Zum Übergewicht in den USA sind sehr viele Informationen vorhanden - siehe http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html (link zum Index )
- Daten zum Übergewicht (Trends, Maps) (+ körperlicher Aktivität) - link- link -
MMWR-Nov 2009 - Obesity and Diabetes Prevalence Maps
- Prevalence Maps -
Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps. link bei www.cdc.gov Sep 2019 - link (Sep 2023)
Number of States With High Obesity Prevalence Rises to 16, E-Mail-Newsletter (15.09.2021)
GBD 2021 US Obesity Forecasting Collaborators: National-level and state-level prevalence of overweight and obesity among children, adolescents, and adults in the USA,
1990–2021, and forecasts up to 2050. Lancet 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01548-4 (14.11.2024) / The Lancet: Without immediate action nearly 260 million people in the USA predicted to have overweight or obesity by 2050. link bei www.eurekalert.org 14.11.2024 / Neue Studie zu Übergewicht - Die fettleibigen Staaten von Amerika Spiegel 15.11.2024
Tucker, L.A., Parker, K.: . 10-Year Weight Gain in 13,802 US Adults: The Role of Age, Sex, and Race. J Obesity 2022: 1 DOI: 10.1155/2022/7652408 (06.05.2022) ⇔ As US obesity epidemic grows, new study shows who is gaining weight over the last decade. ScienceDaily 23.06.2022 + link bei www.eurekalert.org 06.2022
Hu, K., Staiano, A.E. Trends in Obesity Prevalence Among Children and Adolescents Aged 2 to 19 Years in the US From 2011 to 2020. JAMA Pediatr. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.2052 (25.07.2022) ⇔ Change in prevalence of obesity among children, teens in US. link bei www.eurekalert.org 25.07.2022
Hales, C.M. et al.: Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Adults: United States, 2017–2018 NCHS Data Brief No.360, Feb. 2020 - In 2017–2018, the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in adults was 42.4% and severe obesity was 9.2% There were no significant differences between men and women. From 1999–2000 through 2017–2018, the prevalence of both obesity and severe obesity increased.
Pan, L. et al.: Changes in Obesity Among US Children Aged 2 Through 4 Years Enrolled in WIC During 2010-2016. JAMA 321(23):2364-2366. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.5051 (18.06.2019)
Hales, C.M. et al.: Trends in Obesity and Severe Obesity Prevalence in US Youth and Adults by Sex and Age, 2007-2008 to 2015-2016. JAMA doi:10.1001/jama.2018.3060 (23.03.2018) + J Amer Med Ass (24.04.2018) ⇔ link bei www.eurekalert.org 23.03.2018
- J Amer Med Ass. Vol.319(3): 205-316 (16.01.2018) Theme Issue: Obesity
- Ogden, C.L. et al.: Differences in Obesity Prevalence by Demographics and Urbanization in US Children and Adolescents, 2013-2016. JAMA 319(23):2410-2418. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.5158 (19.06.2018)
- Hales, C.M. et al.: Differences in Obesity Prevalence by Demographic Characteristics and Urbanization Level Among Adults in the United States, 2013-2016. JAMA 319(23):2419-2429. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.7270 (19.06.2018)
Kuehn, B.: Obesity rates increading. JAMA 320(16):1632. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.15094 (25.09.2018)
Preston, S.H. et al.: The role of obesity in exceptionally slow US mortality improvement. Proc Nat Acad Sci 2018; 201716802 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1716802115 ⇔- ScienceDaily 15.01.2018
Barroso M, et al.: Interaction between cardiovascular risk factors and body mass index and 10-year incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer death, and overall mortality. Prev Med doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.11.013 (16.11.2017) ⇔ link bei www.eurekalert.org 16.01.2018
- Skinner, A.C. et al.: Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity in US Children, 1999–2016. Pediatrics, 2018; e20173459 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2017-3459 ⇔ "Newest data shows childhood obesity continues to increase Across all ages, African-American, Hispanic children have highest rates." ScienceDaily 26.02.2018
Childhood obesity rates are climbing. link bei www.eurekalert.org 09.06.2018
- Hales, C.M. et al.: Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2015–2016. NCHS Data Brief No. 288, October 2017 (kein Anstieg, gleichbleibend hoch)
- Ogden C.L et al. Trends in Obesity Among Adults in the United States, 2005-2014. JAMA, June 2016 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2016.6458 - Bei Frauen nimmt Übergewicht zu, nicht bei Männern. ScienceDaily 07.06.2016 -Ogden, C.L. et al.: Trends in Obesity Prevalence Among Children and Adolescents in the United States, 1988-1994 Through 2013-2014. JAMA, 2016; 315 (21): 2292 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2016.6361 - leichter Anstieg Science Daily 07.06.2016
Adult Obesity Rate in the U.S., 2014 - 27,7 - 2013 - 27.1% Gallup Bericht, 22.05.2014 und 26.01.2015 - Obesity Rates lowest in Hawaii, highest in Mississippi - Gallup, 27.05.2015
Übergewicht bei US-amerikanischen Kinder steigt deutlich (Sciencedaily - 07.04.2014) Asheley Cockrell Skinner, Joseph A. Skelton. Prevalence and Trends in Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Children in the United States, 1999-2012. JAMA Pediatrics, 2014 DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.21
Lin Yang, Graham A. Colditz. Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in the United States, 2007-2012. JAMA Internal Medicine, 2015; DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.2405 (Science daily - 22.06.2015)
Prevalence of Obesity in US 2011-2012 - NHCS Databrief Nr.131 - Oct 2013) - gleich hoch - ca 35% aller Erwachsenen sind "obese"
Prevalence of Obesity in US 2009-2010 (link) (NHCS Databrief No.82 - Jan 2012 - download)
Übergewicht bei US-Kindern geht erstmals zurück (link) (Aug. 2013 - Factsheet)
US-battle with obesity - daily infographic - 28.12.2014
Tagung Mai 2012 "Weight of the Nation" (Press-Release 7.5.2012) Presse-Bericht (z.B. Tagesanzeiger Schweiz 10.5.12) IMO-Study -Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation Download
Weight of the Nation - website
CDC Weight of the Nationâ„¢ 2012 Conference (WON 2012) May 7 - 9, 2012 in Washington, D.C at: www.weightofthenation.org
No56 - Adult Obesity Prevalence in Canada and in US; NCHS Data Brief No.56 March 2011;
No. 51. Obesity and Socioeconomic Status in Children and Adolescents: UnitedStates, 2005-2008. 8 pp. (PHS) 2011-1209. December 2010. [PDF - 1 MB] -
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db51.htm ---
No. 50. Obesity and Socioeconomic Status in Adults: United States, 2005-2008. 8 pp. (PHS) 2011-1209. December 2010. [PDF - 1 MB] -
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db50.htm -
NIH Launches Program to Develop Innovative Approaches to Combat Obesity
http://www.nih.gov/news/health/dec2009/nhlbi-10.htm (Download)
Modell - Übergewicht - Risiko-Beziehungen
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) opened officially on July 1, 1995. http://obssr.od.nih.gov/index.aspx
• Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults; http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/ob_home.htm
• NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative;http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/about/oei/
• NIH Obesity Research; http://www.obesityresearch.nih.gov/
• Aim for a Healthy Weight; http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/obesity/lose_wt/index.htm
• We Can!; http://wecan.nhlbi.nih.gov /
Auch auf dem Feld des Übergewichts-Kampfes sind die USA bisher erfolglos - USA verlieren Kampf gegen die Fettleibigkeit Zwei Drittel aller Bürger sind zu dick (Standard, Wien 1.7.2009)
-F in Fat 2009 - How Obesity Policies are Failing in America (Healthy Americans - Obesity 2009) (State Specific Obesity Information)
National Health Interview Survey (USA 2007) - Morbidität - CHD, Lunge, Krebs, Diabetes; Niere, Leber, Arthritis; Probleme mit Hören, Sehen; Zähnen; psychische Probleme; Arbeitsunfhigkeits-Tage; körperliche Behinderungen; Rauchen; Alkohol, körperliche Aktivität: BMI - Übergewicht; Inanspruchnahme des Gesunheitssystems / Arztbesuche; (Definitionen - Technische Details)
Entgegen allen Klischees: Der Anteil übergewichtiger Amerikaner stagniert auf hohem Niveau. Anderswo stellt das Übergewicht eine größere Gefahr dar. (Südd.Ztg 13.1.2010)
Trend zu immer mehr extrem Übergewichtigen in den USA verlangsamt sich (DGE Presse Meldung - 1.2.2010)
Flegal KM et al.: Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults, 1999-2008. JAMA 303 (2010) 235-241
Ogden CL et al.: Prevalence of High Body Mass Index in US Children and Adolescents, 2007-2008. JAMA 303 (2010) 242-249
Gaziano JM: Fifth Phase of the Epidemiologic Transition: The Age of Obesity and Inactivity. JAMA 2010; 303: 275-276
News from CDC´s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity. link bei www.cdc.gov März 2021 ⇔ www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/data-trends-maps -
- Leading Health Indicators - link - bei Healthy People 2030 - www.health.gov -
(Entwicklung von Übergewicht + Fett in USA - Bray/Popkin)
Die Zeit 12.4.2012: Übergewicht bei Kindern in den USA - Mamma, warum bin ich so fett ?
Cutler, D. et al.: 2003. Why have Americans become more obese. Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 (3) 93-118 (2003).
Terry; R.D., Bass, M.A.: Obesity among eastern cherokee indian women: Prevalence, self‐perceptions and experiences. Ecol Food Nutr 14(2): 117-127 (1984)
Tagung Mai 2012
"Weight of the Nation"
(Press-Release 7.5.2012)
Presse-Bericht (z.B. Tagesanzeiger
Schweiz 10.5.12)
-Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention:
Solving the Weight of the Nation Download