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George .H. Beaton
war Professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Important consultant für WHO und FAO - besonders hinsichtlich des Ernährungs-Bedarfss - nicht strikte Bedarfszahlen sondern Verteilungen - Probability Approach.

(Artikel in Nutrition Reviews zum Nährstoffbedarf - individuell vs Interpretation bei Erhebungen)

G. H. Beaton, "Nutritional Assessment of Observed Dietary Intake: An Interpretation of Recent Requirement Reports," in H. H. Draper, ea., Recent Advances in Nutrition Research

G. H. Beaton et al., "Sources of Variance in 24-hour Dietary Recall Data: Implications for Nutrition Study Design and Interpretation," A.J.C.N., 32:2546 2559 (1979).

G. H. Beaton et al., "Sources of Variance in 24-hour Dietary Recall Data: implications for Nutrition Study Design and Interpretation. Carbohydrate Sources, Vitamins and Minerals," A.1.C.N., 37: 986995 (1983).



Nutrient Adequacy:Assessment Using Food Consumption Surveys - http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=618&page=129(im Internet lesbar) (Summary)

http://www.fao.org/docrep/U5900t/u5900t03.htm -  Derivation, interpretation and application in evolutionary perspective (Download)


Errors in interpretation of dietary assessments. (1997) Beaton, G.H., Burema, J., Ritenbaugh, C.  ( Interpretation Datenanalyse - AJCN  1994)

Nutrition Policy in Transition Beaton, G.H.

Vitamin C and the common cold.Beaton, G. H., Whalen, S.

Hemoglobin Levels and iron Intakes in Infants Attending Selected Child Health Centres in the City of Toronto

Milne, H., Beaton, G.H., Latchford, L.M., Vaughan, M., Moss, G.W.O. An investigation of the hemoglobin levels of infants in potentially high-risk categories demonstrated the possibilities of a public health program of screening and referral for anemia. Blood samples...

Vitamin C and the common cold: a double-blind trial Anderson, T. W., Reid, D. B. W., Beaton, G. H.A large scale double-blind trial was conducted to test the claim that the intake of one gram of vitamin C per day substantially reduces the frequency and duration of “colds”. It was found that in...

Vitamin C and the common cold. Anderson, T. W., Reid, D. B., Beaton, G. H.

Oral contraceptive drugs: some observations on their effect on menstrual loss and hematologic indices. Thein, M., Beaton, G. H., Milne, H., Veen, M. J.

The effect on winter illness of large doses of vitamin C Anderson, T. W., Suranyi, G., Beaton, G. H.

Between December 1972 and February 1973, 2349 volunteers participated in a double-blind trial to assess the effect of large doses of vitamin C on the incidence and severity of winter illness. In...

Community health: a new approach in the University of Tronto.Beaton, G. H.

Editorial: Nutritional problems in the Arctic.Beaton, G. H

Winter illness and vitamin C: the effect of relatively low doses. Anderson, T. W., Beaton, G. H., Corey, P., Spero, L.

After their random -llocation to one of three treatment aroups, 622 volunteers received either vitamin C or placebo in a maintenance dose of 500 mg once weekly and a therapeutic dose of 1500 mg daily...