Director, UNC Interdisciplinary Obesity Program
Professor of Nutrition
School of Public Health - Carolina Population Center
CB # 8120 University Square - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-3997 USA
CPC Phone Number: (919) 966-1732
Professor of Nutrition and Head, Division of Nutrition Epidemiology, School of Public Health - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
EDUCATION: Ph.D., Cornell University, Agricultural Economics (73-74)
M.S., University of Wisconsin, Economics (68-69)
Other graduate work, University of Pennsylvania (67-68)
B.S., University of Wisconsin, Honors in Economics (62-65, 66-67)
Other undergraduate work, University of New Delhi (65-66)
The nutrition transition: Patterns and Determinants of Dietary Trends and body composition trends (United States and low-income countries);obesity dynamics and their environmental causes; dietary and physical activity patterns, trends, and determinants; the creation of large-scale program and policy initiatives to address nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases..
Barry M. Popkin, Ph.D., is a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill where he heads the division of nutrition epidemiology at the School of Public Health. His research is focused on dynamic changes in diet, physical activity and inactivity, and body composition. Much of his work in nutrition transition studies the rapid changes in obesity. His work and influence is responsible for program and policy options for change.
Dr. Popkin is involved in research around the world. He has an active U.S. program in understanding dietary behavior with a focus on eating patterns, trends and socio-demographic determinants. This includes involvement in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a study of environmental determinants of physical activity and inactivity patterns and obesity among 20,000 U.S. adolescents examined in 1995,1996 and 2001. His work also includes detailed longitudinal studies that he directs in China and Russia, and involvement with longitudinal studies in the Philippines, as well as related work in Brazil and several other countries.
Dr. Popkin has a Ph.D. in economics and serves on several scientific advisory organizations including Chair, the Nutrition Transition Committee for the International Union for the Nutritional Sciences. He has published more than 215 journal articles along with other book chapters, and books.
(Information on B. M. Popkin)
Mendez… Overweight exceeds underweight – in most LDC – AJCN 81 – 714 (2005)
BM Popkin: Global nutrition dynamics AJCN 84_289_2006
Barry M Popkin: The Nutrition Transition – an overview of world patterns of change. Nutr. Rev 62(7) S140-S143 (2004)
Dynamics of the Nutrition Transition toward the Animal Foods Sector inChina and its Implications: Link - Transitition /
Presentation - Nutrition-Transition / global trends
Model - Obesity - Trends / PHN - New Nutrition Sciences - Obesity-Trends
US + Russian Children - Nutrient Intake / Meal Pattern / Beverage /
Folate (Download)
Popkin, B.M., Bisgrove, E.Z.: Urbanization and nutrition in low-income countries. Food Nutr. Bull (UNU) 10(1) 3-23 (1988)
Popkin, BM: Time allocation of the mother and child nutrition. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 9(1) 1-13 (1980)
Popkin, BMÖ: Community‐level considerations in nutrition planning in low income nations. Ecol. Food Nutr. 10(4) 227-236 (1981) (Scan im Archiv)
Reaching those most in need of assistance is a neglected issue in nutrition planning in low income nations. This study shows that the variations in the proportion of third degree Gomez classification of malnutrition among Filipino preschoolers increase significantly as the administration unit decreases from region to province to municipality and finally to the smallest unit— the village oibarangay. At the village level, the proportion of preschoolers with third degree Gomez varied over 30 fold within the same area in the Philippines. Moreover, using Filipino household‐level survey data, it is shown that it is possible to use socioeconomic and other community‐level factors to predict which communities are most nutritionally needy in terms of the proportion of children with third degree malnutrition by the Gomez classification. One implication of this study is the need to give careful consideration to community level factors in the allocation of nutrition resources and the possibility of using nonnutritional indicators for this purpose. Another implication is that caution must be used in generalizing findings from nutritional studies conducted in a limited number of villages.
Poti, JM, Duffey, KJ, Popkin, BM: The association of fast food consumption with poor dietary outcomes and obesity among children: is it the fast food or the remainder of the diet? Amer.J.clin.Nutr. 99(1) 162-171 (2014)
Popkin, BM.: Reducing Meat Consumption Has Multiple Benefits for the World's Health Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(6):543-545. -
Prof. Barry Popkin in seinem Plenarvortrag „Understanding and Addressing the Global Challenge of the Obesity Epidemic“ am zweiten Kongresstag des DGE-Kongresses in Giessen -