Hambleton Press. [collected essays; history; feasts; famine; food habits) 
Chatwin ME. 1997. Socio-Cultural Transformation and Foodways in the Republic of Georgia. Nova Science. [famine; history; barter; Europe]
Currey, Bruce: The Famine Syndrome: Its Definition for relief and rehabilitation in Bangladesh. Ecol Food Nutr. 7(2) 87-98 (1978) (Scan im Archibv) - Model

Dando, W.A.: The geography of Famine. Winston&Sons, Arnold, London, 1980 (link)
Dando, W.A.: Biblical famines, 1850 B.C.–A.D. 46: Insights for modern mankind. Ecol Food Nutr. 13(4) 231-249 (1983)

Dasgupta P. 1993. An Inquiry into Well-Being and Destitution. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [hunger; famine; economy; physiology of starvation] 
Davis M. 2001. Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World. Verso. [history; famine] 
de Garine I. 1991. Seasonal Food Shortage, Famine and Socio-Economic Change among the Massa and Mussey of Northern Cameroon. In Famine and Food Security in Africa and Asia: Indigenous Responses and External Intervention to Avoid Hunger. HG Bohle, T Canon, G Hugo, et al, eds. pp. 83-99. [starvation; hunger; development; Africa; Cameroon] 
Devereux S. 1993. Theories of Famine: From Malthus to Sen. Harvester Wheatsheaf. [mass starvation] 
Dikotter F. 2010. Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophy, 1958-1962. Walker. [Food shortage; disaster;]
Dirks R. 1993. Starvation and Famine among Societies in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. Cross-cultural Research 27(1-2):28-69. [starvation; cross-cultural patterns] 
Dirks R. 1994. Hunger and Famine. In Research Frontiers in Anthropology. C Ember, M Ember, eds. Prentice Hall. [undernutrition; mass starvation; cross-cultural patterns] 
Dirks R. 1994. Starvation and Famine among Sccs Societies. World Cultures Vol 8(1):35-45. [starvation; cross-cultural patterns] 
Downs RE, Kerner D, Reyna S. 1991. The Political Economy of African Famine. Gordon and Breach. [history; mass starvation; political economy; international relations; development; Africa] 
Dreze J, Sen A, eds. 1991. The Political Economy of Hunger, Vol.1, 2,3 Famine Prevention. Oxford University Press. [collected essays; famine] (ed- 1995)

Ember CR, Ember M. 1992. Resource Unpredictability, Mistrust, and War: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of Conflict Resolution 36:246-262. [effects of famine; food insecurity; mistrust; war]


Fagan B. 1998. Floods, Famines, and Emporers: El Nino and the Fate of Civilizations. Basic Books. [nutritional disasters; prehistory and history of civilization]


Favaro A, Rodella FC, Santonastasco P. 2000. Binge Eating and Eating Attitudes among Nazi Concentration Camp Survivors. Psychological Medicine 30(2):463-. [starvation; appetite expression]
Hay, RW: The Concept of Food Supply Systems with special reference to the management of famine. (Famine Symposium Report) Ecol Food Nutr. 7 (2)  : 65-72 (1978) (scan im Archiv) 

Huss-Ashmore R, Johnston SL. 1997. Wild Plants as Famine Foods: Food Choice under Conditions of Scarcity. In Food Preferences and Taste. H Macbeth, ed. pp. 83-100. Berghahn. [food shortage; choice]


Huss-Ashmore R, Katz S. 1991. African Food Systems in Crisis, Part Two: Contending with Change. Gordon and Breach. [famine; disaster; seasonal hunger; ecology; social relations; Africa]


Jordan WC. 1996. The Great Famine: Norther Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century. [history; food shortage; Europe]


Kelleher M. 1997. The Feminization of Famine: Representations of Women in Famine Naratives. Duke University Press. [images and symbols; famine; gender; history; Europe; South Asia; Ireland; India; Bengal]


Kinealy C. 1995. This Great Calamity: The Irish Famine, 1845-52. Gill and Macmillan. [history; famine; Europe; Ireland]


Kulkarni SN. 1990. Famines, Droughts, and Scarcities in India. South Asia Books. [famine; South Asia]


Lockett C, Calvert C, Grivetti L. 2000. Energy and Micronutrient Composition of Dietary and Medicinal Wild Plants Consumed During Drought: Study of Rural Fulani, Northeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 51:195-208. [famine; foodstuffs; vegetable foraging; social conditions; Africa]


Lockett CT, Grivetti LE. 2000. Food-Related Behaviors During Drought: A Study of Rural Fulani, Northeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 51(2):91-107. [food shortage; Africa; Nigeria; Fulani]


Murton B. 2000. Famine. In The Cambridge World History of Food. KF Kiple, KC Ornelas, eds. Vol. 2, pp. 1411-1427. Cambridge University Press. [famine; history; causes; responses; prevention; relief]


Newman L, Crossgrove W, Kates R. 1990. Hunger in History: Food Shortage, Poverty, and Deprivation. Blackwell. [collected papers; prehistory; origins of agriculture; change; malnutrition; famine]


Patnaik U. 1991. Food Availability and Famine: A Longer View. Journal of Peasant Studies 19(1). [famine; South Asia; India; Bengal]


Peerson MS, Love J, Achterberg C, et al. 2001. Food Insecurity Is Positively Related to Overweight in Women. Journal of Nutrition 131(6):1738-1745. [overweight; hunger; food shortage]


Poirteir C. 1995. The Great Irish Famine. Mercier. [history; famine; Europe; Ireland]


Rau B. 1990. From Feast to Famine: Official Cures and Grassroots Remedies to Africa Food Crisis. [famine; hunger; Africa]


Redzic S. 2010. Use of Wild and Semi-Wild Edible Plants in Nutrition and Survival of People in 1430 Days of Siege of Sarajevo During the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995). Collegium Antropologicum 34(2):551-570. [malnutrition; food shortage; emergency foods; food plants; war; Europe]


Rodrigues I. 2008. From Silence to Silence: The Hidden Story of a Beef Stew in Cape Verde. Anthropological Quarterly 81(2):343-376. [food security; famine; Africa; Cape Verde]


Scally RJ. 1995. The End of Hidden Ireland: Rebellion, Famine and Emigration. Oxford University Press. [history; disaster; Europe]


Sen A. 1993. The Economics of Life and Death. Scientific American 268(5):40-47. [famine; economy; mortality data; health]


Sheehan E. 1993. In the Heart of Somalia. The New York Review of Books XL(1-2):38-53. [famine; Africa; Somalia, 1992-93]


Shipton P. 1990. African Famines and Food Security: Anthropological Perspectives. Annual Review of Anthropology 19:353-394. [famine; Africa]


Stansbury JP, Barrios RE, Rojas C, et al. 2000. After the Hurricane: Child Nutrition in Honduran Reconstruction. Nutritional Anthropology 24(1):3-7. [child nutrition, malnutrition; disaster; Central America; Honduras]


Webb P, Habtu Y. 1994. Famine in Africa. National Geographic Research and Exploration 10:158-171. [famine; Africa]


Webb P, von Braun J. 1994. Famine and Food Security in Ethiopia: Lessons for Africa. John Wiley. [famine; Africa; Ethiopia]


Webb P, von Braun J, Yohannes Y. 1992. Famine in Ethiopia: Policy Implications of Coping Failure at National and Household Levels. International Food Policy Research Institute. [famine; political policy; Africa; Ethiopia]


Young H, Jaspars S. 1995. Nutrition Matters: People, Food, and Famine. Intermediate Technology Publications. [famine; nutritional stress; Africa; Sudan; Darfur]


Updated 11/2011