TYPO3 Musterprojekt - Sunday, 16. February 2025
Druckversion der Seite: Seminar 2022
URL: ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de/frischware/vorlesung-phn-cn/seminar-2022.html


 “Ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt” challenges of the future and possible answers



The master course ""Food Society Nutrition Spring 2022" aims to describe the interdependence of food, health, consumer, culture, policies, trade, environment and health perspectives. The course covers special “food-issues”:
- how to reach out to more sustainable eating behaviour and its implementation in real life settings of every day life,
- how to reach an overall sustainable life style
- What are future challenges and trends? Can planetary health diet (PHD) serve as a possible concept to meet the challenges of our planet?
My theme of this seminar is “Ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt” challenges of the future and possible answers

(0) Preliminary Remarks 
(1) My professional background (Biography) -
(2) "from nutrition complex to nutrition system" -
- my website - www.ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de is my tool to structure the field of nutrition research (Text is mainly german )
(3) Challenges of the future: Sustainability (UN goals) - important part - Planatery Health Diet (ways to reach dietary goals)

(0) Preliminary Remarks - First page on "Ernährungsdenkwerkstatt" (EDW) + Grundsätze
simple truth - there is the unthinkable huge universe
and for mankind there is only one planet earth - (later on a video will be shown to this topic)
- live on earth depend on sun (energy) + air (CO2 + Oxygen) + water + soil (minerals)
all living matter - originated from photosynthesis - plants -  carbon assimilation =  biological carbon fixation
(energy sinks of history - fossile fuel - gas - coal - oil)  
- autotroph living matter feed for heterotroph living matter
- global nutrient webs
only one earth - to fulfill basic needs for all - world population (clock) - note the number at this point of lecture / and before lunch brake
humans are only one specie
(number of plants - of animals) - relationships between 2,235,076 species - www.onezoom.org - 
 Tree of Life Web Project -  (biodiversity) (dimension Lebensmittel in EDW)

The current development indicates - human exhaust planet earth - higher consumption as re-production 
Goal: Sustainability (Nachhaltigkeit) (in EDW) - (Welterschöpfungstag) - earth overshoot day
- anthropocene - (in edw)
The limits are known -  club of rome - early ecologists
- artist - like Franz Hohler - song - (Franz Hohler - Weltuntergangs-Kette, 1974) (Aufnahme 1983)
There are basic needs (for everyone) - one important part is food. (resources per person x world population)
The basic need for food - dietary goals (health for individua) - goal for "health of planet earth" - are in the same direction.
(UN 17 sustainable development goals)


my approach - to try to look at the whole (compared to look to details)  macroscope - microscope  (Fig)
my macroscope - Nutrition System - Ernährungsdenkwerkstatt - 3 + 1 dimensions (food + human + environemnt + time)

(1) My professional background (Biography) -

Privilege of a Senior - looking backwards - explanations of life course - knowing why - experience -
 Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. (Kierkegaard)
but forecasting future - ?? (e.g. plans for 2020 on turn of the year - no idea of Corona) (now 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine)
Carpe diem (wikipedia) -  "Die Zukunft ist noch nicht geschrieben. Sie ist, was wir daraus machen."  (Austrian Stamp - Januar 2016 - Presse ) (Zitate)
Different domiciles - (Forschungsorte) - homeland - Germany (different "Germanies") - not a native of any place
Notes on early imprints of my characteristic
- Collecting (stamps, philately) -
- Wortspiele -play on words - Kabarett  (Karl Valentin, Werner Finck)   - Cartoons -
- jazz music - variations (Freedom + Discipline)

Education - Occupational Career
- Study of Chemistry - Biochemistry - Vitamin B12 
(my plan: research in neurochemistry - biochemical pathways in brain)
- First employment: Bumbuli - Usambara Mountains, Tanzania - East Africa (1969-1971)
- Max-Planck-Nutrition-Research Unit - (Kraut)
Research on Food Composition; Nutritional Status Surveys; Nutrition Rehabilitation; Public Health Nutriton - Evaluation
(nutrients - food - home - basic need - culture) - learning different views - ecology - anthropology etc.
Collecting - literature - Congres in Malawi (Publication) -  Oltersdorf Collection (link)
- Nutrition Epidemiology  (Jelliffe) (Burkitt) -

- Second employment: Giessen University (1971-1991)
(Cremer) (Leitzmann)
- Research - animal experiments - interactions - research model expanding - collecting - Review of Interactions
- from animal experiments of epidemiology - interdisciplinary research  (EMSIG) - nutrition system
- Teaching - Nutrition in developing countries - collecting: World Nutrition Publications - "World Nutrition Expert" (Welthungerhilfe - Freedom from Hunger) (Publikation) (UNICEF) (Publikation)
- Lecturing: Assessment of Nutritional Status of the Community
- Nutrition Ecology (Publication)

- Third employment: Stuttgart-Karlsruhe
Director and Professor - Instituts für Ernährungsökonomie und -soziologie (IÖS) der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung (BFE) (Okt 1991 - Aug 2007) (Nutrition Economy and Nutrition Sociology) (former: Federal Research Center for Home Economcis) (E.Stübler)
(now: Institut für Ernährungsverhalten (Nutrition Behaviour) - Max-Rubner-Institut, Karlsruhe)
Possibilities to organize nutrition behaviour research on national (e.G. AGEV) and international base (e.g. IUNS-Committee)
- Activities in public health nutrition research (EU-Projects)
- Finally: Initiative for Second National Nutrition Survey (NVS)


(2) "From nutrition complex to nutrition system"
- my website - www.ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de  - (since 2007 - pages in April 2022 - 6711)

Nutrition is both: a basic science (why-research) - the functions of nutrients -
an applied science - how we apply the results into functions -  "What foods and how much humans should eat to stay healthy - and since a few decades ago - to sustain."

Nutrition is a total phenomenon   (total social fact(Marcel Mauss)

Consequently - the object of nutrition research is unlimited, boundless; (information overload)
nutrition research has to be interdisciplinary (Schichten-Modell - layers of sciences - from physics to cultural sciences)(Chart)
( The Powers of Ten films are two short American documentary films written and directed by Charles and Ray Eames. ) (YouTube)
- biopsychosociocultural models (EMSIG-Model)

My instrument for orientation in the huge "space" of Nutrition Research (Ernährungsforschungsraum) is a system with four dimensions  (Chart)
- Food (Lebensmittel)  -
- Human (Menschen) -
- Environment (Umwelt
- Time (Zeit)

Dimension Human: Everybody needs food - basic need - (Maslow - Chart) each individual has (almost) the same requirements for nutrients.
Differences - individuality - functions of organs - health+wellbeing - longevity.
(amount of food/beverages of an adult - 2-3kg/day or 1 to per year - 3000kcal/day or 1 million per year) -  (Fritz Kahn)   (Kahn Info Bild ) (Informationsgraphik) ( enormous performance of the organismus) - (Karlsruher Ernährungspyramide - Nutrition Pyramid) (Das essen wir alles in einem Jahr. Watson 19.09.2018)
(World Population - still increasing) (Population Clock
(YouTube - American Museum of Natural History - link

Dimension Food:
- single nutrients -  supplements ("chemicals") - processed food: sugar, starch, lipids
- multitude of foods - numerous ingredients (chart)- nutrients and non-nutrients, bioactive substances - interactions
(dual interactions between 40 nutrients need 240 studies (about 1012) (World population 8 109) - Abrams, J.T.: The need for co-ordination of research in nutrition. Internat J Vit Nutr. Res 48: 219-224 (1978)  (OLT112)
- cooking - processed foods - dishes - menus - meals
- www.tasteatlas.com  - (⇒⇒ Cooking) (recipies of the world - data bank)
- Food Habit - diets
- National cuisines  (e.g. mediterran diet)
Enough food for all humans - world nutrition - e.g.  EAT- Lancet-Commission
Primary production (Plants) - (Agriculture)
Food Processing chains - Storage - Distribution - Packaging - Trade - Waste management (Food Technology)
Food Storage (distribution over time - from harvest to harvest)
Food Distribution (over areas - trade) (packaging - e.g. plastic)
Food Waste
Different Qualities of Food (Chart)  (Werte der LM)
- new development - bigdata - metabolom - om-era.

No human can live alone - humans survive in different environments
Dimension Environment:
- Clothing
- Family/Household (micro level)
- Communities (villages, towns, countries) (meso level)
- continental-global regions (macro level)   (Schichten-Modell - Lobstein)
- Settings (home, economic, leisure)
- Communication
- Mobility
- Ethics + Culture (Policy)
(one pole: individualized personalized nutrition - the other pole: regional/national - global/planetary nutrition 
- there is no ideal diet/food habit for all people in the world - no global diet (like - Fast Food - Burger diet / or an optimal pizza)

Live is a balance - not static, but dynamic processes of complex systems (biopsychosocialcultural model)
(static system - a chess play - no action - no effects - time independent) -
It is impossible to take no action in the food system / - no breathing - no oxygen - dead within few minutes / no water - dead within a few days /  - no eating - refuse food - has severe consequences  (Starving - Hunger)

Nutrition System has a
Dimension Time 
- individual biography
- historical developments in food    (Mutationen der Menschheit)
- food chains -  
- daily and seasonal cycles - rhythms -
- life events   (Chart - Life Course)
- prognosis - nutrition planning    (Publication)
("environment" of past  <action, stimulus>  ⇒ genom imprinting - epigenetic <reaction>)

One principle - information management (Modus 2 - Rhizom)  (traditional - encyclopedia from A to Z)
- relationsship between different parts (links) - "growing were is need"  (up to know in Ernährungdenkwerkstatt 6711 sides)
Objects viewed from different sites (Objektivität) (not only the common ones)  (Drudel)

The "Nutrition System"-Space is a tool to construct   specific research models (from overview to specific view)


(3) Challenges of the future: Sustainability (UN goals) - www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment  - 
Science:  Public Health Nutrition

- important part - Planatery Health Diet
(ways to reach dietary goals)
global aims (basic rules) - dietary goals  (united nations - FAO - WHO)
https://www.fao.org/sustainable-food-value-chains/what-is-it/en/ -
- WHO Nutrition TopicHealthy Diet

regional planning - national nutrition policy - Swiss Nutrition Policy
Aktionsplan zur Schweizer Ernährungsstrategie 2017 – 2024 - link bei www.blv.admin.ch - download -

local acting (within a community) - condition oriented prevention / structural prevention = Verhältnisprävention -
"Ernährungs-Stadtplan" ("Nutrition Citymap")
(urban nutrition / local nutrition comitee) (Gemeinde-Aktionen) (Healthy Food Environment)
Urban peri-urban food and Nutrition Action Plan. EUR/01/5026040 WHO Regional Office for Europe Kopenhagen, 2001
Willett, W.C. et al.: Prevention of Chronic Disease by Means of Diet and Lifestyle Changes. Chapter 44 in Jamison,  D.Tt. et al. (eds).: Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. The World Bank; New York: Oxford University Press; 2006. 2nd edition. 

+ individual habits - Nutrition Behaviour -(Verhalten) (bio-psycho-socio-economic/cultural) - 
behavior oriented prevention = Verhaltensprävention

Consider change in "Verhältnis" - Township - to decrease meat consumption  (analysis - status and define goal within a year)
- to increase fruit and vegetable consumption (regional + seasonal)  (analysis - status and define goal within a year)

Nutrition in 2022 & beyond: Sustainable, plant-based and digital...- linkwww.nutrition-hub.com  - Call for action: climate-friendly and sustainable nutrition put into practise in everyday life. Which actions is simple, which is difficult to implement. proposals send to  hello@nutrition-hub.com  

Calculation tool for claculation of sustainability values of foods and recipies - https://eaternity.org/  (App)

Putting information of "Nutrition System" into action - different ways - democracy vs dictator (expertocraty) (ecodikator)
availabilty of information (modern society - digital - world wide) 

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