Nutrition Rehabilitation in Entwicklungsländer - Nutrition Rehabilitation Center
Die Vorstellungen zur Basisgesundheitversorgung in den Entwicklungsländern zählt eine der Situation angepasste Behandlung von Gesundheitsproblemen. Auf der "Basis" den MCHC (UFC´s) werden die Problemfällte diagnostiziert (CHART); die schweren, akuten Krankheiten (in Entwiklungsländern - z.B. schwere Unterernährungsformen; PEM; Kwashiorkor; Marasmus) müssen in Krankenhäusern behandelt werden. Nicht so ernste, aber behandlungsbedürftige Fälle von Unterernährung werden durch die Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre behandelt. Das sind einfache Einrichtungen in denen die Kinder (im Besein ihrer Mütter) "aufgefüttert" werden. Dazu werden in der Regel einheimische Speisen verwendet (damit die Eltern dies auch zu Hause praktizieren können) (Learning by Doing)
Informationen: Buch - Beaton&Bengoa Nutrition in Preventive Medicine _ Chapter 23
Eigene Erfahrung aus Bumbuli - Soni Rehabilitation Centre
Literaturliste (Grundstock - aus )
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Ashworth, A. (2001) Community-based rehabilitation of severely malnourished children: a review of successful programmes. Community-based rehabilitation of severely malnourished children: a review of successful programmes.
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Sadler, K., Myatt, M., Feleke, T., Collins, S. (2007) A comparison of the programme coverage of two therapeutic feeding interventions implemented in neighbouring districts of Malawi. Public Health Nutrition 2007; 1-7. Sandige, H., Ndekha, M.J., Briend, A., Ashorn, P., Manary, M.J. (2004) Home-based treatment of malnourished Malawian children with locally produced or imported ready-to-use food. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004; 39: 141-146.
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Ian McDowell & Jan Hoorweg: Environmental risk factors in outpatient recovery from malnutrition. Ecol Food Nutr 6(1) 23-30 (1977) (scan im Archiv)
Studies evaluating Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres indicate that they hold several advantages over alternative methods of care for malnourished children. Nonetheless, an important minority of outpatient cases attending such centres does not make adequate progress, and this has been attributed to shortcomings in their home environment.
A survey in Uganda showed that different features of the home environment affected progress for urban and rural outpatients. The findings also suggest that for both groups the child's home situation can indeed be used to explain his progress, with eight variables explaining around 70 percent of the variance in recovery scores. These variables describe the size of the child's family, the level of food resources available, and the amount of help his mother can martial in caring for him.
Information on these predictors of recovery could be recorded in the case notes on the child's first attendance at the clinic, thereby providing an initial estimate of the risk that he will not respond adequately to the outpatient treatment, requiring, instead, more intensive care.
(SPSS-Auswertung; multivariate Analyse)