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Beispiel - IAKE Heft 17 - Dez 2009; S. 55f (link)

AMIRAIAN, Dana / SOBAL, Jeffery: Dating and eating. How university students select eating settings, Appetite 52, 2009, 226–229. (link)
ANDRADE, Ana M. /GREENE, Geoffrey W. /MELANSON,Kathleen J.: Eating Slowly Led to Decreases in Energy Intake within Meals in Healthy Women, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108, 2008, 1186–1191. ANDREA VON BRAUN STIFTUNG (Hg.): Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität Nr. 3. Schwerpunkt Medizin, München 2009.
ANSCHUTZ, Doeschka J. /ENGELS, Rutger C.M.E. /BECKER, Eni S. / STRIEN van, Tatjana: The bold and the beautiful. Influence of body size of televised media models on body dissatisfaction and actual food intake, Appetite 51, 2008, 530–537.
ASCHEMANN, Jessica /MAROSCHECK, Nicole: Wirkung von Claims auf die Kaufentscheidung bei Lebensmitteln, Ernährung im Fokus 8, 2008, 406–411.

BARTHOMEUF, L. /ROUSSET, S. /DROIT-VOLET, S.: Emotion and food. Do the emotions expressed on other peoples faces affect the desire to eat liked and disliked food´products? Appetite 52, 2009, 27–33.
BECKLEY, Jacqueline /ASHMAN, Hollis: Developing Compelling Dairy Foods, Food Technology 62 (12), 2008, 26–36.
BENDER, Ute: Medialer Koch-Hype im Spiegel der Ernährungsbildung, Ernährungs-Umschau 56, 2009, 80–85.
BIDDULPH, Edward: „Bond Was Not a Gourmet“: An Archaeology of James Bond´s Diet, Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 12, 2009, 131–149.
BINNEKAMP, Menno /INGENBLEEK, Paul: Do „good“ food products make others look „bad“?: Spin-off effects of labels for sustainable food production in the consumer perception, British Food Journal 110, 2008, 843–864.
BLADES, Mabel: A preliminary study of school lunches, Nutrition & Food Science 38, 2008, 534–539.
BLAKE, Christine E. /BISOGNI, Carole A. /SOBAL, Jeffery /JASTRAN, Margaret /DEVINE, Carol M.: How adults construct evening meals. Scripts for food choice, Appetite 51, 2008, 654–662.
BLAKE, Christine E. /DEVINE, Carol M. /WETHINGTON, Elaine /JASTRAN, Margaret /FARRELL, Tracy J. /BISOGNI, Carole A.: Employed parents  satisfaction with food-choice coping strategies. Influence of gender and structure, Appetite 52, 2009, 711–719.
BLANCHARD, Chris M. /KUPPERMAN, Janet / SPARLING, Phillip B. /NEHL, Eric /RHODES, Ryan E. /COURNEYA, Kerry S. /BAKER, Frank: Do ethnicity and gender matter when using the theory of planned behavior to understand fruit and vegetable consumption? Appetite 52, 2009, 15–20.
BLANCK, Heidi M. /YAROCH, Amy L. /ATIENZA, Audie A. /YI, Sarah L. /ZHANG, Jian /MÂSSE, Louise C.: Factors Influencing Lunchtime Food Choices Among Working Americans, Health Education & Behavior 36, 2009, 289-301
BLOHM, Manfred /BURKHARDT, Sara /HEIL, Christine (Hg.): Tatort Küche. Kunst, Kulturvermittlung, Museum. Die Küche als Lebens- und Erfahrungsraum, Flensburg 2009.
BRODERSEN, Ingke /DAMMANN, Rüdiger: Mahlzeit: 60 Jahre Deutschland – Eine kulinarische Zeitreise, Köln 2009.
BRUEGEL, Martin: Profusion et Pénurie. Les hommes face à leurs besoins alimentaires, Rennes 2009.
BRUNSTROM, Jeffrey M. /ROGERS, Peter J. / POTHOS, Emmanuel M. /CALITRI, Raff /TAPPER, Katy: Estimating everyday portion size using a "method of constant stimuli" In a student sample, portion size is predicted by gender, dietary behaviour, and hunger, but not BMI, Appetite 51, 2008, 296–301.
BUCHECKER, Kirsten: Fragen & Antworten. Sensorik, Hamburg 2008. BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR FAMILIE, SENIOREN, FRAUEN UND JUGEND: Männer in Bewegung. Zehn Jahre Männerentwicklung in Deutschland, Baden-Baden 2009.
BURGESS-CHAMPOUX, Teri L. /LARSON, Nicole /NEUMARK-SZTAINER, Dianne /HANNAN, Peter J. / STORY, Mary: Are Family Meal Patterns Associated with Overall Diet Quality during the Transition from Early to Middle Adolescence? Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 41, 2009, 79–86.

CAPRIO, Sonia /DANIELS, Stephen R. /DREWNOWSKI, Adam/KAUFMAN, Francine R. / PALINKAS, Lawrence A. /ROSENBLOOM, Arlan L. / SCHWIMMER, Jeffrey B.: Influence of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture on Childhood Obesity: Implications for Prevention and Treatment, Obesity 16, 2008, 2566–2577.
CARRUS, Giuseppe /NENCI, Anna Maria /CADDEO, Pierluigi: The role of ethnic identity and perceived ethnic norms in the purchase of ethnical food products, Appetite 52, 2009, 65–71.
CLARKE, Anne M. /RUXTON, Carrie H.S. /HETHERINGTON, Lesley /O´NEIL, Sharon /McMILLAN, Brian: School intervention to improve preferences for fruit and vegetables, Nutrition & Food Science 39, 2009, 118–127.
CLEMENS, Roger /DUBOST, Joy: Reasons to Rise and Shine for Breakfast, Food Technology 62 (7), 2008, 21.
COUNIHAN, Carole /ESTERIK van, Penny: Food and culture: a reader, (2nd ed.), London 2008.

DARMON, Nicole /CAILLAVET, France /JOLY, Caroline /MAILLOT, Matthieu /DREWNOWSKI, Adam: Low-cost foods: how do they compare with their brand name equivalents? A French study, Public Health Nutrition 12, 2009, 808–815.
DAVE, Jayna M. /AN, Lawrence C. /JEFFERY, Robert W. / AHLUWALIA, Jasjit S.: Relationship of Attitudes Toward Fast Food and Frequency of Fast-food Intake in Adults, Obesity 17, 2009, 1164–1170.
DELL´GLI, Daniele (Hg.): Essen als ob nicht. Gastrosophische Modelle, Frankfurt a.M. 2009. 
Essen – als ob nicht: als ob es nicht darauf ankäme; als ob es egal wäre, was, wann und wie; nebenbei essen, zwischendurch, weil´s unbedingt sein muß, ohne Sinn und Verstand. Essen, als ob es das Gewöhnlichste und Niedrigste wäre, wofür das Billigste vom Discounter, aus der Kantine, vom Imbißstand gut genug ist; essen, als ob von der wichtigsten Regenerationsquelle für Leib und Seele nicht alles andere abhinge. – Die Autoren des Bandes untersuchen die diskursiven und materiellen Hintergründe der deutschen wie internationalen Eßkultur. Sie bieten Ansätze zu einem anderen, neuen Verständnis eines gerade wegen seiner Alltäglichkeit immer noch unterschätzten Phänomens und streiten für einen in Deutschland längst überfälligen gastrosophical turn.  Mit Beiträgen von Jürgen Dollase, Harald Lemke, Daniele Dell’Agli, Martin Reuter, Claus-Dieter Rath u.a. http://www.suhrkamp.de/buecher/essen_als_ob_nicht-_12518.html 

DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR ERNÄHRUNG E.V. (Hg.): Ernährungsbericht 2008, Bonn 2008. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN E.V. (Hg.): DGEM-Leitlinien Enterale und Parenterale Ernährung, Stuttgart 2008.

DUBOIS, Lise /FARMER, Anna /GIRARD, Manon /PETERSON,Kelly: Social factors and television use during meals and snacks is associated with higher BMI among pre-school children, Public Health Nutrition 11, 2008, 1267–1279.
DÜRR, Ingolf: Kaffee: Wirkung auf die Gesundheit. Was sagt die Wissenschaft? Marburg 2008. DÜRRSCHMID, Klaus: Gustatorische Wahrnehmungen gezielt abwandeln, Hamburg 2009.
DZEWALTOWSKI, David A. /ESTABROOKS, Paul A. / WELK, Greg /HILL, Jennie /MILLIKEN, George /KARTEROLIOTIS, Kostas /JOHNSTON, Judy A.: Healthy Youth Places: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Determine the Effectiveness of Facilitating Adult and Youth Leaders to Promote Physical Activity and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Middle Schools, Health Education & Behavior 36, 2009, 583–600.

EHRLICH, Till: Ist Wein ein Kulturgut? Gedanken zur kulturellen Identität und Geschichtlichkeit des Weins, Journal Culinaire 8, 2009, 26–40.
EIDAM, Hardy /GROTKAMP-SCHEPERS, Barbara /HEISE, Ulla / SCHEPERS, Wolfgang: Zu Gast. 4000 Jahre Gastgewerbe, Erfurt 2008.
EISENHAUER, Miriam: Gesunde Schule. Möglichkeiten und  Akzeptanz eines Gesundheitsförderprojekts am Beispiel einer integrierten Gesamtschule, Saarbrücken 2008.
EISENHAUER, Miriam: Reform am Schulkiosk, Ernährung im Fokus 2, 2009, 52–58
ELFHAG, Kristina /RASMUSSEN, Finn: Food consumption, eating behaviour and self-esteem among single v. married and cohabiting mothers and their 12-year-old children, Public Health Nutrition 11, 2008, 934–939. ERHART, Anja: Nachhaltigkeit in der Schulverpflegung, Ernährung im Fokus 9, 2009, 138–142.
ESTAQUIO, Carla /DRUESNE-PECOLLO, Nathalie /LATINO-MARTEL, Paule /DAUCHET, Luc /HERCBERG,Serge /BERTRAIS, Sandrine: Socioeconomic Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Middle-Aged French Adults: Adherence to the 5 A Day Recommendation, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108, 2008, 2021–2030.

FIKENTSCHER, Rüdiger (Hg.): Trinkkulturen in Europa, Halle (Saale) 2008.
FISCHER, Jessica /RICHTER, Almut /VOHMANN, Claudia / STAHL, Anna /HESEKER, Helmut /MENSINK, Gert B.M.: Fast-Food-Verzehr von Jugendlichen in Deutschland (Teil 1), Ernährungs-Umschau 55, 2008, 518–522.
FISCHER, Jessica /RICHTER, Almut /VOHMANN, Claudia / STAHL, Anna /HESEKER, Helmut /MENSINK, Gert B.M.: Fast-Food-Verzehr von Jugendlichen in Deutschland (Teil 2), Ernährungs-Umschau 55, 2008, 579–583.
FITZGERALD, Nurgül /DAMIO, Grace / SEGURA-PerEZ,Sofia / PEREZ-ESCAMILLA, Rafael: Nutrition Knowledge, Food Label Use and Food Intake Patterns among Latinas with and without Type 2 Diabetes, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108, 2008, 911–1088. 
FOSTER, Robert J.: Coca-Globalization: Following Soft Drinks from New York to New Guinea, New York 2008.
FULKERSON, Jayne A. /NEUMARK-SZTAINER, Dianne / HANNAN, Peter J. / STORY, Mary: Family Meal Frequency and Weight Status Among Adolescents: Cross-sectional and 5-year Longitudinal Associations, Obesity 16, 2008, 2529–2534.

GELHAAR, Katja: „Jeder kocht sein eigenes Süppchen“. Esskultur und Identität der Kreolen auf La Réunion, Leipzig 2008.
GRAFOVA, Irina B. /FREEDMAN, Vicki A. /KUMAR, Rizie /ROGOWSKI, Jeannette: Neighborhoods and Obesity in Later Life, American Journal of Public Health 98, 2008, 2065–2071.
GRIVETTI, Louis Evan / SHAPIRO, Howard-Yana (Hg.): Chocolate: History, Culture, and Heritage, New York u. a. 2009.
GUERRERO, Luis /GUÀRDIA, Maria Dolors /XICOLA, Joan /VERBEKE, Wim/VANHONACKER, Filiep /ZAKOWSKA-BIEMANS, Sylwia / SAJDAKOWSKA, Marta/ SULMONT-ROSS  Claire / ISSANCHOU, Sylvie / CONTEL, Michele / SCALVEDI, M. Luisa / SIGNE GRANIL, Britt /HERSLETH, Margrethe: Consumer-driven definition of traditional food products and innovation in traditional foods. A qualitative cross-cultural study, Appetite 52, 2009, 345–354.
GVION, Liora: What’s Cooking in America?: Cookbooks Narrate Ethnicity: 1850–1990, Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 12, 2009, 53–76.

HALFORD, Jason C.G. /BOYLAND, Emma J. /HUGHES, Georgina M. / STACEY, Leanne /McKEAN, Sarah /DOVEY, Terence M.: Beyond-brand effect of television food advertisements on food choice in children: the effects of weight status, Public Health Nutrition 11, 2008, 897–904.

HASENBOEHLER, Kathrin /MUNSCH, Simone /MEYER, Andrea H. /KAPPLER, Christoph /VÖGELE, Claus: Family structure, body mass index, and eating behavior, International Journal of Eating Disorders 42, 2009, 332–338.
HAUPT, Heinz-Gerhard /TORP, Claudius (Hg.): Die Konsumgesellschaft in Deutschland 1890–1990. Ein Handbuch, Frankfurt a.M. 2009.
HEINDL, Ines: Esskultur privat, Impulse 61, 2008, 5–6.
HERMANS, Roel C.J. /ENGELS, Rutger C.M.E. /LARSEN,Junilla K. /HERMAN, C. Peter: Modeling of palatable food intake. The influence of quality of social interaction, Appetite 52, 2009, 801–804.
HIGGS, Suzanne /WOODWARD, Morgan: Television watching during lunch increases afternoon snack intake of young women, Appetite 52, 2009, 39–43.
HILDEBRANDT, Goetz (Hg.): Geschmackswelten. Grundlagen der Lebensmittelsensorik, Frankfurt a.M. 2008.
HIRSCHFELDER, Gunther /MOHRMANN, Ruth-E. (Hg.): Rheinisch-westfälische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 53. Jahrgang, Bonn /Münster 2008.
HIRSCHFELDER, Gunther /PLOEGER, Angelika /PUDEL, Volker / SCHÖNBERGER, Gesa (Hg.): Purer Genuss? Wasser als Getränk, Ware und Kulturgut, Frankfurt a.M. 2009.
HÖHL, Karolin: Gesundheit braucht Genuss, Haushalt & Bildung 86 (1), 2009, 28–35.
HÖHL, Karolin /SCHÖNBERGER, Gesa U. /BUSCH-STOCKFISCH, Mechthild: Water quality and taste sensitivity for basic tastes and metallic sensation, Food Quality and Preference 21, 2009, 243–249.
HOLSTEN, Joanna E.: Obesity and the community food environment: a systematic review, Public Health Nutrition 12, 2009, 397–405.
HUFNAGEL, Rainer / SCHEIL, Muna: Familienfrühstück und Schulbeginn, Ernährung im Fokus 8, 2008, 318–325.
HUMMEL, Thomas /WELGE-LÜSSEN, Antje: Riech- und Schmeckstörungen. Physiologie, Pathophysiologie und therapeutische Ansätze, Stuttgart 2009. HUNTER, Wendy /WORSLEY, Tony: Understanding the older food consumer. Present day behaviours and future expectations, Appetite 52, 2009, 147–154.
HWANG, Johye /LORENZEN Carol L.: Effective nutrition labeling of restaurant menu and pricing of healthy menu,Journal of Foodservice 19, 2008, 270–276.

INGLIS, Victoria /BALL, Kylie /CRAWFORD, David: Does modifying the household food budget predict changes in the healthfulness of purchasing choices among low- and highincome women? Appetite 52, 2009, 273–279.
JAHNKE, Dörte L. /WARSCHBURGER, Petra A.: Familial Transmission of Eating Behaviors in Preschool-aged Children, Obesity 16, 2008, 1821–1825.
JASTRAN, Margaret M. /BISOGNI, Carole A. /SOBAL, Jeffery /BLAKE, Christine /DEVINE, Carol M.: Eating routines. Embedded, value based, modifiable, and reflective, Appetite 52, 2009, 127–136.

KATZ, D.L. /O´CONNELL, M. /NJIKE, V.Y. /YEH, M.-C. /NAWAZ, H.: Strategies for the prevention and control of obesity in the school setting: systematic review and meta-analysis, International Journal of Obesity 32, 2008, 1780–1789.
KELLER, Ingrid /LANG, Tim: Food-based dietary guidelines and implementation: lessons from four countries – Chile, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa, Public Health Nutrition 11, 2008, 867–874.
KELLY, Bridget /BOCHYNSKA, Katarzyna /KORNMAN, Kelly /CHAPMAN, Kathy: Internet food marketing on popular children´s websites and food product websites in Australia, Public Health Nutrition 11, 2008, 1180–1187.
KERSTING, M. / SICHERT-HELLERT, W. /VEREECKEN,C.A. /DIEHL, J. /BEGHIN, L. /HENAUW de, S. / GRAMMATIKAKI, E. /MANIOS, Y. /MESANA, M.I. / PAPADAKI, A. /PHILLIPP, K. /PLADA, M. /POORTYLIET,E. / SETTE, S.: Food and nutrient intake, nutritional knowledge and diet-related attitudes in European adolescents, International Journal of Obesity 32, 2008, S35–S41.
KLAGES, Heiko: Beanstandungen der Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln. Auswertung der Jahresberichte der Überwachungsbehörden 2007, Hamburg 2009.
KLEIN, Elizabeth G. /LYTLE, Leslie A. /CHEN, Vincent: Social Ecological Predictors of the Transition to Overweight in Youth: Results from the Teens Eating for Energy and Nutrition at Schools (TEENS) Study, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108, 2008, 1163–1169.
KOLMER, Lothar (Hg.): „Finger fertig“: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Serviette, Münster u. a. 2008.
KOMDUUR, Rixt H. /KORTHALS, Michiel /MOLDER te, Hedwig: The good life: living for health and a life without risks? On a prominent script of nutrigenomics, British Journal of Nutrition 101, 2009, 307–316.
KÖNIG, Wolfgang: Kleine Geschichte der Konsumgesellschaft. Konsum als Lebensform der Moderne, Stuttgart 2008. 
KÖRNER, Swen: Dicke Kinder revisited. Zur Kommunikation juveniler Körperkrisen, Bielefeld 2008.
KORR, Jeremy L.: Healthy Cartoons? A Content Analysis of Foods in Children´s Animated Television Programs, Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 11, 2008, 449–462.
KRAWINKEL, Michael B. /KEDING, Gudrun B. /CHAVEZ-ZANDER, Ursula /JORDAN, Irmgard /HABTE, Tzige-Yohannes: Welternährung im 21. Jahrhundert. Eine umfassende Herausforderung (Teil 1), Biologie in unserer Zeit 38, 2008, 312–318.
KRAWINKEL, Michael B. /KEDING, Gudrun B. /CHAVEZ-ZANDER, Ursula /JORDAN, Irmgard /HABTE, Tzige-Yohannes: Welternährung im 21. Jahrhundert. Eineumfassende Herausforderung (Teil 2), Biologie in unserer Zeit 38, 2008, 382–389.
KROPF, Aleisha: The Culture of Food, American Journal of Public Health 99, 2009, 615.
KUHN, Mary Ellen: Fast, Forkless Food, Food Technology 62 (9), 2008, 28–33.
KURLANSKY, Mark: The Food of a Younger Land: A Portrait of American Food – Before the National Highway System, Before Chain Restaurants, and Before Frozen Food, When the Nation´s Food Was Seasonal, New York 2009.

LARSON, Nicole I. /NELSON, Melissa C. /NEUMARK-SZTAINER, Dianne /STORY, Mary /HANNAN, Peter J.: Making Time for Meals: Meal Structure and Associations with Dietary Intake in Young Adults, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 109, 2009, 72–79. LAUREATI, M. /MORIN-AUDEBRAND, L. /PAGLIARINI, E. / SULMONT-ROSSÉ, C. /KÖSTER, E.P. /MOJET, J.: Food memory and its relation with age and liking: An incidental learning experiment with children, young and elderly people, Appetite 51, 2008, 273–282.
LEMKE, Harald /OGAWA, Tadashi (Hg.): Essen – Wissen: Erkundungen zur Esskultur, München 2008.
LEMKE, Harald: Die Weisheit des Essens. Gastrosophische Feldforschungen, München 2008.
LEONHÄUSER, Ute-Ingrid /MEIER-GRÄWE, Uta /MÖSER, Anke /ZANDER, Uta /KÖHLER, Jacqueline: Essalltag in Familien. Ernährungsversorgung zwischen privatem und öffentlichem Raum, Wiesbaden 2009.
LIORET, Sandrine /TOUVIER, Mathilde /LAFAY, Lionel / VOLATIER, Jean-Luc /MAIRE, Bernard: Are Eating Occasions and Their Energy Content Related to Child Overweight and Socioeconomic Status? Obesity 16, 2008, 2518–2523.
LOBSTEIN, T. /DAVIES, S.: Defining and labelling „healthy“ and „unhealthy“ food, Public Health Nutrition 12, 2009, 331–340.
LONE, Todd A. / PENCE, Dan /LEVI, Annette E. /CHAN, Kenny K. /BIANCO-SIMERAL, Stephanie: Marketing healthy food to the least interested consumers, Journal of Foodservice 20, 2009, 90–99.
LOVASI, Gina S. /NECKERMAN, Kathryn M. /QUINN, James W. /WEISS, Christopher C. /RUNDLE, Andrew: Effect of Individual or Neighborhood Disadvantage on the Association Between Neighborhood Walkability and Body Mass Index, American Journal of Public Health 99, 2009, 279–284.
LUMENG, Julie C. /CARDINAL, Tiffany M. /JANKOWSKI, Meghan /KACIROTI, Niko /GELMAN, Susan A.: Children´s use of adult testimony to guide food selection, Appetite 51, 2008, 302–310.
LYON, Phil /COLLIE, Viv /KVARNBRINK, Eva-Britt /COLQUHOUN, Anne: Shopping at the farmers´ market: consumers and their perspectives, Journal of Foodservice 20, 2009, 21–30.

MAES, L. /VEREECKEN, C.A. /GEDRICH, K. /RIEKEN, K. / SICHERT-HELLERT, W. /BOURDEAUDHUIJ de, I. /KERSTING, M. /MANIOS, Y. /PLADA, M. /HAGSTRÖMER, M. /DIETRICH, S. /MATTHYS, C.: A feasibility study of using a diet optimization approach in a webbased computer-tailoring intervention for adolescents, International Journal of Obesity 32, 2008, S76–S81.
MARK van der, Marianne /JONASSON, Josefine / SVENSSON,Madeleine /LINNAB, Yvonne /RÖSSNER, Stephan /LAGERROS, Ylva Trolle: Older Members Perform Better in an Internet-Based Behavioral Weight Loss Program Compared to Younger Members, Obesity Facts 2, 2009, 74–79.
McCONNON, Áine /KIRK, Sara F.L. /RANSLEY, Joan K.: Process Evaluation of an Internet-based Resource for Weight Control: Use and Views of an Obese Sample, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 41, 2009, 261–267.
McGRATH Davis, Ann /JAMES, Rochelle L. /CURTIS, Melanie R. /FELTS, Shanna M. /DALEY, Christine M.: Pediatric Obesity Attitudes, Services, and Information Among Rural Parents: A Qualitative Study, Obesity 16, 2008, 2133–2140.
McLACHLAN, Milla /GARRETT, James: Nutrition change strategies: the new frontier, Public Health Nutrition 11, 2008, 1063–1075.
McLAREN, Lindsay /GODLEY, Jenny: Social Class and BMI Among Canadian Adults: A Focus on Occupational Prestige, Obesity 17, 2009, 290–299.
MERTA, Sabine: Schlank! Ein Körperkult der Moderne, Stuttgart 2008.
METHFESSEL, Barbara / SCHMITT, Gerti: Housework and the role cliche – chances for a chance, Hauswirtschaft und Wissenschaft 56 (1), 2008, 30–38.
METHFESSEL, Barbara: Der schwierige Zusammenhang von Ernährung und Gesundheit. Ernährungsrisiken und Missverständnisse. Haushalt & Bildung 86 (1), 2009, 8–11.
METHFESSEL, Barbara: Schulverpflegung im Lebensraum Schule – Verantwortlichkeiten, Chancen und Herausforderungen. Haushalt und Bildung 85 (1), 2008, 10–20.
MEYERHOF, W.: Auf den Geschmack gekommen? Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 34, 2009, S6–S9. MONTANARI, Massimo: Food and History 5 (1), Turnhout 2008.
MONTANARI, Massimo: Food and History 5 (2), Turnhout2008.
MORGAN, Maria /FAIRCHILD, Ruth / PHILLIPS, Andrea /STEWART, Kate /HUNTER, Lindsay: A content analysis of children´s television advertising: focus on food and oral health, Public Health Nutrition 12, 2009, 748–755.
MOSKOWITZ, Howard /HARTMANN, Johannes: Consumer research: creating a solid base for innovative strategies, Trends in Food Science & Technology 19, 2008, 581–589.
MÜLLER, Klaus E.: Kleine Geschichte des Essens und Trinkens: Vom offenen Feuer zur Haute Cuisine, München 2009.
MÜLLER, M.J. /HEBEBRAND, J.: Should We Really Treat Every Obese Individual? Obesity Facts 1, 2008, 287–291.

NEFF, Roni A. /CHAN, Iris L. /CLEGG SMITH, Katherine: Yesterday´s dinner, tomorrow´s weather, today´s news? US newspaper coverage of food system contributions to climate change, Public Health Nutrition 12, 2009, 1006–1014.
NEILL, Deborah: Finding the „Ideal Diet“: Nutrition, Culture, and Dietary Practices in France and French Equatorial Africa, c. 1890s to 1920s, Food and Foodways 17, 2009, 1–28.
NELSON, Melissa C. /LYTLE, Leslie A. / PASCH, Keryn E.: Improving Literacy about Energy-Related Issues: The Need for a Better Understanding of the Concepts behind Energy Intake and Expenditure among Adolescents and Their Parents, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 109, 2009, 281–287.
NESTLé DEUTSCHLAND AG (Hg.): Nestle´ Studie 2009. So is(s)t Deutschland: Ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft, Stuttgart 2009.
NEWMAN, Vicky A. /FLATT, Shirley W. / PIERCE, John P.: Telephone Counseling Promotes Dietary Change in Healthy Adults: Results of a Pilot Trial, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108, 2008, 1350–1354.
NOTHWEHR, Faryle: Self-Efficacy and Its Association With Use of Diet-Related Behavioral Strategies and Reported Dietary Intake, Health Education & Behavior 35, 2008, 698–706.

ONWULATA, Charles /FLORA, L. Frank /KRAMER, Wendy: Global Opportunities in Agrifood Science & Technology, Food Technology 62 (11), 2008, 40–47.
OUWEHAND, Carolijn /RIDDER de, Denise T. D.: Effects of Temptation and Weight on Hedonics and Motivation to Eat in Women, Obesity 16, 2008, 1788–1793.

PARADIS, Ann-Marie /GODIN, Gaston /LEMIEUX, Simone / PéRUSSE, Louis /VOHL, Marie-Claude: Eating behaviours of non-obese individuals with and without familial history of obesity, British Journal of Nutrition 101, 2009, 1103–1109.
PARK, Amanda /NITZKE, Susan /KRITSCH, Karen /KATTELMANN, Kendra /WHITE, Adrienne /BOECKNER, Linda /LOHSE, Barbara /HOERR, Sharon /GREENE, Geoffrey /ZHANG, Zhumin: Internet-based Interventions Have Potential to Affect Short-term Mediators and Indicators of Dietary Behavior of Young Adults, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 40, 2008, 288–297.
PAUL-EBHOHIMHEN, Virginia /AVENELL, Alison: A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Group versus Individual Treatments for Adult Obesity, Obesity Facts 2, 2009, 17–24.
PEARSON, Natalie /BIDDLE, Stuart J.H. /GORELY, Trish: Family correlates of breakfast consumption among children and adolescents. A systematic review, Appetite 52, 2009, 1–7.
PEARSON, Natalie /BIDDLE, Stuart J.H. /GORELY, Trish: Family correlates of fruit and vegetable consumption in children and adolescents: a systematic review, Public Health Nutrition 12, 2009, 267–283.
PEARSON, Natalie /MacFARLANE, Abbie /CRAWFORD, David /BIDDLE, Stuart J.H.: Family circumstance and adolescent dietary behaviours, Appetite 52, 2009, 668–674.
PETRINI, Carlo (Hg.): Almanach 08. Slow Food Jahrbuch, Bra/Italien 2008.
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