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Druckversion der Seite: Literatur Gemeinsam Essen
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Jesper Juul: Essen kommen (Familientisch - Familienglück) Beltz-Verlag, 2017

Essen ohne Dich. Gedicht von Joachim Ringelnatz -

Gelitz, Chr.: Essen in Gesellschaft - Kleine Psychologie der gemeinsamen Mahlzeit. Spektrum der Wissenschaft  26.12.2023

Ju, S. et al.:  Association of parents’ work-related stress and children’s socioemotional competency: Indirect effects of family mealtimes. Journal of Family Psychology, 37(7), 977–983. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0001147 (08.09.2023) ⇔ Work-Life-Balance im Alltag finden: Wie sich beruflicher Stress auf Familienmahlzeiten auswirkt. BZfE News 25.10.2023

Dallacker, M. et al.: Effect of Longer Family Meals on Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Intake: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA  Netw Open.6(4):e236331. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.6331 (03.04.2023)  ⇔ How to get your children to eat more fruits and vegetables -Study examines influence of longer family meals on children's eating behavior  link bei www.eurekalert.org 18.04.2023 / So essen Kinder mehr Obst und Gemüse: Mehr Zeit fürs Essen und mundgerechte Stücke  BZfE News 03.05.2023

de la Torre-Moral, A. et al.:  Family Meals, Conviviality, and the Mediterranean Diet among Families with Adolescents. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health  18, 2499. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18052499  (2021) (ref. Food Navigator 07.04.2021)

Groß und Klein zusammen: Was Familienmahlzeiten so wichtig macht. BZfE News 14.12.2022

Gerste, R.D.  Genuss ist gesund – warum wir uns das üppige Weihnachtsmahl nicht verderben lassen sollten. NZZ 12.2022

Pratt, K.J. et al.: Family Meal Practices and Weight Talk Between Adult Weight Management and Weight Loss Surgery Patients and Their Children. Intern J Nutr Education Behav 52(6): P579-P581 doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2020.04.001 (01.06.2020) ⇔ "Engaging in family meals starts with healthy family communication." link bei www.eurekalert.org  08.06.2020

Essatmosphäre – gut gestimmt, gut gegessen. Eine gemeinsame Mahlzeit regt die Sinne an und bietet Zeit zum Austausch. In positiver Atmosphäre schmeckt es dabei besonders gut.. MLR_BW März 2020
Rituale machen Essen köstlicher. Spiegel  26.07.2013 ⇒⇒ Vohs, K.D. et al.: Rituals Enhance Consumption. Psychol. Sci. 24(9)  1714 –1721 DOI: 10.1177/0956797613478949 (2013)

Madipakkam, A.R. et al. (& Soyoung Q. Park, DIfE) The influence of gaze direction on food preferences. Scientific Reports Vol.9 # 5604 (2019)  ⇔ Presse-Mitteilung des www.dife.de 08.04.2019

- Frank, M. et al.: Prävalenzen und zeitliche Entwicklung von gemeinsamen Familienmahlzeiten in Deutschland. Ergebnisse aus EskiMo II. Ernährungs-Umschau April 2019, S.M198-205 (download)

Dallacker, M. et al.: The frequency of family meals and nutritional health in children: a meta‐analysis.  Obesity Reviews doi.org/10.1111/obr.12659 (15.01.2018)

Family dinners improve teens' eating habits no matter how well family functions, study finds. link bei www.eurekalert.org 21.11.2018

Burger, K.: Liebe geht durch den Magen! Dass die Familie zusammen am Essenstisch sitzt, wird zunehmend seltener. Gemeinsames Essen verbindet und ist gesund,  TAZ 14.10.2022

World Food Habits Library  - http://lilt.ilstu.edu/rtdirks (by Dirks. Robert   Prof. emer.(Anthropologists) Illinois State University )

Themenbereich:  food sharing, commensal patterns, food and social identity 

Abbink J. 2008. "Cannibalism'' in Southern Ethiopia. An Exploratory Case Study of Me'en Discourse. Anthropos 103(1):12. [social relations; ethnicity; cosmology; Ethiopia; Me'en]
Adapon J. 2008. Culinary Art and Anthropology. New York. [cooking; food habits; cuisine; social relations; Mexico; Milpa Alta.]
Avieli N. 2005. Vietnamese New Year Rice Cakes: Iconic Festive Dishes and Contested National Identity. Ethnology 44(2):167-188. [ethnic identity; holiday celebration; Southeast Asia]
Ayadi K, Bree J. 2010. An Ethnography of the Transfer of Food Learning within the Family. Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers 11:67-76. [food habits, enculturation, socialization, Europe, France]

Bahr PR. 2007. Race and Nutrition: An Investigation of Black-White Differences in Health-Related Nutritional Behaviours. Sociology of Health & Illness 29:831-856. [social inequality; diet; disease]  Baker S. 2009. Food and Drink in Archaeology 2 : University of Nottingham Postgraduate Conference 2008. Prospect Books. [collected essays; food habits; drinking customs; social relations; archaeology; nutritional anthropology] 
Banerji C. 2006. Feeding the Gods: Memories of Food and Culture in Bengal. Seagull. [social relations; ritual; South Asia; India; Bengal]
Barlow K. 2010. Sharing Food, Sharing Values: Mothering and Empathy in Murik Society. Ethos 38(4):339-353. [reciprocity; social relations; Oceania; Papua New Guinea]Bau,A-M, Krull,S., Ernert,A., Babitsch, B.: Eating behavior and its association with social living conditions and weight status among adolescent girls: results of the cross-sectional Berlin School Children's Cohort study. Public Health Nutr. 2011 Oct;14(10):1759-67
Berge JM, MacLehose RF, Loth KA, Eisenberg ME, Fulkerson JA, Neumark-Sztainer D. Family meals. Associations with weight and eating behaviors among mothers and fathers. Appetite. 2012 Jun;58(3):1128-35. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.03.008. Epub 2012 Mar 14. -  
Bird-David N. 2008. Feeding Nayaka Children and English Readers: A Bifocal Ethnography of Parental Feeding in "the Giving Environment". Anthropological Quarterly 81(3):523-550. [child feeding; nurturing; sharing; hunter gatherers; South Asia; India; Nayaka] 
Bird-David N. 2008. Feeding Nayaka Children and English Readers: A Bifocal Ethnography of Parental Feeding in "the Giving Environment". Anthropological Quarterly 81(3):523-550. [child feeding; food sharing; foragers; hunter-gatherer; social relations; India; Nilgiri Hills]
Bove CF, Sobal J. 2006. Foodwork in Newly Married Couples: Making Family Meals. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 9(1):69-89(21). [meal preparation; food work; marriage; gender relations; ]
Bove CF, Sobal J.: Body weight relationships in early marriage. Weight relevance, weight comparisons, and weight talk. Appetite. 2011 Dec;57(3):729-42. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2011.08.007. Epub 2011 Aug 16.
Broomfield A. 2007. Food and Cooking in Victorian England: A History. Praeger. [history; industrialization; social class; cookery; Europe] 
Brown L, Edwards J, Hartwell H. 2010. A Taste of the Unfamiliar. Understanding the Meanings Attached to Food by International Postgraduate Students in England. Appetite 54(1):202-207. [symbol and meaning; national identity; food habits; students; United Kingdom; England]
Bruening M, Eisenberg M, MacLehose R, Nanney MS, Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D.: Relationship between adolescents' and their friends' eating behaviors: breakfast, fruit, vegetable, whole-grain, and dairy intake. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 Oct;112(10):1608-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2012.07.008. - 

Cafri G, Yamamiya Y, Brannick M, et al. 2005. The Influence of Sociocultural Factors on Body Image: A Meta-Analysis. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 12:421-433. [psychological internalization; media; body image; body dissatisfaction; eating disorder; eating pathology; social pressures ]  Castellanos E, Bergstresser SM. 2006. Food Fights at the EU Table: The Gastronomic Assertion of Italian Distinctiveness. Yearbook of European Studies 22:179-202. [politics; social identity; nationality; Europe] 
Champion SL, Rumbold AR, Steele EJ, Giles LC, Davies MJ, Moore VM.: Parental work schedules and child overweight and obesity. Int J Obes (Lond). 2012 Apr;36(4):573-80. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2011.252. Epub 2011 Dec 20. -
Chen NN. 2009. Food, Medicine, and the Quest for Good Health : Nutrition, Medicine, and Culture. Columbia University Press. [diet therapy; social relations; medical anthropology; food as medicine]
Chicoine D. 2011. Feasting Landscapes and Political Economy at the Early Horizon Center of Huambacho, Nepena Valley, Peru. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30(3):432-453. [prehistory; feasting; political economy; elites; social complexity; South America] 
Collins FL. 2008. Of Kimchi and Coffee: Globalisation, Transnationalism and Familiarity in Culinary Consumption. Social & Cultural Geography 9(2):151-169. [consumption; national identity; familiarity; Oceania; New Zealand; South Korean students] 
Counihan C. 2009. A Tortilla Is Like Life: Food and Culture in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. University of Texas Press. [life histories; ethnography; identity; North America; United States]
Cowan B. 2005. The Social Life of Coffee:The Emergence of the British Coffee House. Yale University Press. [history; food and society; Europe] 
Cwiertka K. 2006. Modern Japanese Cuisine: Food, Power and National Identity. Reaktion. [history; urbanization; economic and social change; military rations; East Asia; Japan]

Delormier T, Frohlich KL, Potvin L. 2009. Food and Eating as Social Practice - Understanding Eating Patterns as Social Phenomena and Implications for Public Health. Sociology of Health and Illness 31(2): 215-228. [obesity; social relations] 
DeSoucey M. 2010. Gastronationalism: Food Traditions and Authenticity Politics in the European Union. American Sociological Review 75(3):432-455. [national identity; marketing; foie gras; Europe] 
Dixon J. 2009. From the Imperial to the Empty Calorie: How Nutrition Relations Underpin Food Regime Transitions. Agriculture and Human Values 26(4):321-333. [food and culture; nutritional science; social relations; class; obesity; health] 

Edwards F, Mercer D. 2007. Gleaning from Gluttony: An Australian Youth Subculture Confronts the Ethics of Waste. Australian Geographer 38(3):279-296. [gleaning; dumpster diving; consumption patterns; social movement; politics; freegans; Australia] 
Etkin NL. 2009. Foods of Association : Biocultural Perspectives on Foods and Beverages That Mediate Sociability. University of Arizona Press. [food habits; drinking customs; nutritional anthropology; street foods; social life; Africa; Hausa]

Fausto C. 2007. Feasting on People: Eating Animals and Humans in Amazonia with Ca* Comment. Current Anthropology 48:497. [cannibalism; commensal relations; South America; Amazon; indigenous people] 
Feldman C. 2005. Roman Taste. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 8:7-30. [history; social class; food preference; Europe] 
Ferguson PP. 2010. Culinary Nationalism. Gastronomica 10(1):102-109. [national identity]
Ferreira MK, Lang L, Chesley G, eds. 2006. Indigenous Peoples and Diabetes : Community Empowerment and Wellness. Carolina Academic Press. [collected essays; malnutrition; diabetes; social conditions; North American Indians] 
Flynn KC. 2005. Food, Culture, and Survival in an African City. Palgrave Macmillan. [gender; migration; exchange; sex; charity; entitlement; social relations; hunger; Tanzania; Mwanza]

Garine Id, Bengoa JM. 2009. Public Health Nutrition: From Biochemical to the Behavioral Sciences. Nutrition Reviews 67(5):S7-S11. [food habits; theory and method; social anthropology; sociology]  Gaytan MS. 2008. From Sombreros to Sincronizadas - Authenticity, Ethnicity, and the Mexican Restaurant Industry. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 37(3):314-341. [ethnic identity; authenticity; restaurants; Mexico; North America; Mexican Americans]
Giskes K. 2006. A Multilevel Study of Socio-Economic Inequalities in Food Choice Behaviour and Dietary Intake among the Dutch Population: The Globe Study. Public Health Nutrition 9(1):75-83(79). [food choice; social position; economic status; Europe; Netherlands; Eindhoven] 
Gross J, Rosenberger N. 2010. The Double Binds of Getting Food among the Poor in Rural Oregon. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 13(1):47-70. [food insecurity; social class; North America; United States; Oregon]
Gvion L. 2011. Cooking, Food, and Masculinity: Palestinian Men in Israeli Society. Men and Masculinities 14(4):408-429. [gender identity; cooking; restaurants; Middle East] 
Gvion L, Trostler N. 2008. From Spaghetti and Meatballs through Hawaiian Pizza to Sushi: The Changing Nature of Ethnicity in American Restaurants. Journal of Popular Culture 41(6):950-974. [social identity] 

Hamlett J, Bailey AR, Alexander A, et al. 2008. Ethnicity and Consumption South Asian Food Shopping Patterns in Britain, 1947-75. Journal of Consumer Culture 8(1):91-116. [acculturation; ethnic identity; shopping; Europe; United Kingdom; South Asian immigrants]
Harper D, Faccioli P. 2009. The Italian Way: Food and Social Life. University of Chicago Press. [social relations; foodways; eating habits; Europe; Bologna]
Haydu J. 2011. Cultural Modeling in Two Eras of Us Food Protest: Grahamites (1830s) and Organic Advocates (1960s-70s). Social Problems 58(3):461-487. [social movements; diffusion; politics; North America; United States]
Hepburn SJ. 2008. The Dangers of Foreign Bodies: Contamination of Travelers in and out of Nepal. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 11(2):191-206. [social relations; caste; South Asia; Nepal] 
Hess A. 2007. The Social Bonds of Cooking: Gastronomic Societies in the Basque Country. Cultural Sociology 1(3):383-407. [social organization; commensality; sociology; Europe; Spain]
Holsten JE, Deatrick JA, Kumanyika S, Pinto-Martin J, Compher CW.: Children's food choice process in the home environment. A qualitative descriptive study - Appetite. 2012 Feb;58(1):64-73. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2011.09.002. Epub 2011 Sep 29. - 
Hopper LM, Schapiro SJ, Lambeth SP, et al. 2011. Chimpanzees' Socially Maintained Food Preferences Indicate Both Conservatism and Conformity. Animal Behaviour 81(6):1195-1202. [non-human primates; chimpanzee; food preference; social learning; traditions] 

Inglis D, Gimlin D, Thorpe C. 2008. Food. Routledge. [food and culture; society; general survey] 
Jiang HW, Umezaki M, Ohtsuka R. 2006. Inter-Household Variation in Adoption of Cash Cropping and Its Effects on Labor and Dietary Patterns: A Study in a Li Hamlet in Hainan Island, China. Anthropological Science 114(2):165-173. [social change; economy; East Asia]
Johnston J, Baumann S. 2007. Democracy Versus Distinction: A Study of Omnivorousness in Gourmet Food Writing. American Journal of Sociology 113(1):165-204. [social-movements; authenticity; identity; gourmet; status; North America]
Jones MO. 2007. Food Choice, Symbolism, and Identity: Bread-and-Butter Issues for Folkloristics and Nutrition Studies (American Folklore Society Presidential Address, October 2005). Journal of American Folklore 120(476):129-177. [identity; symbol & meaning; theory & method; applied studies; folklore]
Jordan J. 2008. Elevating the Lowly Dumpling: From Peasant Kitchens to Press Conferences. Ethnology 47(2-3):109-121. [food use; dumplings; symbols; national identity; Europe; Austria]

Kelly RL, Poyer L, Tucker B. 2005. An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Mobility, Architectural Investment and Food Sharing among Madagascar's Mikea. American Anthropologist 107(3):403-416. [archaeology; social behavior; exchange; Africa; Madagascar] 
Kerr RB. 2005. Food Security in Northern Malawi: Gender, Kinship Relations, and Entitlements in Historical Context. Journal of Southern African Studies 31(1):53-74. [food habits; gender relations; household organization; Africa; Ekwendeni; Tumbuka-speakers; Ngoni]
Krogel A. 2009. Dangerous Repasts: Food and the Supernatural in the Quechua Oral Tradition. Food & Foodways: History & Culture of Human Nourishment 17(2):104-132. [food habits; cooking; social relations; family; narrative; South America; Andes]

Lawton J, Ahmad N, Hanna L, et al. 2008. 'We Should Change Ourselves, but We Can't': Accounts of Food and Eating Practices Amongst British Pakistanis and Indians with Type 2 Diabetes. Ethnicity & Health 13(4):305-319. [diet; South Asian foods; type 2 diabetes; social relations; Europe; United Kingdom]
Leerssen J. 2006. From Whiskey to Famine: Food and Intercultural Encounters in Irish History. Yearbook of European Studies 22:49-61. [diet; nationality; ethnic identity; Europe; England; Ireland]
Leynse WLH. 2006. Journeys through 'Ingestible Topography': Socializing the 'Situated Eater' in France. European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics 22:129-158. [socialization; enculturation; food preference; children; Europe]
Liechty M. 2005. Carnal Economies: The Commodification of Food and Sex in Kathmandu. Cultural Anthropology 20(1):1-38. [food and culture; commensality; gender relations; modernization; South Asia; Nepal] 
Linden A-L, Nyberg M. 2009. The Workplace Lunch Room: An Arena for Multicultural Eating. International Journal of Consumer Studies 33(1):42-48. [ethnicity; social identity; workplace; lunch room; eating habits; Europe; Sweden]

Madden EM, Finch ML, eds. 2006. Eating in Eden: Food and American Utopias. University of Nebraska Press. [collected essays; ideas about food; social movements; North America; United States]
McMullin JM. 2010. The Healthy Ancestor : Embodied Inequality and the Revitalization of Native Hawaiian Health. Left Coast Press. [diet; nutrition; social relations; Oceania; United States; Hawaii; indigenous people.]
McWilliams JE. 2005. "How Unripe We Are": The Intellectual Construction of American Foodways. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 8(2):143-160(118). [history; politics; identity; American Revolution; North America; United States]
Medina FX. 2006. 'Social Wine': Ethnic Identity and Wine Consumption in the Basque Diaspora in Barcelona (Spain). European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics 22:111-127. [food use; wine; social identity; Europe] 
Mellor J, Blake M, Crane L. 2010. "When I'm Doing a Dinner Party I Don't Go for the Tesco Cheeses:" Gendered Class Distinctions, Friendship and Home Entertaining. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 13:115-134. [social relations; cultural tastes; Europe; United Kingdom] 
Montagne K. 2006. The Quest for Quality: Food and the Notion of 'Trust' in the Gers Area in France. Yearbook of European Studies 22:159-177. [food choice; preference; social relations; Europe]  Moreno-Black G, Homchampa P. 2007. At the Factory, at the Table: Dietary Beliefs and Practices of Thai Industrial Workers. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 46:313-337. [eating habits; social conditions; Southeast Asia; Thailand; industrial workers]

Nukaga M. 2008. The Underlife of Kids' School Lunchtime - Negotiating Ethnic Boundaries and Identity in Food Exchange. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 37(3):342-380. [ethnic identity; school-children; food exchange; sharing; North America; United States]

Overdorff DJ, Erhart EM, Mutschler T. 2005. Does Female Dominance Facilitate Feeding Priority in Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia Variegata) in Southeastern Madagascar? American Journal of Primatology 66(1):7-22. [non-human primates; social relations; lemurs]

Paulson S. 2006. Body, Nation, and Consubstantiation in Bolivian Ritual Meals. American Ethnologist 33(4):650-664. [ethnic identity; social conditions; South America] 
Peace A. 2008. Terra Madre 2006: Political Theater and Ritual Rhetoric in the Slow Food Movement. Gastronomica 8(2):31-39. [symbol; politics; social movement] 
Perry S. 2009. Conformism in the Food Processing Techniques of White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Capucinus). Animal Cognition 12(5):705-716. [non-human primates; food processing; tool use; observation; learning; social influences; food and culture] 
Pettersson A, Fjellstrom C. 2007. Restaurants as Friends of the Family: Functions of Restaurant Visits in Everyday Life. Journal of Foodservice 18(4):207-217. [eating-out; social relations; Europe; Sweden]  Pliner P, Zec D. 2007. Meal Schemas During a Preload Decrease Subsequent Eating. Appetite 48(3):278-288. [eating behavior; meals; food intake; social context]
Prasad S. 2006. Crisis, Identity, and Social Distinction: Cultural Politics of Food, Taste, and Consumption in Late Colonial Bengal. Journal of Historical Sociology 19(3):245-265. [history; social class; national identity; India] 
Preston-Werner T. 2009. Gallo Pinto: Tradition, Memory, and Identity in Costa Rican Foodways. Journal of American Folklore 122(483):11-27. [social identity; traditional food; memory; Central America; Costa Rica] 
Preston-Werner T. 2009. Gallo Pinto: Tradition, Memory, and Identity in Costa Rican Foodways. Journal of American Folklore 122(483):11-27. [regional identity; foodstuff; rice & beans; Central America]  Protschky S. 2008. The Colonial Table: Food, Culture and Dutch Identity in Colonial Indonesia. Australian Journal of Politics and History 54(3):346-357. [history; ethnic identity; social class; race; Netherlands Indies]

Robertson AF. 2010. Conviviality in Catalonia. Gastronomica 10(1):70-78. [eating habits; social relations; meal pattern; Europe; Spain] 
Robertson AF. 2010. Conviviality in Catalonia. Gastronomica 10(1):70-78. [fasting; feasts; social relations; family; food sharing; Europe; Spain] 
Roller MB. 2006. Dining Posture in Ancient Rome: Bodies, Values, and Status. Princeton University Press. [commensal pattern; social relations] 
Roth LK. 2005. "Beef. It's What's for Dinner": Vegetarians, Meat-Eaters and the Negotiation of Familial Relationships. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 8(2):181-200(120). [vegetarianism; social effect; family; conflict]

Sari E. 2011. Keskek in the Culinary Culture of Kursunlu: Its Past, Present, and Future. Milli Folklor (90):185-194. [culinary culture; festive meals; meaning; social identity; Europe; Turkey; Anatolia]
Schoeppe, S. et al.: Do singles or couples live healthier lifestyles? Trends in Queensland between 2005-2014. PLOS one doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192584 (28.02.2018) ⇔ Ehe-Adipositas: Warum legen wir in Beziehungen stärker an Gewicht zu? link bei www.heilpraxisnet.de 16.03.3018
Schubert L. 2008. Household Food Strategies and the Reframing of Ways of Understanding Dietary Practices. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 47(3):254-279. [theory and method; social relations; households; provisioning; nutrition]
Siegel B. 2010. Learning to Eat in a Capital City Constructing Public Eating Culture in Delhi. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 13:71-90. [restaurants; commensality; eating attitudes; South Asia; India; New Delhi]
Silva DOE, Guerrero AFH, Guerrero CH, et al. 2008. The Causality of Nutrition and Food Insecurity of Quilombola Communities with the Construction of the Br-163, Highway, Para, Brazil. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 21:83-97. [food insecurity; social relations; racism; South America; Santarem; Afro-Brazilians]
Simon B. 2010. Everything but the Coffee: Learning About America from Starbucks. University of California Press. [social relations; marketing; food and culture; space; North America; United States ]  Steckel RH. 2005. Health and Nutrition in the Pre-Industrial Era: Insights from a Millennium of Average Heights in Northern Europe. Living Standards in the Past 1:227-255. [skeletal remains; nutrition; stature; health; climate; living standards; social inequality; urbanization; Europe; Middle Ages]
Strong J. 2006. The Modern Offal Eaters. Gastronomica 6(2):30-39. [food use; taste; social class; economic status; Europe; North America; England; United Kingdom ]

Thomson D, Hassenkamp AM. 2008. The Social Meaning and Function of Food Rituals in Healthcare Practice: An Ethnography. Human Relations 61(12):1775-1802. [social relations; eating habits; United Kingdom; hospital]
Tucker CM. 2011. Coffee Culture: Local Experiences, Global Connections. Routledge. [food specie; coffee; social aspects]

Ulusoy K. 2011. Coffee and Coffeehouse Culture in Turkish Society (a Verbal Culture and Social Environmental Education Study). Milli Folklor (89):159-169. [social life; coffee; coffeehouse; Europe; Turkey]

Warin M. 2010. Abject Relations: Everyday Worlds of Anorexia. Rutgers University Press. [disease; anorexia nervosa; social aspects; psychology]
Wilson TM. 2006. Introduction: Food, Drink and Identity in Europe: Consumption and the Construction of Local, National and Cosmopolitan Culture. Yearbook of European Studies 22:11-29. [social identity; cultural change]

Ziker JP. 2006. The Social Movement of Meat in Taimyr, Northern Russia. Nomadic Peoples 10(2):105-122. [food sharing; kinship; reciprocity; Siberia; Dolgan; Nganasan ]

Abdullah M, Wheeler EF. 1985. Seasonal Variations in the Intra-Household Distribution of Food in Bangladeshi Village. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 41:1305-1313. [social relations; family; food sharing; South Asia; Bangladesh] 
Acharya PK. 2003. Maternal Factors and Nutritional Status of Preschool Children. Man in India 83(1-2):109-119. [maternal, child nutrition; social conditions; South Asia; India; Bhubaneswar ] 
Aguirre P. 2004. Socioanthropological Aspects of Obesity in Poverty. Obesity and Poverty. A New Public Health Challenge 1(1):11-22(12). [obesity; poverty; social and economic conditions; women; South America; Argentina]
Allport S. 2000. The Primal Feast: Food, Sex, Foraging, and Love. Harmony Books. [paleoanthropology; social relations] 
Anigbo OA. 1987. Commensality and Human Relationship among the Igbo. University of Nigeria Press. [social relations; African; Nigeria; Igbo] 
Appadurai A. 1981. Gastro Politics in Hindu South Asia. American Ethnologist 8:494-511. [social relations; power; symbolism; South Asia; India; Hindu] 
Appadurai A. 1988. How to Make a National Cuisine: Cookbooks in Contemporary India. Comparative Studies in Society and History 30(1):3-24. [social relations; caste; Hindu beliefs; South Asia] 
Atkins PJ, Bower IR. 2001. Food in Society: Economy, Culture, Geography. Arnold. [general survey; theoretical issues; cultural geography; political economy; global networks; social influences on consumption] 

Bahloul J. 1989. From a Muslim Banquet to a Jewish Seder: Foodways and Ethnicity among North African Jews. In Jews among Arabs: Contacts and Boundaries. MR Cohen, AL Udovitch, eds. pp. 85-96. Darwin. [social relations; ethnic food habits; North Africa] 
Bahuchet S. 1990. Food and Nutrition in the African Rain Forest : Selected Data from the Research Team in Food Anthropology. Unesco/MAB. [food supply; social relations; Africa; tropical] 
Ball EL. 2003. Greek Food after Mousaka: Cookbooks, 'Local' Culture, and the Cretan Diet. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 21(1):1-36. [cookbooks; identity; Europe; Greece; Crete] 
Banerji C. 2001. The Hour of the Goddess, Memories of Women, Food and Ritual in Bengal. Seagull Books. [cookery; food habits; gender relations; religion; South Asia; India] 
Barlow K. 1984. The Social Context of Infant Feeding in the Murik Lakes of Papua, New Guinea. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 15:61-72. [social relations; infant feeding; Oceania; New Guinea] 
Bateson G, Mead M. 1942. Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis. [social relations; commensality; appetite expression; Indonesia; Bali]
Becker AE. 1995. Body, Self, and Society : The View from Fiji. University of Pennsylvania Press. [social relations; food sharing; body image; Oceania; Fiji] 
Bediako SM, Kwate NO, Rucker R. 2004. Dietary Behavior among African Americans: Assessing Cultural Identity and Health Consciousness. Ethnicity and Disease 14(4):527-532. [eating habits; ethnic identity; North America; United States; African Americans]
Belasco W, Scranton P. 2001. Food Nations: Selling Taste in Consumer Societies. Routledge. [collected essays; marketing, consumer behavior; national identity] 
Bennett J. 1943. Food and Social Status in a Rural Society. American Sociological Review 8:561-568. [social relations; stratification; North America; United States; Illinois] 
Bennewitz, K.: Gemeinsam essen. Besondere Mahlzeiten und Tischgemeinschaften. - Volkskundliche Feldstudien -  Dissertation,   Universität Jena  03.07.2013, 281 S.  (download
Bishop C. 1978. Cultural and Biological Adaptations to Deprivation: The Northern Ojibwa Case. In Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. C Laughlin, I Brady, eds. pp. 208-230. New York: Columbia University Press. [famine; starvation; social relations; North American Indians; Ojibwa] 
Black KW, Glasgow M. 1981. Social Networks and Psychological Conditions in Diet Preferences: Gormets and Vegetarians. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 2:1-9. [social relations; eating attitudes; vegetarians] 
Bliege BR, Bird D. 1997. Delayed Reciprocity and Tolerated Theft. Current Anthropology 38(1):49-78. [food sharing; behavioral ecology; Australia; Torres Straits; Nerian] 
Bodley J. 1985. The Anthropology of Contemporary Human Problems. [Industrial food systems; urban society; cultural evolution]
Bolton L. 2001. Classifying the Material - Food, Textiles and Status in North Vanuatu. Journal of Material Culture 6(3):251-268. [food and culture; social status; Oceania; Vanuatu; Ambae] 
Bossard J. 1983. Family Table Talk: An Area for Sociological Study. American Sociological Review 18:295-301. [social relations; household; North America] 
Brown EP. 1991. Sex and Starvation: Famine and Three Chadian Societies. In The Political Economy of African Famine. R Downs, D Kerner, S Reyna, eds. pp. 293-321. [disaster; social class; gender; Africa; Chad] 
Buckley AG. 2004. Real Men Eat Salad : Gender Constructions and Food Choice. B.S. Thesis. James Madison University, [preference; gender relations; North America; United States] 
Buckner A. 1999. Keeping Kosher: Eating and Social Identity among the Jews of Denmark. Ethnology 38:191-209. [eating habits; social relations; Europe] 

Caplan P. 1997. Food, Health and Identity. Routledge. [collected essays; change; social relations]  Carloni AS. 1971. Sex Disparities in the Distribution of Food within Rural Households. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 6:3-6. [food distribution; sharing; household; gender relations] 
Cawte J. 1978. Gross Stress in Small Islands: A Study in Macro-Psychiatry. In Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. C Laughlin, I Brady, eds. pp. 95-121. Columbia University Press. [famine; social relations; Oceania; Australian Aborigines] 
Chakrabarty M. 1996. Gender Differences in Cereal Intake: Possible Impacts of Social Group Affiliation and Season. Anthropologisher Anzeiger 54(4). [dietary intake; social relations; South Asia; India] 
Chen L, Huq E, d'Souza S. 1981. Sex Bias in the Family Allocation of Food and Health Care in Rural Bangladesh. Population and Development Review 7:55-70. [household relations; food sharing; South Asia; Bangladesh] 
Christie ME. 2004. Kitchenspace, Fiestas, and Cultural Reproduction in Mexican House-Lot Gardens. Geographical Review 94(3):368-390. [kitchen; kitchen garden; festivals; food preparation; social relations; Mexico] 
Cohen Y. 1961. Food and Its Vicissitudes: A Cross-Cultural Study in Sharing and Nonsharing. In Social Structure and Personality. Y Cohen, ed. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [food sharing; enculturation]  Colson E. 1979. In Good Years and Bad: Food Strategies of Self-Reliant Societies. Journal of Anthropological Research 35:18-29. [famine; hunger; social relations; Africa] 
Connell KH. 1955. Marriage in Ireland after the Famine. Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 19:82-103. [mass starvation; social relations; Europe; Ireland] 
Cook PH, Wyndham AJ. 1953. Patterns of Eating Behavior. Human Relations 6(2):141-160. [social relations; industrial workers; lunchtime; Western culture; Australia] 
Cooper E. 1986. Chinese Tables Manners: You Are How You Eat. Human Organization 45(2):179-184. [social relations; manners; East Asia; China] 
Counihan CM, ed. 2002. Food in the USA: A Reader. Routledge. [collected essays; food habits; social identity; North America; United States] 
Counihan CM. 2004. Around the Tuscan Table: Food, Family, and Gender in Twentieth Century Florence. Routledge. [social life; family meals; gender; Europe; Italy] 
Counihan CM, Kaplan S. 1998. Food and Gender: Identity and Power. Gordon and Breach. [food symbols; social relations; gender identity; body images] 
Counihan CM, van Esterik P. 1997. Food and Culture. Routledge. [collected essays (reprints); food symbols; social relations; body image; hunger; miscellaneous]

de Garine I. 1972. The Socio-Cultural Aspects of Nutrition. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 1:143-163. [social anthropological theory; foodways; nutritional anthropology] 
de Garine I. 1976. Food, Tradition and Prestige. In Food, Nutrition, and Evolution: Food as an Environmental Factor in the Genesis of Human Variability. D Walcher, ed. pp. 151-173. [social relations; prestige; Africa] 
de Garine I. 1996. Food and the Status Quest in Five African Cultures. In Food and the Status Quest. P Wiessner, W Schiefenhovel, eds. pp. 193-217. Berghahn. [social relations; Africa; Cameroon; Massa; Mussey; Koma; Yassa; Mvae] 
Delamont S. 1983. Lobster, Chicken, Cake, and Tears: Deciphering Wedding Meals. In The Sociology of Food and Eating. A Murcott, ed. Gower Press. [wedding; ceremony; meals; social life] 
den Hartog AP. 1972. Unequal Distribution of Food within the Household. Fao Nutrition Newsletter 10(4):8-17. [social relations; distribution; household] 
Devine CSJ, Conners M. 1999. Food Choice in Three Ethnic Groups: Interactions of Ideals, Identities, and Roles. Journal of Nutrition Education 31(2):86-. [ethnic identity; social relations; North America; United States; New York] 
DeWalt K, Pelto G. 1977. Food Use and Household Ecology in a Mexican Community. In Nutrition and Anthropology in Action. TK Fitzgerald, ed. pp. 70-93. van Gorcum. [social life; domestic relations; ecology; Mexico] 
Dirks R. 1979. Relief Induced Agonism. Disasters 3(2):195-198. [seasonal hunger; starvation; behavioral disease; social relations] 
Dirks R. 1980. Social Responses During Severe Food Shortage and Famine. Current Anthropology 21:21-44. [starvation; social relations] 
Dirks R. 1999. Political Rights and Famine. In Alimentacion Y Cultura Actas Del Congreso Internacional. E Museo Nacional de Antropologia, ed. Vol. 2, pp. 711-728. La Val de Onsera. [mass starvation, political relations]  
Doshi SL. 1995. Anthropology of Food and Nutrition. Rawat Publications. [food habits; nutrition; social life; South Asia; India; Rajasthan; Bhil] 
Douglas M. 1975. The Sociology of Bread. In Bread: Social, Nutritional, and Agricultural Aspects of Wheaten Bread. A Spicer, ed. London: Elsevier. [food use; social life] 
Douglas M. 1982. The Active Voice. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. [symbol; social anthropological theory] 
Douglas M. 1984. Food in the Social Order: Studies of Food and Festivities in Three American Communities. Russell Sage Foundation. [ethnic foodways; social life; celebration; ritual; North America; United States; African American; American Indian; Italian American] 
Douglas M, Gross J. 1981. Food and Culture: Measuring the Intricacy of Rule Systems. Social Science Information 20. [social anthropological theory; method; foodways] 
DuBois C. 1941. Food and Hunger in Alor. In Language, Culture and Personality : Essays in Memory of Edward Sapir. L Spier, AI Hallowell, SS Newman, eds. pp. 272-281. [social relations; sharing; anxiety; personality development; Indonesia; Alor] 
DuBois C. 1956. Attitudes toward Food and Hunger in Alor. In Personal Character and Cultural Milieu. D Haring, ed. pp. 241-253. Syracuse University Press. [hunger; social relations; personality; Southeast Asia; Alor]
Dundon A. 2004. Tea and Tinned Fish: Christianity, Consumption and the Nation in Papua New Guinea. Oceania 75(2):73-88. [culture change; consumption; store foods; national identity; Oceania; PNG; Western Province; Gogodala ] 
Dwyer JT. 1974. The New Vegetarians: Group Affiliation and Dietary Strictures Related to Attitudes and Life Style". Journal of the American Dietetic Association 64:376-382. [social relations; vegetarian; taboo; North America; United States] 
Dwyer JT. 1974. The New Vegetarians: The Natural High? Journal of the American Dietetic Association 65:529-536. [social relations; vegetarian; taboo; North America; United States] 

Eibes-Eiblesfeldt I. 1972. Love and Hate. Schocken Books. [behavioral evolution; feeding behavior; social relations] 
Eibl-Eibesfeldt I. 1996. The Evolution of Nurturant Dominance. In Food and the Status Quest. P Wiessner, W Schiefenhovel, eds. pp. 33-38. Berghahn. [social status; food sharing; feeding behavior; ethnology] 
Engle PL. 1990. Intra-Household Allocation of Resources: Perspectives from Psychology. In Intra-Household Resource Allocation. BL Rogers, NP Schlossman, eds. pp. 63-79. United Nation University Press. [family; food sharing; psychology] 
Evans NS, Dowler EA. 1999. Food, Health and Eating among Single Homeless and Marginalized People in London. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 12(3):179-. [social relations; diet and health; Europe; England; London] 
Evers S, McIntosh WA. 1977. Social Indicators of Human Nutrition: Measure of Nutritional Status. Social Indicators Research 4:185-205. [nutritional status; social indicators; measurement methods]

Farquhar J. 2002. Appetites: Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China. Duke University Press. [health & medicine; social identity; feasting; self & collectivity; East Asia; China]
Feldman-Savelsberg P. 1999. Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs : Threatened Reproduction and Identity in the Cameroon Grassfields. University of Michigan Press. [food symbols; gender identity; Africa; Cameroon; Bangangté]
Firth R. 1959. Social Change in Tikopia. Macmillan. [famine; behavioral effects; social relations; Oceania; Polynesia; Tikopia] 
Fischler C. 1988. Food, Self, and Identity. Social Science Information 27(2):275-292. [social identity]  Flynn KC. 1999. Food, Gender, and Survival among Street Adults in Mwanza, Tanzania. Food and Foodways 8(3):175-201. [hunger; poverty; homeless; social relations; Africa]
Flynn KC, Behrman C. 2002. Charity, Power and Entitlement Theory. Nutritional Anthropology 25(1):35-38. [hunger; social and economic theory; food sharing] 
Fortes M, Fortes SL. 1936. Food in the Domestic Economy of the Tallensi. Africa 9:237-276. [social relations; family; household; food habits; Africa; Tallensi] 
Furst E, Prattala R, Ekstrom M, et al. 1991. Palatable Worlds: Sociocultural Food Studies. Solum Forlag. [miscellaneous papers; social and cultural theory; foodways; symbols]

Germov J, Williams L. 1996. The Epidemic of Dieting Women: The Need for a Sociological Approach to Food and Nutrition. Appetite 27(2):97-108. [overweight; dieting; social problem] 
Gillespie A, Achterberg C. 1989. Comparison of Family Interaction Patterns Related to Food and Nutrition. Journal of American Dietetics Association 89:509-512. [social relations; symbolic meanings]  Gillette MB. 2000. Between Mecca and Beijing: Modernization and Consumption among Urban Chinese Muslims. Stanford University Press. [food habit change; ethnic identity; consumption; Islam; East Asia; Hui]
Gittelsohn J. 1991. Opening the Box: Intrahousehold Food Allocation in Rural Nepal. Social Science and Medicine 33:1141-1154. [food sharing; distribution; family relations; South Asia; Nepal] 
Goodman D, Redclift M. 1991. Refashioning Nature: Food, Ecology, and Culture. Routledge. [Ecology; social relations; change; nutrition; food habits] 
Goody J. 1982. Cooking, Cuisine and Class. Cambridge University Press. [social and cultural theory; food systems; food habits; change; social relations; stratification] 
Graham A. 1983. Let's Eat!" Committment and Communion in Cooperative Households". In Foodways and Eating Habits. M Jones, ed. Folklore Society of California. [social relations; feast; secular communion; North America; United States] 
Graves T. 2002. Bread and Oil: Majorcan Culture's Last Stand. University of Wisconsin. [foodways; social life; cookery; Europe; Spain; Majorca] 
Greene L. 1977. Hyperendemic Goiter, Cretinism and Social Organization in Highland Ecuador. In Malnutrition, Behavior, and Social Organization. a Greene, ed. pp. 55-94-. New York: Academic Press. [malnutrition; disease; social relations; South America; Ecuador] 
Greene L. 1980. Social and Biological Predictors of Physical Growth and Neurological Development in an Area Where Iodine and Protein-Energy Malnutrition Are Endemic. In Social and Biological Predictors of Nutritional Status. LS Greene, FE Johnston, eds. pp. 223-256-. Academic Press. [malnutrition; social relations; South America; Ecuador] 
Gross R, Dresrusse G. 1996. Nutritional Security and the Status Quest in Developing Countries. In Food and the Status Quest. P Wiessner, W Schiefenhovel, eds. pp. 263-275. Berghahn. [social relations; identity and nutritional practices] 
Groth MV, Fagt S, Brondsted L. 2001. Social Determinants of Dietary Habits in Denmark. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 55(11):959-966. [social relations; Europe] 
Guerron-Montero C, Moreno-Black G. 2001. Household Structure and Dietary Patterns in the Afro-Ecuadorian Highlands. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 22(1):23-30. [social relations, domestic; diet; South America; Ecuador; Afro-Ecuadorian] 
Gurven M, Hill K, Lyles R. 2000. Food Transfers among Hiwi Foragers of Venezuela: Tests of Reciprocity. Human Ecology 28(2):171-. [social relations; exchange; South America; Venezuela; Hiwi] 

Hanchett S. 1975. Hindu Potlatches: Ceremonial Reciprocity and Prestige in Karnataka. In Competition and Modernization in South Asia. HE Ullrich, ed. pp. 27-59. Abhinav. [feasts; social relations; prestige; South Asia; India] 
Hansen A. 1986. Coping with Famine, Drought, and War in Sub-Saharan Africa: Natural Disasters and Cultural Responses. Studies in Third World Societies 36:227-254. [poverty; disaster; mass starvation; indigenous coping strategies; social responses; Africa] 
Harbottle L. 2000. Food for Health, Food for Wealth. The Performance of Ethnic and Gender Identities by Iranian Settlers in Britain. Berghahn Books. [food habits; social conditions; women; Europe; United Kingdom; Great Britain; Iranian immigrants] 
Harper E. 1964. Ritual Pollution as an Integrator of Caste and Religion. In Religion in South Asia. E Harper, ed. [social relations; caste; exchange; pollution; taboo; South Asia; India] 
Harrison GG. 1975. Food Waste Behavior in an Urban Population. Journal of Nutrition Education 7:13-16. [urban society; food system; waste; disposal; North America; United States] 
Hawkes K. 1991. Showing Off: Tests of a Hypothesis About Men's Foraging Goals. Ethnology and Sociobiology 2:29-54. [food sharing; human evolution; behavioral ecology; hunter-gatherer; South America; Paraguay; Ache] 
Hayden B. 1996. Feasting in Prehistoric and Traditional Societies. In Food and the Status Quest. P Wiessner, W Schiefenhovel, eds. pp. 127-147. Berghahn. [feasts and celebrations; social relations; archaeology; ethnology] 
Hendry J. 1990. Food as Social Nutrition. In Food for Humanity: Cross Disciplinary Readings. M Chapman, H Macbeth, eds. Center for the sciences of food and nutrition, Oxford Polytechnic. [social relations; East Asia; Japan] 
Holmberg A. 1950. Nomads of the Long Bow. [food shortage; hunger; social relations; South American Indians; Siriono] 
Holtzman J. 2001. The Food of Elders, the "Ration" of Women: Brewing, Gender, and Domestic Processes among the Samburu of Northern Kenya. American Anthropologist 104(4):1041-1058. [foodstuffs; beer; gender; social relations; Africa] 
Howard M, Millard A. 1997. Hunger and Shame: Child Malnutrition and Poverty on Mount Kilimanjaro. Routledge. [child malnutrition; poverty; social relations; Africa; Tanzania; Chagga] 
Howland M, Hunger JM, Mann T.: Friends don't let friends eat cookies: effects of restrictive eating norms on consumption among friends. Appetite. 2012 Oct;59(2):505-9. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.06.020. Epub 2012 Jul 5. -
Hubert A. 1997. Choices of Food and Cuisine in the Concept of Social Space among the Yao of Thailand. In Food Preferences and Taste. H Macbeth, ed. pp. 167-174. Berghahn. [food preferences; social relations; spatial meaning; meal pattern; Southeast Asia]
Hupkens C. 2000. Social Class Differences in Food Consumption: The Explanatory Value of Permissiveness and Health and Cost Considerations. European Journal of Public Health 10(2):108-113. [social relations; eating habits; food costs; middle class; lower class; child nutrition; Europe; Netherlands; Belgium; Germany] 
Huss-Ashmore R, Katz S. 1989. African Food Systems in Crisis, Part One: Microperspectives. Gordon and Breach. [famine; disaster; seasonal hunger; ecology; social relations; Africa] 
Huss-Ashmore R, Katz S. 1991. African Food Systems in Crisis, Part Two: Contending with Change. Gordon and Breach. [famine; disaster; seasonal hunger; ecology; social relations; Africa]

Isaac G. 1978. The Food-Sharing Behavior of Protohuman Hominids. Scientific American 238:90-106. [behavioral evolution; non-human primates; social relations]
Jarvenpa R. 1999. Bush Food/Country Food/Town Food: Power, Meaning and Dietary Transformation in Three Societies. In Alimentacion Y Cultura Actas Del Congreso Internacional, Vol Ii 1998. E Museo Nacional de Antropologia, ed. pp. 729-748-. La Val de Onsera. [change; social meaning; North American Indians; Chipewyan (Dene); Europe; Finland; Central America; Costa Rica; Terraba] 
Jerome NW. 1974. Socio-Cultural Issues Concerning Nutrition in Childhood and Adolescence. Journal of the National Medical Association 66(4):355-357. [child nutrition; social involvements] 
Johnson O. 1980. The Social Context of Intimacy and Avoidance: A Videotape Study of Machiguenga Meals. Ethnology 14(3):353-366. [social relations; commensality; South American Indian; Machiguenga]  
Johnsson M. 1988. Food and Culture among the Bolivian Aymara. Uppsala University Press. [social relations; foodways; diet; South American Indian; Bolivia; Aymara] 
Jolles CZ. 2002. Faith, Food, and Family in a Yupik Whaling Community. University of Washington Press. [subsistance; social relations; food system; North American Indian] 
Jones P, Shears P, Hillier D, et al. 2003. Return to Traditional Values? A Case Study of Slow Food. British Food Journal 105(4-5):297-304. [social movement]
Joseph FG. 1981. Commentary: Influence of Development Factors on Nutritional Patterns in the Solomon Islands. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 10:187-191-. [social development and culture change; Oceania; Solomon Islands] 

Kahn M. 1986. Always Hungry, Never Greedy. Waveland. [symbolism; appetite expression; social relations; sharing; Oceania; New Guinea] 
Kaiser L, Dewey K. 1991. Household Economic Strategies, Food Resource Allocation, and Intrahousehold Patterns of Dietary Intake in Rural Mexico. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 27:123-145-. [household; food sharing; distribution (allocation); dietary intake; Middle America; Mexico] 
Kalcik S. 1984. Ethnic Foodways in America: Symbol and the Performance of Identity. In Ethnic and Regional Foodways in the United States: The Performance of Group Identity. LK Brown, K Mussell, eds. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. [symbolism; ethnic identity; North American; United States]  Kandel RF, Pelto G. 1980. The Health Food Movement: Social Revitalization of Alternative Health Maintenance System. In Nutritional Anthropology. NW Jerome, RF Kandel, GH Pelto, eds. pp. 327-363-. Pleasantville: Redgrave. [food preference; categorization; health food; social movement; revitalization; North America; United States] 
Kaplan H, Hill K. 1985. Food Sharing among Ache Foragers: Tests of Explanatory Hypotheses. Current Anthropology 26:223-246. [social relations; human evolution; behavioral ecology; South America; Paraguay]
Kearney M. 1972. The Winds of Ixtepeji. New York. [foodways; diet; food sharing; drinking patterns; Mexico; Zapotec] 
Kennedy E, Haddad L. 2000. The Nutrition of Women in the Developing World. In The Cambridge World History of Food. KF Kiple, KC Ornelas, eds. Vol. 2, pp. 1439-1443. Cambridge University Press. [nutritional anthropology; maternal, infant nutrition; household relations] 
Khare RS. 1976. The Hindu Hearth and Home. Vikas Publishing House. [symbol; commensal relations; nutritional anthropology; South Asia; India] 
Khare RS, ed. 1992. Eternal Food: Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists. State University of New York Press. [collected essays; theory; nutritional anthropology; symbol; social identity; South Asia; India] 
Klopfer L. 1993. Padang Restaurants: Creating "Ethnic" Cuisine in Indonesia. Food and Foodways 5:293-304. [social identity; ethnicity; change; Southeast Asia; Indonesia; Sumatra] 
Krondl M, Lau D. 1983. Social Determinants in Human Food Selection. In The Psychobiology of Human Food Selection. LM Baker, ed. pp. 139-151. AVI. [food selection; social relations] 
Kucera B, McIntosh WA. 1991. Family Size as a Determinant of Children's Dietary Intake. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 25:1-12. [interhousehold food allocation; family size; sharing; children] 

Lancaster J. 1978. Carrying and Sharing. Human Nature. [human evolution; social behavior] 
Laroche HH, Wallace RB, Snetselaar L, Hillis SL, Steffen LM.: Changes in diet behavior when adults become parents. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 Jun;112(6):832-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2012.02.024. Epub 2012 Apr 30  
Larson N, Neumark-Sztainer D, Laska MN, Story M.: Young adults and eating away from home: associations with dietary intake patterns and weight status differ by choice of restaurant. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011 Nov;111(11):1696-703. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2011.08.007.   
Laughlin C, Jr. 1978. Adaptation and Exchange in So: A Diachronic Study of Deprivation. In Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. C Laughlin, Jr., I Brady, eds. pp. 76-94. Columbia University Press. [social relations; disaster; hunger; economic exchange; Africa; Uganda; So] 
Lee R. 1969. Eating Christmas in the Kalahari. Natural History 78(10):14-22. [social relations; food giving; sharing; Africa; Kung San] 
Lee RB. 2003. The Dobe Ju/'Hoansi. 3rd edition edition. Wadsworth. [subsistance; food habits; dietary change; social relations; Africa; Kalahari Desert] 
Leitch A. 2003. Slow Food and the Politics of Pork Fat: Italian Food and European Identity. Ethnos 68(4):437-462. [social identity; social movements; consumption; Europe; Italy] 
Lemonnier P. 1996. Food, Competition, and the Status of Food in New Guinea. In Food and the Status Quest. P Wiessner, W Schiefenhovel, eds. pp. 219-234. Berghahn. [social relations; pig feasts; Oceania] 
Leonard W, Thomas RB. 1989. Biosocial Responses to Seasonal Food Stress in Highland Peru. Human Biology 61:65-85. [ecology; physiology; social relations; hunger; South America; Peru] 
Lockett C, Calvert C, Grivetti L. 2000. Energy and Micronutrient Composition of Dietary and Medicinal Wild Plants Consumed During Drought: Study of Rural Fulani, Northeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 51:195-208. [famine; foodstuffs; vegetable foraging; social conditions; Africa] 
Lockwood Y, Lockwood W. 1991. Pasties in Michigan's Upper Peninsula: Foodways, Interethnic Relations, and Regionalism. In Creative Ethnicity: Symbols and Stragtegies of Contemporary Ethnic Life. S Stern, JA Cicala, eds. Utah State Press. [foodways; foodstuffs; social identity; ethnicity; North America; United States; Michigan (Upper Peninsula)] 

Macbeth H, Green A. 1997. Nationality and Food Preferences in the Cerdanya Valley, Eastern Pyrennes. In Food Preferences and Taste. H Macbeth, ed. pp. 139-154. Berghahn. [social identity; nationality; food habits; Europe; France; Spain]
Mackintosh M. 1989. Gender, Class, and Rural Transition: Agribusiness and the Food Crisis in Senegal. Zed Books. [hunger; gender relations; development; agribusiness; Africa; Senegal] 
Manderson L. 1981. Traditional Food Beliefs and Traditional Life Events in Peninsular Malaysia. Social Science Information 20(6):947-975. [beliefs; social relations; Southeast Asia; Malaysia] 
Mankekar P. 2002. "India Shopping": Indian Grocery Stores and Transnational Configuration of Belonging. Ethnos 67(1):75-98. [ethnic identity; gender; community; North America; United States; San Francisco]
Marlowe FW. 2004. What Explains Hadza Food Sharing? Research in Economic Anthropology 23. [food sharing; food collectors; Africa; Hadza] 
Marriott M. 1964. Caste Ranking and Food Transactions: A Matrix Analysis. In Structure and Change in Indian Society. M M Singer, B Cohn, eds. [social relations; caste; exchange; pollution; South Asia; India]
Mars L. 1997. Food and Disharmony: Commensality among Jews. Food and Foodways 7(3):189-202. [commensal relations; conflict; ritual; Jews]
Marshall L. 1961. Sharing, Talking, and Giving: Relief of Social Tensions among Kung Bushmen. Africa 31:231-249. [social relations; sharing; giving; Africa; Kung San]
Marshall LB. 1984. Wage Employment and Infant Feeding: A Papua New Guinea Case. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 14:170-190. [economic and social change; infant feeding; Oceanian; Papua New Guinea]  Mastria MR. 2002. Ethnicity and Eating Disorders. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy 19(1):59-78. [social identity; body image; ethnic minorities; North America; United States] 
Matos Viegas Sd. 2003. Eating with Your Favorite Mother: Time and Sociality in a Brazilian Amerindian Community. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society 9(1):21-38. [social relations; parent-child bond; food and kinship; Bahia; Caboclo] 
Mayer A. 1960. Caste and Kinship in Central India. [social relations; caste; exhange; pollution; South Asia] 
McCullough A, Kirksey A, Wachs TD. 1990. Vitamin B Status of Egyptian Mothers: Relation to Infant Behavior and and Maternal-Infant Interaction. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 51:108-. [nutritional status; mother-infant behavior; social interaction; Africa; Egypt] 
McDonaugh C. 1997. Breaking the Rules: Changes in Food Acceptability among the Tharu of Nepal. In Food Preferences and Taste. H Macbeth, ed. pp. 155-166. Berghahn. [change; social relations; food use; buffalo meat; South Asia] 
Mennell S, Murcott A, Otterloo AHv. 1992. The Sociology of Food: Eating, Diet and Culture. Sage Publications. [general survey; theory; food and society; social relations; change] 
Menzies I. 1970. Psychosocial Aspects of Eating. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 14(3):223-227. [symbolism; social relations; eating habits] 
Messer E. 1990. Intra-Household Allocation of Resources: Perspectives from Anthropology. In Intra-Household Resource Allocation. BL Rogers, NP Schlossman, eds. pp. 51-62. United Nations University. [intra-household allocation; food sharing; social relations] 
Meyers M. 2001. A Bite Off Mama's Plate: Mothers' and Daughters' Connections through Food. Bergin and Garvey. [social relations; mother-daughter; food-related work; North America] 
Murcott A. 1995. Social Influences on Food Choice and Dietary Change: A Sociological Attitude. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 54(3):729-735(727). [social theory] 
Murcott A. 2002. Nutrition and Inequalities. European Journal of Public Health 12(3):203-207. [inequalities; nutrition; public understandings; social relations; taste] 

Negash A, Niehof A. 2004. The Significance of Enset Culture and Biodiversity for Rural Household Food and Livelihood Security in Southwestern Ethiopia. Agriculture and Human Values 2004(21):1-61. [ecology; biodiversity; foodstuffs; enset; food security; social relations; gender; household; livelihood; Africa] 

Ohnuki-Tierney E. 1993. Rice as Self: Japanese Identities through Time. Princeton University Press. [social identity; food symbols and metaphors; East Asia] 
Orlove BS. 1997. Meat and Strength: The Moral Economy of a Food Riot. Cultural Anthropology 12(2):234-268. [social relations; political conflict; food prices; South America; Chile] 

Parasecoli F. 2003. Postrevolutionary Chowhounds: Food, Globalization, and the Italian Left. Gastronomica 3(3):29-39. [food and politics; meaning; post-industrial society; Europe; Italy]


Passariello P. 1990. Anamolies, Analogies, and Sacred Profanities: Mary Douglas on Food and Culture, 1957-1989. Food and Foodways 4:53-71. [theory; social anthropology]  
Pearson N, Williams L, Crawford D, Ball K.: Maternal and best friends' influences on meal-skipping behaviours. Br J Nutr. 2012 Sep;108(5):932-8. doi: 10.1017/S000711451100612X. Epub 2012 Jan 31. - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22289518 
Pelto G. 1984. Intrahousehold Food Distribution Patterns. In Malnutrition: Determinants and Consequences. PL White, N Selvey, eds. pp. 285-293. A R Liss, Inc. [food sharing; intra-household distribution] 
Pelto G. 1987. Social Class and Diet in Contemporary Mexico. In Food and Evolution. M Harris, E Ross, eds. pp. 517-540-. Temple University Press. [social organization; class and diet; Middle America; Mexico] 
Pilcher JM. 1996. Tamales or Timbales: Cuisine and the Formation of Mexican Nation Identity. Americas 53:2-. [social identity; Latin America; Mexico]
Poggie JJ. 1995. Food Resource Periodicity and Cooperation Values: A Cross-Cultural Consideration. Cross-cultural Research 29(3):276-296. [seasonal hunger; social relations; sharing]
Pollock DK. 1985. Food and Sexual Identity among the Culina. Food and Foodways 1(1):25-42. [social relations; division of labor; South America; Brazil; Amazon] 
Pottier J, ed. 1985. Food Systems in Central and Southern Africa. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. [collected papers; food supply; reciprocity; food shortage; food sharing; eating habits; agriculture; anthropology; folklore; geography] 
Powdermaker H. 1932. Feast in New Ireland: The Social Function of Eating. American Anthropologist 34:236-247. [feast; social relations; Oceania; New Ireland] 
Powers W, Powers MNM. 1984. Metaphysical Aspects of an Oglala Food System. In Food in the Social Order. M Douglas, ed. pp. 40-96. Russell Sage Foundation. [social relations; symbols and meaning; North American Indians; Oglala Souix] 
Prindle P. 1979. Peasant Society and Famine: A Nepalese Example. Ethnology 18(1):49-60. [famine; social relations; South Asia; Nepal]  Prosterman L. 1983. Food and Alliance at the County Fair. Folklore Society of California. [social relations; identity; North America: United States] 

Quandt SA, Rao P. 1999. Hunger and Food Security among Older Adults in a Rural Community. Human Organization 58(1):28-35. [life course; nutrition and health; social relations; poverty; North America; United States; Kentucky]  Quandt SA, Vitolins MZ, DeWalt KM, et al. 1997. Meal Patterns of Older Adults in Rural Communities: Life Course Analysis and Implications for Nutrition. Journal of Applied Gerontology 16(2):152-171. [nutritional anthropology; life course; social relations; malnutrition; North America; United States; Kentucky]

Raspa R. 1984. Exotic Foods among Italian-Americans in Mormon Utah: Food as Nostalgic Enactment of Identity. In Ethnic and Regional Foodways in the United States: The Performance of Group Identity. LK Brown, K Mussell, eds. pp. 185-194-. University of Tennessee Press. [foodways; social identity; North America; Utah; Italian-Americans; Mormons] 
Reichel-Dolmatoff G, Reichel-Dolmatoff A. 1961. The People of Aritama: The Cultural Personality of a Columbian Mestizo Village. [social relations; personality; South America; Columbia; mestizo] 
Reiter E. 1992. Making Fast Food: From the Frying Pan into the Fryer. Queen's University Press. [food processing; fast food; food industry and trade; social relations; North America; Canada] 
Richards A. 1939. Land, Labour and Diet in Northern Rhodesia. Lit Verlag. [social relations, diet, food habits; Africa; Bemba] 
Richards A. 1948. Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe. Routledge. [social relations; food habits; Africa; Bantu-speaking tribes] 
Richardson K. 2003. Vegemite, Soldiers, and Rosy Cheeks. Gastronomica 3(4):60-62. [foodstuffs; social identity; Australia] 
Roos E, Lahelma E, Pietinen P. 1998. Gender, Socioeconomic Status and Family Status as Determinants of Food Behavior. Social Science and Medicine 46(12):1519-. [social relations, food habits] 
Rosman A, Rubel PG. 1971. Feasting with Mine Enemy: Rank and Exchange among Northwest Coast Societies. [social relations; feasting; conflict; fighting with food; exchange; North American Indian; Northwest Coast] 
Rozin P. 1988. Social Learning About Foods by Humans. In Social Learning: Psychological and Biological Perspectives. T Zentall, BG Galef, Jr., eds. pp. 165-187. [social relations; food habit acquisition] 
Rozin P, Siegal M. 2003. Vegemite as a Marker of National Identity. Gastronomica 3(4):63-67. [social identity; Australia]

Sahlins M. 1972. Stone Age Economics. [social relations; reciprocity; redistribution; band society; tribal society] 
Schacter S. 1959. The Psychology of Affiliation: Experimental Studies of the Sources of Gregariousness. Stanford University Press. [hunger; social relations] 
Schiefenhovel W, Bell-Krannhals I. 1996. Of Harvests and Hierarchies: Securing Food and Social Position in the Trobriand Islands. In Food and the Status Quest. P Wiessner, W Schiefenhovel, eds. pp. 235-251. Berghahn. [social relations; food gifts and sharing; Oceania] 
Schieffelin E. 1976. The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancer. [symbolism; social relations; fighting with food; Oceania; New Guinea] 
Schmied V, Lupton D. 2001. Blurring the Boundaries: Breastfeeding and Maternal Subjectivity. Sociology of Health and Illness 23:234-250. [infant feeding; social relations; mother-infant bond; Australia]  Schneider DM. 1957. Typhoons on Yap. Human Organization 16(2):10-15. [starvation; disaster response; social relations; Oceania; Micronesia; Yap] 
Seaton R. 1962. Hunger in Groups: An Arctic Experiment. Quartermaster Food and Container Institute, United States Army. [starvation; behavior; social relations] 
Senaur B. 1988. Determinants of the Intrahousehold Allocation of Food in the Rural Philippines. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 70:170-180. [social relations; household; food distribution; Southeast Asia; Philippines] 
Shack D. 1969. Nutritional Processes and Personality Development among the Gurage of Ethiopia. Ethnology 8(3):292-300. [social relations; childrearing; personality; Africa; Ethiopia; Gurage] 
Sharman A, Theophano J, Curtis K, et al. 1991. Diet and Domestic Life in Society. Temple University Press. [miscellaneous papers; diet; domestic life; social relations; research and public policy; case studies] 
Shortridge B, Shortridge J. 1998. The Taste of American Place: A Reader on Regional and Ethnic Foods. Rowan and Littlefield. [collected essays; foodways; geography; social identity; North America; United States] 
Simon D, Adams AM, Madhavan S. 2002. Women's Social Power: Child Nutrition and Poverty in Mali. Journal of Biosocial Science 34:193-213. [child nutrition; gender relations; social status; Africa; Fulbe]  Sobal J, Bove CF, Rauschenbach BS. 2002. Commensal Careers at Entry into Marriage: Establishing Commensal Units and Managing Commensal Circles. The Sociological Review 50:378-397. [family; social relations; meal patterns] 
Sobal J, Mauer D, eds. 1995. Interpreting Weight: The Social Management of Fatness and Thinness. Aldine de Gruyter. [collected essays; obesity; social meaning; body image] 
Sobal J, Nelson MK. 2003. Commensal Eating Patterns: A Community Study. Appetite 41(2):181-190. [social relations; family; survey data; North America; United States] 
Sobal J, Hanson K.: Family meals and body weight in US adults. Public Health Nutr. 2011 Sep;14(9):1555-62. doi: 10.1017/S1368980011000127. Epub 2011 Feb 28. -

Speth J. 1987. Seasonality; Resource Stress, and Food Sharing in So-Called Egalitarian" Foraging Societies". Journal of Archaeological Science 14:13-29. [seasonal hunger; food sharing; hunter-gatherers; foraging peoples] 
Steelman V. 1974. The Cultural Context of Food: A Study of Food Habits and Their Social Significance in Selected Areas of Louisiana. Louisiana State University Center for Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development. [food habits; social meaning; North America; United States; Louisiana]
Stone L. 1988. Illness Beliefs and Feeding the Dead in Hindu Nepal : An Ethnographic Analysis. E. Mellen. [medicine; mental illness; Hinduism; food habits; ethnicity; social life; South Asia; Nepal] 
Stuart JW. 1978. Subsistence Ecology of the Isthmus Nahuat Indians of Southern Veracruz, Mexico. Doctoral Dissertation. University of California, Riverside, [food habits; social life; culture; Nahuas] 

Tam SM. 2001. Lost and Found? Reconstructing Hong Kong Identity in the Ideosyncrasy and Syncretism of Yumcha. In Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia. DYH Wu, CB Tan, eds. pp. 49-70. Chinese University Press. [globalization; eating habits; local identity; East Asia; China; Hong Kong] 
Tapper R, Tapper N. 1986. 'Eat This, It'll Do You a Power of Good': Food and Commensality among Durrani Pashtuns. American Ethnologist 13(1):62-79. [social relation; ritual; sacrifice; Muslim dietary law; Central Asia; Afghanistan] 
Tibbott SM. 2002. Domestic Life in Wales. University of Wales Press. [foodways; diet; cookery; social relations; Europe; United Kingdom; Wales] 
Toomey P. 1992. Mountain of Food, Mountain of Love: Ritual Inversion of the Annakuta Feast at Mount Govardhan. In Eternal Food: Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists. RS Khare, ed. pp. 117-145. State University of New York Press. [feasts; social relations; symbol; ritual; South Asia; Northern India; Braj] 
Trankell I-B. 1995. Cooking, Care, and Domestication: A Culinary Ethnography of the Tai Yong, Northern Thailand. Stockholm. [food habits; food & culture; social life; Southeast Asia] 
Trankell IB. 1995. Cooking, Care, and Domestication: A Culinary Ethnography of the Tai Yong, Northern Thailand. Uppsala University Press. [food categories; processing; gender relations; ritual and meaing; Southeast Asia] 
Traphagan JW, Brown LK. 2002. Fast Food and Intergenerational Commensality in Japan: New Styles and Old Patterns. Ethnology 41(2):119-134. [fast food; commensality; family; McDonald's; East Asia; Japan] 
Traphagen J, Rown LK. 2002. Fast Food and Intergenerational Commensality in Japan: New Styles and Old Patterns. Ethnology 41(2):119-134. [social relations; fast food; East Asia] 
Tuchman G, Levine HG. 1993. New York Jews and Chinese Food: The Social Construction of an Ethnic Pattern. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 22(3):362-407. [social identity; ethnicity; North America; United States] 
Turmo IG. 1997. The Pathways of Taste: The West Andalucian Case. In Food Preferences and Taste. H Macbeth, ed. pp. 115-126. Berghahn. [food choice; ecology; social relations; Europe; Spain; Seville; Cadiz; Huelva] 
Turnbull C. 1972. The Mountain People. Simon and Schuster. [famine; social relations; Africa; Uganda; Ik] 
Turnbull C. 1978. Rethinking the Ik: A Functional Non-Social System. In Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. C Laughlin, I Brady, eds. pp. 49-75. Columbia University Press. [famine; social relations; Africa; Uganda; Ik] 
Tuzin D. 1972. Yam Symbolism in the Sepik: An Interpretative Account. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 28:230-254. [symbolism; social relations; sex; Oceania; New Guinea] 

Valentine G. 1999. Eating In: Home, Consumption, and Identity. The Sociological Review 47(3):491-. [commensal relations; social identity] 
Van den Berghe P. 1984. Ethnic Cuisine: Culture in Nature. Ethnic and Racial Studies 7(3):387-397. [behavioral evolution; food sharing; ethnic identity]
Voss J. 1987. The Politics of Pork and the Rituals of Rice: Redistributive Feasting and Commodity Circulation in Northern Luzon, Philippines. In Beyond the New Economic Anthropology. J Clammer, ed. Macmillan. [social relations; food sharing; feasting; symbolic meaning; Southeast Asia; Philippines; Luzon]

Warde A. 1997. Consumption, Food and Taste: Culinary Antinomies and Commodity Culture. Sage. [food selection; determinants of taste; social relations; Europe; United Kingdom] 
Warde A, Marten L, Olsen W. 1999. Consumption Ahd the Problem of Variety: Cultural Omnivorousness, Social Distinction and Dining Out. Sociology 33(1):105-127. [restaurants; social identity; symbol and meaning; Europe; England; London; Bristol; Preston]
Weismantel MJ. 1998 (originally 1988). Food, Gender, and Poverty in the Ecuadorian Andes. reissue edition. Waveland. [symbolism; social relations; cultural change; South America; Ecuador; Zumbagua]
White D. 1992. You Are What You Eat: The Anomalous Status of Dog-Cookers in Hindu. In Eternal Food: Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists. RS Khare, ed. pp. 53-93. State of New York Press. [Hindu food law; social relations; social status; symbol; myth; South Asia; India]  Whitehead H. 2000. Food Rules: Hunting, Sharing, and Tabooing Game in Papua New Guinea. University of Michigan Press. [social relations; sharing; gender; taboo; Oceania; Papua New Guinea; Seltaman]
Whitehead TL. 1984. Sociocultural Dynamics and Food Habits in a Southern Community. In Food in the Social Order. M Douglas, ed. pp. 97-142. Russell Sage Foundation. [food habits; social relations; North America; South Carolina; African Americans] 
Wiessner P. 1996. Leveling the Hunter: Constraints on the Status Quest in Foraging Societies. In Food and the Status Quest. P Wiessner, W Schiefenhovel, eds. pp. 171-191. [social relations; food sharing]  Wilk RR. 1999. "Real Belizean Food": Building Local Identity in the Transnational Caribbean. American Anthropologist 101:244-255. [social relations; colonialism; class; modernization; Caribbean; Belize]   Williams L, Abbott G, Crawford D, Ball K.: Associations between mothers' perceptions of the cost of fruit and vegetables and children's diets: will children pay the price? Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Feb;66(2):276-8. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2011.164. Epub 2011 Sep 28. -
Wilson C. 1986. Social and Nutritional Context of "Ethnic Foods:" Malay Examples. In Shared Wealth and Symbol: Food, Culture and Society in Oceania. L Manderson, ed. Cambridge University Press. [social relations; diet; infant feeding; Southeast Asia; Malaysia] 
Witt D. 1999. Black Hunger: Food and the Politics of Us Identity. Oxford University Press. [soul food; social identity; North America; United States; African Americans] 
Wood R. 1995. The Sociology of the Meal. Columbia University Press. [social relations]
Wu DYH, Tan CB. 2001. Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia. Chinese University Press. [collected essays; food habits; change; religion; meaning; Chinese identity; East Asia; Southeast Asia] 
Wurgaft BA. 2003. Starbucks and Rootless Cosmopolitanism. Gastronomica 3(4):71-75. [social change; coffee shops; neighborhood and community; North America; United States; Boston]

Yamamoto ME, Lopes FdA. 2004. Effect of Removal from the Family Group on Feeding Behavior by Captive Callithrix Jacchus. International Journal of Primatology 25(2):489-500. [non-human primates; common marmosets; social relations] 
Yang MM. 1994. Gifts, Favors, and Banquets: The Art of Social Relationships in China. Cornell University Press. [social relations; feasts; East Asia; China] 
Young M. 1971. Fighting with Food. [social relations; famine; seasonal hunger; conflict; fighting with food; appetite expression; Oceania; New Guinea; Goodenough Island] 

Zukin S, Maguire JS. 2004. Consumers and Consumption. Annual Review of Sociology 30:173-197. [review; food and culture; consumers; economy; identity; globalization]


Eltchaninoff, M.: Den Tag meistern. Philosophie-Magazin 16.04.2024 u.a. Immanuel Kant: Essen in guter Gesellschaft - Essen Sie nicht alleine zu Mittag, sondern zusammen mit Kollegen oder Freundinnen. In seiner Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht will er die Bedingungen für ein „gutes Leben“ im Alltag ermitteln. „Alleine zu essen ist (...) ungesund“, sagt er, denn der „genießende Mensch, der im Denken während der einsamen Mahlzeit an sich selbst zehrt, verliert allmählich die Munterkeit“.