In Stadtteilen in denen es mehr Fast-Food-Restaurants (⇒ obsogenic environment) gibt, sind die Menschen dicker, und die Prävalenz von Zivilisationskrankheiten ist höher, z.B. Diabetes (Pressemeldung des Diabetes-Verbandes vom 29.04.2014; ⇒ Bourgoine,Th. et al.: Associations between exposure to takeaway food outlets, takeaway food consumption, and body weight in Cambridgeshire, UK: population based, cross sectional study BMJ 2014; 348 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g1464 (Published 13 March 2014) Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:g146; ⇒ Takeaway Toolkits; to help local authorities develop a response to the health impacts of fast food takeaways. Borschüre, Stadtverwaltung London; Nov. 2012 (Download); Public Health Nutrition - Gemeindeaktionen
⇒ Public Health England: Obesity and the Enviroment: regulating the growth of fast food outlets. März 2014 (UK Government) (download) Healthy Food Environment - Präventionsprogrammbereich in den USA (link bei www.cdc.gov )
Ziel ist den Einwohnern einer Gemeinde ausreichend gesunde Lebensmittel verfügbar zu machen; besonders frisches Obst und Gemüse. Dazu zählt auch für Bedürftige preiswerte Produkte anzubieten. (gute Nahversorgung)
Aktionen planen zusammen mit den entsprechenden Stakeholdern der Gemeinde: Lebensmittelhändler, Frischmarkt; Erreichbarkeit - Anbindung an öffentl. Pesonennahverkehrs
Verfügbarkeit von Schrebergarten (Community Gardens)
Situationsanalysen - Community Food Assessment
Chapt.4 - Food environment and settings - in US Dietary Guidelines 2015
- INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity / non-communicable Diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support) - (Website) und link bei www.worldobesity.org -
- Bei www.accesstonutrition.org werden die Lebensmittelproduzenten danach bewertet inwieweit sie sich für "Nutrition Policy" (healthy food environment) verpflichtet fühlen und wie sie dies umsetzen (Projekt finanziert von Gates-Stiftung und Wellcome Trust)
- Environmental Health (wikipedia)
- General Food Environment Resources bei www.cdc.gov
- Health Effects of Limited Access to Healthy Food: Obesity, Chronic Disease, and Poor Nutrition bei www.cdc.gov
Gondi, K.T. et al.: Health of the Food Environment Is Associated With Heart Failure Mortality in the United States. Circulation: Heart Failure DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.122.009651 (25.10.2022) ⇔ Lack of access to healthy food may raise risk of death from heart failure. ScienceDaily 25.10.2022 + link bei www.eurekalert.org 25.10.2022
Elbel, B. et al.: Childhood Obesity and the Food Environment: A Population-Based Sample of Public School Children in New York City. Obesity. ⇔ "How far schoolkids live from junk food sources tied to obesity." link bei www.eurekalert.org 29.10.2019 + Elbel, B.: The Role of the Policy and the Food Environment on Childhood Obesity. Presentation. link) bei http://www.nycnen.org - New York City Nutrition Education Network
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doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219365 (07.08.2019) ⇔ "Fast-food availability near commute route linked to BMI." link bei www.eurekalert.org 07.08.2019 Kalorienfalle auf dem Heimweg: US-Studie über die „tägliche Versuchung“.- BZfE News 11.09.2019
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Story M, Kaphingst KM, Robinson-O'Brien R, Glanz K. Creating healthy food and eating environments: policy and environmental approaches. Annual Review of Public Health 2008;29;253–72.
Zenk SN, Schulz AJ, Israel BA, James SA, Bao SM, Wilson ML. Fruit and vegetable access differs by community racial composition and socioeconomic position in Detroit, Michigan. Ethn Dis 2006;16(1):275–80.
Subject: CDC Overweight and Obesity (Nutrition and Physical Activity) Update
CDC Report Highlights Lack of Healthy Food Environments for Children
"This report underscores the need to make healthier choices easier for kids and more accessible and affordable for parents."
The 2011 Children's Food Environment State Indicator Report compiles data from a variety of sources, including Preventing Obesity in the Child Care Setting: Evaluating State Regulations and CDC's School Health Profiles. The full report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/ChildrensFoodEnvironment.pdf . State tables are at http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/ChildrensFoodEnvironment.pdf #page=8. For information about childhood obesity visit http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/childhood .
Public Invited to Comment on New Principles for Children's Food Advertising April 29, 2011 (Summary) Proposed principles support advertising healthier foods to children.
Laura J. Miller, Sarah Joyce, Shannon Carter, Grace Yun. Associations Between Childhood Obesity and the Availability of Food Outlets in the Local Environment: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study. American Journal of Health Promotion, 2014; 28 (6): e137 DOI: 10.4278/ajhp.130214-QUAN-70 ⇒⇒ Science Daily 08.07.2014