
Food and You - Survey - FSA-link - for each Nation of the United Kingdom (England; Nothern Ireland; Scotland; Wales )

Findings for Wave 4 (link) - Pressemitteilung 2017  (Download of the Report)

Feb 2010 - Publikation zum National Diet & Nutrition Survey 2008/09
Bericht - Summary-Headlines
Bericht - Tabellen
Anhang - Interviewer-Anleitungen - Kodierung
Anhang - Ernährungs-Tagebuch
Anhang - Ernährungstagebuch - Youth
Anhang - Umwandlungsfakttoren zu vorherigem Survey

Alae-Carew, C. et al.: The role of plant-based alternative foods in sustainable and healthy food systems: Consumption trends in the UK. Science of The Total Environment 151041 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151041 (18.10.2021) ⇔ Plant-based alternative food consumption may have doubled in UK over ten years suggests first analysis of its kind.ScienceDaily 11.11.2021 + link bei 11.11.2021

Umfrage der FSA "Our Future Food" (link ) Feb. 2016
- Full Report - Summary - Appendices - Literature Review

The National Diet & Nutrition Survey-Volume 5

(nicht mehr gültig)

Scheelbeek, P. et al.: Health impacts and environmental footprints of diets that meet the Eatwell Guide recommendations: analyses of multiple UK studies. BMJ Open 10:e037554. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037554  (26.08.2020) ⇔ "Following 'Eatwell Guide' diet could reduce your risk of dying early and lower your environmental footprint." link bei 26.08.2020

SACN position paper on the Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey - May 2009

(2007 Survey - Zusammenfassung)

Karlsruher Ernährungstage 2008 (9-11-Nov_2008) (Abstracts)   - Informationen zur NVS / Europäische Union / Dänemark / Großbritanien / Niederlande / Österreich

Allgemein - UK Data Service (link)  (key data) - Health Survey - National Food Survey

Mallinson, L.J. et al.: Attitudes and behaviour towards convenience food and food waste in the United Kingdom. Appetite 103 (10.08.2016: 17-26  (ref. link bei 01.04.2016),

The National Diet & Nutrition Survey: adults aged 19 to 64 years. Vol1 - Types and quantities of foods consumed. (link)

Fox, P.T. et al. (Erica Wheeler): How young english children were being fed in 1974: A report from the pre‐school child growth survey. Ecol Food Nutr 14(2): 129-141 (1984)