TYPO3 Musterprojekt - Thursday, 25. April 2024
Druckversion der Seite: Limonaden - Softdrinks
URL: ernaehrungsdenkwerkstatt.de/public-health-nutrition/nutrition-policy/dietary-goals/limonaden-softdrinks.html


Das Ernährungsziel - Verminderung des Konsums an Limonaden/Softdrinks

Empfehlungen der FSA (2010) zur Reduktion des Fett- und Zuckergehaltes in der Lebensmittelproduktion (Presse-Internet-Info)  (Hintergründe) (Empfehlung an Food Industry)

e-Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA):
- Lobstein, Tim: Reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to reduce the risk of childhood overweight and obesity - Biological, behavioural and contextual rationale, WHO, Sep 2014 (link
- WHO technical staff: Reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to reduce the risk of unhealthy weight gain in adults - Biological, behavioural and contextual rationale, WHO, Sep 2014 (link)

Emmert-Fees, K.M.F. et al.: Projected health and economic impacts of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation in Germany: A cross-validation modelling study.  PLOS Medicine  doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1004311 (21.11.2023) ⇔ Zuckersteuer könnte bis zu 16 Milliarden Euro einsparen. idw-Pressemitteilung am 22.11.2023 von www.tum.de  - Germany: Sugar tax could save as much as 16 billion euros. link bei www.eurekalert.org 21.11.2023 - Deutliche positive Auswirkungen“ - Studie: Zuckersteuer könnte bis zu 16 Milliarden Euro sparen  link bei www.rnd.de 22.11.2023 - Übergewicht und Erkrankungen - Softdrink-Steuer würde Milliarden einsparen Tagesschau  22.11.2023 - Peters, F.: Zuckersteuer kann Erkrankungsrisiken senken und Milliarden Euro sparen. link bei www.heilpraxisnet.de 22.11.2023

Studie: Zuckerreduktion bei Softdrinks kommt nicht voran – Reduktionprogramm der Bundesregierung unzureichend. idw-Pressemitteilung am 21.02.2023 von www.dank-allianz.de -⇔ von Philipsborn,P. et al.: Interim Evaluation of Germany’s Sugar Reduction Strategy for Soft Drinks: Commitments versus Actual Trends in Sugar Content and Sugar Sales from Soft Drinks. Ann Nutr Metab doi: 10.1159/000529592 (21.02.2023)  / Hoffmann, A.: Studie: Softdrinks in Deutschland enthalten immer noch zu viel Zucker link bei www.rnd.de  21.02.2023 , Ruddat, M.: So schädlich sind Softdrinks für Kinder und Erwachsene Spiegel 21.02.2023

Do policies targeting sugary drinks pay off? link bei www.eurekalert.org 09.06.2019
Von Philipsborn, P. et al.: Environmental interventions to reduce the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and their effects on health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012292.pub2 (2019) ⇔ ScienceDaily 12.06.2019 + link bei www.eurekalert.org 12.06.2019  ("Was hilft gegen die Zuckerflut in Getränken?" dpa-Pressemeldung 14.06.2019 z.B. in Rhein-Zeitung + Bürstädter Zeitung)
Smith Tailley, L et al. (Popkin. B. Chapel Hill): Changes in food purchases after the Chilean policies on food labelling, marketing, and sales in schools: a before and after study. Lancet Global Health 5(8) E526-E533,doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00172-8 (01.08.2021)  ⇔ Sugary drink consumption plunges in Chile after new food law. link bei www.eurekalert.org 11.08.2021

Montaña Blasco, M., Jiménez-Morales, M.: Soft Drinks and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Advertising in Spain: Correlation between Nutritional Values and Advertising Discursive Strategies.  Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(7), 2335; doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17072335 (30.03.2020) (Special Issue Marketing of Foods and Beverages: Impact and Potential Solutions for Children and Young People’s Health)  ⇔"The prevention of childhood obesity would require stricter advertising regulations." link bei www.eurekalert.org 26.05.2020

Sylvetsky, A.C. et al.: Consumption of low‐calorie sweetened beverages is associated with higher total energy and sugar intake among children, NHANES 2011–2016. Pediatric Obesity doi.org/10.1111/ijpo.12535 (02.05.2019) ⇔ Water is the best choice for kids. Food Navigator 13.05.2019

Andersen, LBB et al.: The effects of water and dairy drinks on dietary patterns in overweight adolescents. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2016; 67 (3): 314 DOI:  10.3109/09637486.2016.1150435ScienceDaily 29.04.2016 -

Hall, M.G. et al.: The impact of pictorial health warnings on purchases of sugary drinks for children: A randomized controlled trial.  PLOS Medicine doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003885 (01.02.2022) ⇔ Picture warnings on sodas? A promising tool to fight childhood obesity. link A + Pictorial warnings could reduce purchases of sugary drinks. link B bei www.eurekalert.org 01.02.2022

Maßnahmen (Preis - "Sugar Tax") (Staal.Regulierung)

Economists find net benefit in soda tax. ScienceDaily 20.05.2019 ⇒⇒ Allcott, H. et al.:  Regressive Sin Taxes, With an Application to the Optimal Soda Tax. Quarterly Journal of Economics 2019 

Vargas-Garcia, E.J. et al.:  Interventions to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages or increase water intake: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 2017; DOI: 10.1111/obr.12580 ⇔ ScienceDaily 19.07.2017; link bei www.eurekalert.org 19.07.2017

Kern, D.M. et al.:  Neighbourhood variation in the price of soda relative to milk and its association with neighbourhood socio-economic status and race. Public Health Nutrition, 2016; 1 DOI: 10.1017/S1368980016001579 (Ref. ScienceDaily 18.07.2016)

Mullee, A. et al.: Association Between Soft Drink Consumption and Mortality in 10 European Countries.  JAMA Intern Med. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.2478 (03.09.2019) ⇔ link bei www.eurekalert.org 03.09.2019 + ScieneDaily 05.09.2019

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