TYPO3 Musterprojekt - Wednesday, 24. April 2024
Druckversion der Seite: engere Umwelt - Mikroebene
URL: ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de/grundsaetze/inhalts-elemente/methoden/lebensumweltmethoden/engere-umwelt-mikroebene.html


Haushaltsgröße -

Fähigkeiten des Haushaltes (finanziell, Können, Vermögen  - Human Capital)

In LDCs sind dafür verschiedenartige Indikatoren im Einsatz
(CHART) -Household Budget - Flow of Resources
(CHART) - Power and Allocation of Resources
(CHART) - Access Qualification within a household
(CHART) - Household and their Stocks (Vieh) and other resources


(Manual - Method - Rural Households Livelihood and Well-Being, 2007; 550p))

Soziale Kontakte - innerhalb der Familie - und Freunde

Soziale Netzwerke / soziale Unterstützung


Studien in den USA - Health Characteristics of Adults Aged 55 Years and Over - (U.S.2004-2007)  (Download) 

Health Status / Morbidity / Hypertension / Heart Disease / Diabetes / Hearing Problems / Vision Impairment / Psychological Distress / loss of natural teeth / Difficulties in physical functioning - mobility / difficultires in social functioning /  health care use / doctor visit / health behaviour - physical activities / healthy body weight / smoking / sleep / Methods - definitions - marital status / poverty status / race / health status / hearing impairment /physical functioning / social functioning / vision impairments / psychological distress /  BMI - healthy body weight /  Cigarette-smoking / physical activity / sleep

Panel Assesses Evidence for the Collection and Use of Family Health History Information
Though most Americans are familiar with completing a questionnaire about their family health history when visiting health care providers, an independent panel was convened by the National Institutes of Health this week to critically assess exactly what we know and what we need to learn about how this process relates to improving health. The conference focused on the use of family history in the primary care setting for common diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cancer, and heart disease. Earlier today, the panel released their findings in a statement that is available at consensus.nih.gov.
(Download - Abstract Book)