
Dokumente der Oltersdorf Collection (OC)

Die Literaturstudie (Review) aus dem Jahr 1971 (OLT005) "Comparison of Nutrient Intakes in East Afrika" wurde im Rahmen der Promotion von Verena Raschke aufgearbeitet (auch gescannt und im Internet zugänglich gemacht). (Anm. Dokumente sind jetzt - Feb 2021 - nicht mehr im Internet zu finden). Im Jahr 2015 erschien dazu das Buch: Raschke-Cheema, V.:  Health Benefits of Traditional East African Foods and Food Habits: A detailed investigation - Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften - ISBN-10: 3838150791 (link
Die noch verfügbaren verwendeten Dokumente sind zum Teil in meinem Archiv elektronisch zugänglich (Übersicht - Literaturliste 005 - mit Notizen erweiterte Liste)

001 Allen,K.;J.: The monotonous diet of the African. East African Med J 32: 95 (1955)
002 Anderson, T.F.: Kikuyu diet. East African Med J 14:120-131 (1937)
009 Bohdal, M., Gibbs, N. E., Simmons, W.X: Nutritiun survey and campaign against malnutrition in Kenya - 1964-1968. Report to the Ministry of Health of Kenya on the WHO/FAO/UNICEF assisted project
010 Breden,R.M., Marshall,B.: Notes on the composition of cattle for slaughter and the availability of meat in Uganda. Trop. Agric., Trinidad, 36, 309 (1959)
014 Burgess, A.P.: Calories and Proteins available from local sources for Ugandan Africans in 1958 and 1959. East African Med J 39: 449f (1962).
015 Burgess, H.J.L., Dean,R.F.: Protein--calorie-malnutrition in Uganda. 1. General.  East African Med J 39: 357f (1962).
016 Burgess, H.J.L.: Protein--calorie-malnutrition in Uganda. 2. Busoga District. East African Med J 39: 362f (1962).
017 Burgess, H.J.L.: Protein--calorie-malnutrition in Uganda. 3. Bukedi District. East African Med J 39: 375f (1962).
018 Burgess, H.J.L.: Protein--calorie-malnutrition in Uganda. 4. Bugisu District East African Med J 39: 386f (1962).
019 Burgess, H.J.L.: Protein--calorie-malnutrition in Uganda. 5. Ankole District. East African Med J 39: 391f (1962).
020 Burgess, H.J.L.: Protein--calorie-malnutrition in Uganda. 6. Kigezi District. East African Med J 39: 401f (1962).
023 Callanan,J.C.J.: Notes on the foodstuffs of the Luo tribes. Kenya Med J  3: 58 (1926)
027 Cleave,J.H.: Focd consumption in Uganda. East African J Rural Development. 1: 70 (1968)
028 Committee on Nutrition in the Colonial Empire (Economici Advisory Council): Summary of information regarding nutrition in the Colonial Empire; 1st Reprt, Part II H.M.Stat.Office (1939)
030 Courcy-Ireland de,M.G.; Rosking, H.R.; Loewenthal,L.J.A.:An  investigation into health and agriculture in Teso, Uganda. Agricultural Survey Committee. Nutrition Report No.l TESC Government Printer, Entebbe ( 1937)
033 Culwick, A.T., Culwick,G.M.: A study of factors governing the food supply in Ulanga, Tanganyika Territory. East African Med J 16, 43 {1939)
034 Culwick,A.T., Culwick,G.M.: Nutrition and native agriculture in East Africa. East African Agric J 6:146 (1941)
038 Dean,R.F.A.: Protein supplies in Uganda. East African Med J  39: 494 (1962)
042 E:A. Bureau of Research in Medicine & Hygiene, Nairobi: Report on dietary surveys and nutritional assessment in East Africa. Stenciled Paper (1953)
049 A report of a diet survey in the Taveta/Pare area of Tanganyika. East AfricanMedical Survey. Annual Report 1956
072 Gale, G.W.: Food Balance sheets for the African Population. East African Med J 37, 410 {1960)
073 Gerlach,L.P.: Economy and protein malnutrition among the Digo.  Proc Minnesota Academy of Science, 29, 3 ( 1961)
074 Gerlach,L.P.:  Socio-cultural factors affecting the diet of the northeast coastal Bantu.  J Amer Dietetic Assoc 45, 420 (1964)
080 Gower, R.H.: The effect of a change of diet on Masai schoolboys. Tanganyika Notes & Records 26: 77 (1948)
083 Harkness,J.: Deficiency Diseases in the Bukoba District. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg, 28: 407 (1935)
086 Harvey,D.; Titman, G.L.: Plasma protein levels in East Africans. Records of the National Research Labcratory No. 11, Government Printer, Nairobi (1951)
092 Jelliffe, D.B., Bennett,F.J.; Cultural and anthropoligical factors in infant and maternal nutrition. Federation Proc 20: 185 (1961)
094 Jelliffe, D.B., Wilburn, J.; Bennett, F. J., Jelliffe, E. F.J.: The children of the Hadza hunters. Trop Pediatrics 60: 907 (1962)
099 Jelliffe, D.B. et al.: Ecology of childhood disease in the Karamajong of Uganda. Arch Environmental Health 9: 25 (1964)
101 Johnston, B. Food supplies and consumption in Africa. FAO (1961)
107 Kenya Branch of the British Medical Association: Native Diets. Kenya Med J 2: 125 (1925)
112a Kraut,H.: Introducticn and general survey. IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p.15f
112b Poeplau, W., Schlage, C.: Nutrition and health in Usambara. IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p25f
112c Schlage, C.: Analysis of some important foodstuffs of Usambara. IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p.55f
112d Schlage, C.: Observations on local market in Usambara. IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p71f
112e Kreysler; J., Schlage, C.: The nutrition situation in the Pangani Basin, IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p85f
112f Attems, M.G.: The Shambala system of agriculture (Usambara). IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds), p.179f -
112g Kasper, Z., Schaefer,H.J., Theermann, I.: A contribution to determine the nutritional state of the people living in the Central Province of Kenya. IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p227f
112h Keller, W., Muskat, E., Valder, E.: Some observations regarding economy, diet and nutritional status of Kikuyu Farmers in Kenya, IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p241f
112i Korte, R.: The nutritional and health status of the people living on the Mwea-Tebere irrigation settlement. IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München; Afrika-Studien Nr.42, Weltforum-Verlag, München: Investigations into Health and Nutrition in East Africa. H.Kraut, H.D-Cremer (eds) p267f
115 Latham,M.C.: Nutritional problems of Tanganyika. Proc.of the 6th International Congress of Nutrition, Edinburgh, p.449 (1963)
122 Latham, M.C.: Nutritional studies in Tanzania (Tanganyika). World Rev Nutr Diet 7: 31 (1967)
123 Laurie,J.; Brass,Trant Hope:  Health survey in Bukoba District, Tanganyika. East African Medical Survey,Monograph No. 2. Government Printer, Nairobi, 1-141 (1954)
126  Lema,N.T.: Tribal customs in infant feeding among the Chagga. East African Med J  40, 370 (1963)
129 Levy,S.B.: Hemoglobin differences among Kenyan tribes - A survey of eight tribes in seventeen areas of the country. Amer J trop Med Hyg 18, 138, (1969)
134 Loewenthal,L.J: Interim report on nutrition in Uganda. Nutrition Report No.6 of the Agricultural Survey Committee. Government Printer, Entebbe (1940)
140 MCLaren,D.S.: Nutrition and eye disease in East Africa - Experience in Lake and Central provinces, Tanganyika. J Trop Med Hyg 63: 101 (1960)
149 Möller, M.S.G.: African child health. Custom, pregnancy and child rearing  Tanganyika. J TropPepiat 7: 66 (1961)
162 Philip, C.R.: Nutriotion in Kenya - Notes on the state of nutrition of African children East African Med J, 20, 227 (1943)
164 Price, W.A.: Field studies among  some .African tribes on the relation of their nutrition to the incidence of dental caries and dental arch deformities
J Amer dental Association 23: 876 (1936)
165 Procter, R.A.W.: The Kikuyu market and Kikuyu diet. Kenya med J 3: 15 (1926)
172 Robson,J.R.K.: Malnutrition in Tanganyika Tanga Notes and Records, 58, 259 (1962)
173 Rowland,: H.L.K.: Anaemia in Dar es Salaam and methods for its investigation.  Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 60: 143 (1966)
177 Schwartz, R., Dean, R.F.A.:  An investigation of the daily intakes of food of individual boys at a boarding school in Uganda. Brit J Nutrition 9: 230 (1955)
179 Shaffer, R.D., Finklestein, F.: The food and growth of Gugo children. Stenciled paper (1963)
184 Saaper, R.G., Spencer, P.: Physical activity and dietary patterns in the Samburu of Northern Kenya. Trop geogr Med 13, 273 (1961)
186 Smith,H.W., Smith,E.M.: Native .diet in Zanzibar. East African med J 12, 246 (1935)
190 Tanzania Human Nutrition Unit: Tanzania Nutrition Comittee Report Series No. 4 - Report of a dietary survey in the Tabora Region. Government Printer, Dar es Salaam (1967)
192 Tanzania Human Nutrition Unit: .Tanzania Nutrition Comittee Report Series No.6 - Report of a dietary survey in the Kilimanjaro District ( 1968)
193 Tanzania Human Nutrition Unit: .Tanzania Nutrition Comittee Report Series No.7- Report of a dietary suvrey Kisarawe district (1968)
194 Tanzania Human Nutrition Unit: .Tanzania Nutrition Comittee Report 1969/1970. Report of a dietary survey in Kilosa District (1969) 
199 Trowell,H.C.: Calorie and protein requirements of adult male Africans. East African Med J 32: 153 (1955)
200 Uganda Protectorate Nutrition Committee: Review of nutrition in Uganda.  Government Printer, Entebbe, 19p (1945)
216 Zanzibar Protectorate: Nutritional Review of the Natives of Zanzibar. Government Printer, Zanzibar 20p (1937)

A01 Rutishauser, I.H.E.: Custom and Child Health in Buganda. IV. Food and Nutrition. Trop. geogr Med. 15: 138 (1963)
A02 Bennett, F.J.: Custom and Child Health in Buganda. V. Concepts of Disease. Trop. geogr Med. 15: 148 (1963)
A03 Raymond, W.O., Nicodemus, Z.: The nutritive values of some Tanganyika foods. II. Cassava. East African Agricul J 6:154 (1941)



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